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i lost my virginity when i was 14 n my dad tried to throw the guy in jail cuz he was 16 n i guess its against the law. Well i havnt had sex until recently n now im pregnant. im completely against abortion but i know my dad will try to make me get one if i stay there. my boyfriend's mother has agreed to let me stay with them n they will help me out while i finish my last yr of school and work. Can my dad stop me from moving out?

2007-06-21 06:56:16 · 39 answers · asked by Streetluv919 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

39 answers

Sadly yes, your dad can stop you from moving out and just because he orders an abortion for you does not mean you are bound by that decision.

Fortuntaley the rights of the mother supercede the rights of the grandparent. Not to mention you, even as a minor, have the right to refuse medical treatments of any kind.

I would suggest going to an attorney and talk to him about your rights in going to term with this infant instead of your dad forcing you to have an abortion. While you are at the attorney I would ask if you could claim emancipation now. If you can and if the court finds that your father is "abusing his priviledge as a parent" then you would be free to live with whomever you please.

2007-06-21 07:08:52 · answer #1 · answered by mikeae 6 · 3 0

Relax. Take a test when you feel ready. If it turns out you are pregnant, look into adoption. I was adopted and my family is amazing. I was adopted at 2 days old, and I have an amazing life. I contacted my birthmother 2 years ago now, and we have a good friendship. She was also very young when she gave me up and was in an abusive relationship. She knew she couldnt give me the life I deserved, and I am so happy she did give me up. I really do have amazing parents and they have done so much for me. Adoption is wonderful, and it will be hard for you to give up your child, but you need to realize you need to do whats best for your child. If you wont have any support from family and friends and the x boyfriend, how will you raise this child? How will you earn money? Will you be a high school graduate? Did you want to go to college? Have a good career and a husband before you have a child? Than adoption would be the right idea. Adoption is the most selfless thing you could do. You are making a famlies dream come true, and your giving your child the life you could not have provided it. Adoption is wonderful, and you wont need to worry about your medical expenses either. If you do find out your pregnant, call up some adoption agencys and they will be more than willing to help you through this time. You can even help choose the family that your baby will go to. You can also choose to have an open semi open or closed adoption. Its a wonderful option and I would reccomend it. I am so happy I was put up for adoption, and all my friends that were also adopted have benefited greatly from the birthmothers selflessness. My birthmother made the right chose and I am forever greatful to her. Everything will work out in the end. Everything happens for a reason. Dont stress, and just look foward to the future. You will be fine.

2016-05-17 04:00:15 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Yes, legally right now he could stop you from moving out because you are still considered a minor. Talk with your boyfriends parents about a minor becoming legally emancipated. His parents should know what this means and should be able to help you with that legal process. Then having the baby, having an abortion, or giving up for adoption will be your choice to make and your father, mother, or whoever is your legal guardian now will have no say in the matter because you will have been declared an adult through the legal system.

2007-06-21 07:02:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unless you are legally emancipated your dad can prevent you from moving out. Speak with a social worker about your options involving this. There may be a loop hole.

No matter what age a minor is [even if she is 9 years old, which is unlikely, but I'm just giving you an example of how young they can be....], no matter how young the minor must sign a consent form. And involving young women like this there is usually a private counselor meeting that takes before the abortion or adoption takes place. [Where the minor can discuss whether or not she *actually* wants to have the abortion or adoption.

2007-06-21 07:02:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Im not sure how it is in your state, but in Utah... if you are 17 and your pregnancy has been confirmed by a doctor then your parents cant legally do anything. My cousin had the same problem when she was 17 and her parents tried to first make her get an abortion (lost that in court), then they tried to get custody of the baby (lost that i court)... I wouldnt be too worried, you're almost 18. Just let your parents know and if your dad freaks out, go stay with your boyfriend. Congrats though & good luck!

2007-06-21 07:13:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, sorry darlin' but I don know how far your dad will go with this. But if u think that he will make you abort the baby, just tell him that u are completely against it, and why you are. Tell him that you love him and just know that he loves you. Tell you dad that if he wants you to abort the baby, u are gonna move out into your bf's house. But if he tells u that u can't move out, tell him that u will stay at ur house, but will be treated and respected like an adult. Tell him that if u stay u will not abort the baby. And u know that when the baby is born that u r gonna love and cherish him/her. So also tell him that u already love da bby and that u know that he will also when he is a grandfather. And if u do move out with ur bf, don't have sex again until u two have finished your schooling and are by law married.

2007-06-21 07:12:10 · answer #6 · answered by jacy 2 · 0 0

He can basically stop you from moving out. Or he can make your boyfriend's parents sign a paper stating that they are responsible for your actions while you are out of his house. He cannot force you to get an abortion, that is completely your choice. He may disown you or kick you out, but that is really as far as he can go legally. Even if he kicks you out that is still basically illegal because he is responsible for you until you are 18 yrs of age unless you get emancipated. Being that when you lost your virginity at 14 and they guy was 16 it was not illegal because yous were both minors. If he was over 18 that is a different story. Not saying that I condone that, but those are the facts.

2007-06-21 07:02:02 · answer #7 · answered by angeleyes818 4 · 2 0

he can stop you from moving out sorry to say but he cannot make you have an abortion check into the emancipation laws in yoru state you may be able to leave being pregnant. Check into this and some states allow 17yr olds to move out on their own it really depends on where u live. Good luck and congrats dont let your dad get you down

2007-06-21 07:07:58 · answer #8 · answered by squirrellchica 3 · 0 0

This is a tough one for you, in a lot of places then yeh he can stop you from going because you aren't 18, its the same in the UK, and it is so frustrating, but on the other hand if you explain to him that you are moving in with your boyfriends parents he might be a bit more understanding then what you think, When will you be 18? As soon as you are 18 then he won't have a leg to stand on..
All i can say is good luck, and i hope everything goes ok.

2007-06-21 07:41:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


First let me start off by saying that I understand your difficult position. But as a parent myself (of a 6 year old and 4 year old set of twins) that it is a wonderful thing. But being pregnant is a big deal and life changing.

I had problems getting along with my parents as a teen so I can relate to your situation. You must sit your father down, and CALMLY, let me say again, CALMLY tell him that he needs to be rational in his discipline.

Tell him that it's ok for him to be mad. It's expected, it shows that he loves you. But actually DOING it will only make you rebel and have something against him. As a father I can let my emotions get the best of me, but at that moment, it is very crucial for me to THINK and visualize the consequences of my actions. Tough love is one thing, but discipline with a vengeful heart is wrong.

Tell him that you're pregnant and that you know that it might devastate him. Tell him that you feel bad for what happened but you do not believe in abortion and you will keep it. Tell him that this is your baby and that you will be responsible for the baby.

Believe me, he will be furious, but it will pass. You've been mad before, and you know anger passes. He loves you and wants the best for you, so his anger will pass, and as a father, he will want to help you.

Leaving the house is not a good thing to do, especially when you are pregnant. The guy's parents might be supportive initially but they will have to put up with you.

IN any case, honesty is the best policy and we all have to face the music and the consequences of our actions. This is a defining moment for you, one which will chane you to the core for the rest of your life. Do the right thing, you will serve as an example for your child.

You may also try telling an adult you trust, like an uncle, aunt. And then bring them with you and have them present when you tell your dad. This person migh thelp your dad see things from a different perspective.

God bless you.

2007-06-21 07:37:39 · answer #10 · answered by Big Sam 2 · 0 0

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