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TOS? Yahoo streadily is allowing this , yet they are all too quick to violate anyone who supports our troops, since private corperations must apply the stadnards of free speech ewually or be suject to litigation why is yahoo doing this?

2007-06-21 07:24:41 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

I notice it drew out haters! Who cant answer the question but are all too willing to sling insults about customs and people they no not! They give liberal a very bad name

2007-06-21 07:39:49 · update #1

there were 6 such questions on here yesterday

2007-06-21 08:18:21 · update #2

heres one

2007-06-21 08:20:04 · update #3

30 answers

I'm not sure why YA continually blocks a certain point of view.

This is what I do know. Thanks to the conservatives it is not PC anymore to bash our soldiers in public the Liberal left has retreated to the shadows of the Internet where they cannot be identified! My question is, why bash the middle man? If you don't agree with the war, fine. Bash the politicians who made the decision to go to war. That's almost everyone in Washington which includes Clinton and Obama! Do you know the stress of war? It amazes me that anyone can carry a negative opinion of our soldiers that cannot answer that previous question with a yes.

Also, I have a feeling that YA's political section is being used for terrorist propaganda. Ive seen several questions that seem very very odd.

Here's another question, why did the students at Virginia Tech receive more respect than our fighting men and woman? Don't get me wrong I believe the VT shoot was a tragedy. For two weeks on our media we were introduced to each victim, learned of their live and goals, and summarized the tragedy that was their short life. What do our war dead get? A NUMBER! We have forgotten the fact that the average soldier will spend 2 tours which is a little more that 2 years in a war zone. Away from family, friends, their life on hold and the threat of death or dismemberment.

So you who want to bash our bravest, hide here on YA God help you if you ever come out of the shadows and spew that bullsh*t!

2007-06-21 17:27:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

There is plenty of hate in the world but there is a lot of misdirected hate also. My guess is the people spewing this hate have never had to make a difference or decision or been in a position where the next seconds will change their lives.

I have never been in combat or served. Those who do deserve all we can give them. I have never had a problem with military points. As low as my draft number was ( 53) I had a 4 yr scholarship so got an S1 deferment. The war was virtually over before that year was up. Anyone that hates those who did what the rest wouldn't , couldn't, didn't do should keep their uniformed opinions to themselves.

Who are they to judge when they have not been in that situation and the argument about being uneducated sounds like it came from a rich politicians son or someone whose Daddy covered for them all their life.

I may get my answer dumped also but these hatemongers will never feel the shame they should.

If you are against war..fine. Do not denigrate those that serve since you cant possibly know the hundreds of thousands that have and therefore shouldn't have an opinion on them personally.

Sorry, I don't usually rant but this is pure hatred, lack of respect, ignorance in the extreme.

What have the hate mongers done to better the world?

2007-06-21 10:34:14 · answer #2 · answered by Ret. Sgt. 7 · 4 0

Yahoo is an Indian business So the standards they go by are those of Bangalore. and Mumbai.

Even though they have a small office in Sunnyvale Ca. The entire business is run from India.

Under Bill Clinton's GATT agreement we must allow Foreign Business the latitude to conduct business in America the same way they do at home.

This means the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of California are both meaningless to Yahoo


2007-06-21 07:38:18 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 4 2

I have been violated so many times for conservative views, all I have to say now is come and get me you misguided liberals, listening to any dullard who has his gaggle of mush eating baby liberals following their ignorant, pompous self. Only in America can you get by with such conduct in wartime. That's why we are stuck with them until they grow up. In any other country at war, they would be guilty of treason. Freedom of speech is not to incite riots or to disturb a fallen soldiers funeral. YAHOO is run by a bunch of bloody liberals.

2007-06-21 08:44:32 · answer #4 · answered by One Wing Eagle Woman 6 · 4 0

I sometimes wonder how some of these question get through...I post a question about two months ago after the South Park show called "Snuke" came out...it said: "What is the Creature in Hilary Clinton's Vagina, and why is it so angry?" and it did not even get posted...but a question yesterday "Why are Soldiers a Huge Transmitter of HIV?" got posted...makes your wonder, does it not?

2007-06-21 07:38:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I dont know...maybe we could get someone who is not so far left to get a computer business going ...give them competition like Fox is doing . I just wish that Anna P, who asked that question would ask it is some biker bar one night instead of behind a computer screen.

2007-06-21 09:13:57 · answer #6 · answered by dr strangelove 6 · 3 0

Those that hate their protectors have a right to free speech. They also have a right to remain silent. They should probably exercise the latter since they are too cowardly to do the job we do.

2007-06-21 12:32:02 · answer #7 · answered by John T 6 · 3 0

the stop those empty big words, fighting what! those are the losers unfit for daily jobs in the society and u calling them brave?
truth is those are cowards that's why they kill civilians and if that's not murder, just let them back and do some murder in your neck of woods.

2007-06-21 19:12:50 · answer #8 · answered by Bill H 3 · 1 0

Paul you are so salient in your point!!! I am not a democrat and I must say that the venom and hatred we see here would totally embarrass me, if I were a dem! The frustration is over the fact that 'hatred" solves nothing!

2007-06-21 08:55:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I don't know, but it should be against the rules. I see some of the answerers can't follow TOS on this question even, and I will be reporting them. God bless our troops!

2007-06-21 07:46:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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