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Since abortion has been legal for hundreds of years, and it has been guaranteed as a right to women for over 30 years, how did the dems win in '06? This is in response to the mental giants who think abortion is good because dems do it, and they are aborting future dems...anyone got a logical conclusion?

2007-06-21 06:41:29 · 25 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics & Government Politics

sbay, do you even think about the question when you answer? Because you sure look the fool right now...

2007-06-21 06:50:06 · update #1

I don;t believe that the elections were won because of the war...I believe that they won because the right to life movement didn;t come out in the same numbers as they usually do. That isn;t to say that IU believe the reason people voted dem was because of the war...but that isn't the reason they were the majority

2007-06-21 06:52:40 · update #2

firstorm, thanks for answering,m but let me say, I definitely voted against DeVos, and not against Bush. I voted for Granholm, because I do not blame the economy on her (like DeVos did) I blame it on bad republican oversight for many years (Engler) and the refusal in the past to diversify our economy. AT least she recognizes there is a problem, and wants to provide solutions (unlike the majority of the dems...)

2007-06-21 07:05:57 · update #3

Uh, check your facts, it was legal before Roe, it was legal when the constitution was written.

2007-06-22 03:04:06 · update #4

25 answers

That's kind of like saying that the poor and undereducated are the ones who have the most children, so all the Conservatives must be poor and undereducated.

2007-06-21 06:46:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

It's really not a mystery. A lot of people have said that the war was a big issue, and it is. The country, as a whole, is not happy with the direction things have been going in Iraq. They voted for Democrats because they wanted a change. Some, mainly hard-line liberals, voted because they want immediate withdrawl. Others, those who would consider themselves more moderate (and possibly a good number of our troops) voted that way because they wanted a change in strategy.

However, as the dems have quickly proven, they did not win on their own merits. Beyond a couple minor things in those first 'hundred hours", there has been very little progress or change made by the democratic majority. In fact, listening to many leaders like Harry Reid, it seems they are more concerned with positioning themselves for a 2008 election than actually doing anything for the country.

In Michigan, watching the campaigns, I could see that many of the democratic candidates (including the gubernatorial candidate, Jennifer Granholm) were not running against their Republican opponents, but rather, against GEORGE BUSH! They did not win on their own merits, but instead rode the wave of anti-Bush fervor that has swept our nation.

However, this is not the entire cause. A good number of conservatives, myself included, are fed up with the GOP. We are fed up with them for (and the dems are just as guilty of this... $24,000,000,000 in pork to pass a meaningless surrender bill) spending money like drunken sailors. We are fed up with them for not standing up for this country's best interests on issues like Border Control (again, dems are just as guilty). Many Republicans have attempted to move to the left, thinking that perhaps this was the only way to get elected. In so doing, they alienated themselves from the conservative base, so many conservatives stayed home.

So in short, there are many factors. Abortion is certainly A factor, but it is not THE deciding factor. In fact, I think in 2006, it was, and in 2008 it will be one of the least influential issues.

I respect your views, but I am also a student of economics. While the states innitial budget problems can reasonably be said to have originated with governor Engler, economic changes take between three and four years to have a noticable effect. It has been that long, and our economy has continued to sink further into the hole under Granholm's watch. Her solutions have been to raise taxes (an economy-killing move), and to allow many criminals to leave prison without fully paying their debts to society. Meanwhile, this state continues to lose jobs (over 300,000 last I heard), and all she can do is continue to blame Bush and blame Engler. It has been five years. There is no one she can blame now but herself.

2007-06-21 07:01:35 · answer #2 · answered by Firestorm 6 · 2 0

The dems won in '06 because the American public is frustrated with the way things are going and were looking for change. I simply don't see the elections of '06 as anything having to do with the abortion issue.

In fact, we have laws in effect right now whether people like it or not. Arguing about what is already a law, makes no sense to me.

2007-06-21 06:48:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Most people I know that voted Democratic in '06 did so for two reasons. The war and scandal after scandal coming from the Republicans right before the election. The exit polls back up the war and also feature the reason that Bush should no longer have a rubber stamp Congress. I think the pro-lifers stayed home in droves as well because they were not happy with the Republican scandals, especially Foley and Haggard and felt the Bush Administration had not fulfilled its promises to them from 2000 and 2004.

2007-06-21 07:01:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The Dem's wining had little to with abortion rights & more to do with the fact people were fed up of the running of the iraq war & the high profile Rep. corruption that was going on, that is not to say it doesn't happen in both parties, but the Rep's got caught right at election time.

2007-06-21 06:57:04 · answer #5 · answered by Polilical conundrum... 6 · 2 0

Most Americans do not want Roe v Wade overturned; they think abortion should reamain legal.

But that isn't the reason voters gave for voting Democrat.

They mostly cited the Iraq War.

No one thinks abortion is good, and it's simply not true that only democrats get abortions.

If you really oppose abortion, you should support policies that would make them rare, by making unwanted pregnancy rare: complete and accurate sex education, and easy availability of birth control.

Uh, it was illegal before Roe v. Wade, so it simply isn't true that it's been legal for hundreds of years.

You may think that the government should make people's reproductive decisions for people, but, fortunately, most Americans disagree.

Even if they did agree, there is a Constitution which says that Americans have the right to make their own decisions for themselves.

2007-06-21 16:53:48 · answer #6 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 1

The Democrats won in 06 because the people are still behind the curve in figuring out that the Republicans and Democrats are just different branches of the Corporate Party.

Many Democrats foolishly believed that if they elected corporate Democrats the corporate Democrats would stop the corporate Republican war in Iraq.

But while the war in Iraq is a corporate Republican war....it is primarily a corporate war....and Democrats (voters) haven't yet figured out what Ralph Nader has known since 1980........their similarities (Democrat/Republican) far outweigh their differences

They're both beholding to corporate money....and no longer represent the people
(save for Dennis Kucinich & about 30 other holdout Democrats)

so while the corporate Democrats provide lip service to fool their constituents....the war goes on and the corporations continue to be slathered in blood money.

2007-06-21 07:39:22 · answer #7 · answered by Peace Warrior 4 · 0 2

HUH?? I dont think that that is the reason. Maybe Im the ignorant one, but if you ask me the Parties argue just for the sake of arguing. If I was a politician, and I was a Dem, and I said that we really need to knuckle down and make sure that more funds were spent to nueter/spay animals in shelters and housing. A Republican in turn, even if he agrees personally, will say that all animals need to be ignored and that they brought it on themselves. It doesnt matter the issue or your personal stance, you go with what your party wants you to do. To me thats sad.

2007-06-21 06:47:15 · answer #8 · answered by melissaw77 5 · 5 0

Because the Republicans were Lazy and they backed away from Bush.They like the Democrats as a whole have no back bone.I have not sent a check to the RNC since.My money will go directly to Fred Thompson.

2007-06-21 06:49:38 · answer #9 · answered by john 2 · 2 0

Abortion had nothing to do with '06. The war was THE issue, it's importance overshadowed all other issues combined. A majority of this country does not have the patience to see us through a war, they thinking they are doing the country a favor by ending it. They thought that electing Democrats would end it swiftly. Unfortunately, they were lied to.

2007-06-21 06:45:33 · answer #10 · answered by Pfo 7 · 2 2

um...They didn't win, the republicans lost. Even in politics there is a certain amount of mistakes you can make before being voted out. And that's what happened to the republicans. Its not like the democrats are better, but they were the only realistic opposition to republicans and that made all the difference. If they don't do something quick, the democrats that is, they will end up losing in '08 and everyone will wonder why.

2007-06-21 06:46:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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