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Since 95% of Iranians hate their President and want democracy, they should not be targeted. I am for the CIA or Special Ops assassinating the President of Iran and capturing the Ayatollah, making it look like the doing of Iranian Communists, but not killing the Ayatollah, as killing him will cause a religious problem and he knows important things. And then we use drone aircraft to strike the highest risk nuclear facilities when people are not working there. And then we go home without killing any Iranian civilians. The civilians don't need to be killed because of their horrible leader.

2007-06-21 08:26:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

I would do nothing. The best strategy is to let the leader of Iran keep doing what he is doing. He's going to spend billions of dollars on radioactive centrifuges while his people are starving.

95 percent of Iranians hate president bush. About the same number hate their own leader.

The key is Putin. As long as he keeps propping up the Government it will keep going. The Russians have always been pro-Iran.

When the government has been sufficently destablized by internal conflict, and there is a lot of it, the government will collapse and then things will get very bad.

2007-06-21 08:36:02 · answer #1 · answered by Ninja grape juice 4 · 0 1

Are you aware of what is happening in Iraq currently?

You are crazy. Another unjustified war in Asia?
And someone actually said that they would vote for you?

Sometimes I hate it when my fellow Americans are so ignorant. It makes us all look so damn bad.

Do some F@#$%&*G homework!
Your question has errors in thought and a disregard for history and knowledge all over it! And honestly doesn't even deserve a response but I'm being generous.

First of all the Iranian president has no real power, the office is not equivalent to the US presidency. So there really is no point in giving weight to what the President says. Their horrible leader is horrible but he has no power- by responding to him you are actually giving him power.

The CIA did support a coup d'etat in Iran in 1953. Also the US supported Iraq over Iran in their war in the 80s. Because of these thing the Iranians are not very fond of the US, there is a lot of resentment.

Iranians who are in exile, who do not even like the current government have stated that if the US invaded they, still being Iranian, would support Iran against the US no matter what. This is telling.
However plenty of people are still in Iran, and this current generation that has grown up after the revolution does not oppose the government as much because it is the only thing the have known and they have found other outlets for their autonomy.

People do not appreciate their sovereignty being violated- it does not matter what it is the name of - freedom, capitalism etc.- you will lose.

America has lost Vietnam and Iraq, when will we realize that when people are fighting against perceived imperialism they will whoop us?

The Iranians are very proud people with a rich history that dates back further than our own. The majority of the world does not want the US meddling in its affairs. This lesson is not so difficult- why is it so hard for Americans to learn?

Please for the safety of the world never go into politics.
And also look into some more education, you need it. Also a history book on Iran might be useful.

2007-06-21 15:49:53 · answer #2 · answered by sbcalif 4 · 1 0

The Iranian nuclear weapons program is very popular with the Iranian people. This isn't just some crazy leader pushing it.. it's the whole country.

The belief that you can stop this with a military strike without killing a lot of people, including civilians, is amazingly naive.

It would be nice if diplomacy worked, but the Iranians have yet to negotiate in good faith.. insteading opting to use the negotiation process to buy more time to advance their weapon program.

2007-06-21 15:34:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think you're overestimating Iran's population, they aren't that rebellous. Mainly you want to cut the communication between the religious ruling class and the populace, the miltary would be a non-issue since we can vaporize virtually any army in the world. We just don't want to get into an Iraq type situation where we think we can play policeman and make all sides happy. You have to use the carrot-or stick method. Be peaceful and don't use IED's you get the carrot, otherwise you get the stick.

2007-06-21 15:33:03 · answer #4 · answered by John L 5 · 0 0

The Iranian President is expected to lose his reelection bid in the next election. There is no need to assassinate him. He has a big mouth.
Iran couldn't even beat Iraq. We're on the other side of the planet. Ignore Iran.

2007-06-21 15:32:45 · answer #5 · answered by CaesarLives 5 · 3 1

The US did that before and overthrew the Iran government, putting in the Shah of Iran. That simmered until the Shahs death, and more radical elements were poised to 'get even' with us.

Best strategy? Keep our noses out of countries that are stable, that have elected their government, and let the process of democracy (even in a limited sense) make the change.

2007-06-21 15:34:17 · answer #6 · answered by words_smith_4u 6 · 2 1

Evaluate all strategies then determine which strategy provides the most corporate profit. Simple. Need proof? Just ask the real president, Dick Cheney.

2007-06-21 15:39:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Oh Puhleazzzzzzze, If they hate their president then why don't they do something about it? It is not our place to keep going in and knocking down governments, the people need to start helping themselves before we actually go in. Especially nowadays I don't believe our government when they issue these types of reports, I have to question if they are trying to manipulate us again.

2007-06-21 15:39:13 · answer #8 · answered by Lori B 6 · 2 0

Oh please, we are killing more Iraqi's than Saddam Hussein did? We are certainly killing more civilians than "Iran's terrible leader"! Lets get rid of OUR terrible leader!

And learn a little history why don't you! It WAS the CIA and the US who toppled AN ELECTED government in Iran to put in the pro-US oil Shaw of Iran! They HAD AN ELECTED GOVERNMENT BEFORE WE STUCK OUR NOSE IN FOR OIL!

We have no reason to attack Iran! We are already getting our butts kicked in Iraq!

2007-06-21 15:33:01 · answer #9 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 1

that would be very hard to pull off... and if they found out it was the Americans... it would be bad on ALL SIDES...

we can't even stabilize Iraq...

and I'm not sure 95 percent hate him... many probably do, but if 95 percent did, I think he would have been overthrown by now...

2007-06-21 15:32:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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