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So many people don't see what America really is. This Place is a joke. What freedom? How can you be free and controlled at the same time? We may be under some corrupted form of democracy, but we are not "Free". There is a law about everything now days. Our for fathers came here to get away from the laws of England...Well it seems to me America has more laws now than England does! Think about it, What can you really do here in America that you don't have to worry about it being against the law? A few non believers have managed to take God out of everything, I thought "the majority rules" was the way? And we "force" our children to pledge the American flag and for what it stands for. What does it stand for?..Well it stands for baby killing, forced government laws, non belief in God, fornication, adultery, pride, and so many other things that are against what Jesus taught. So why would we pass laws to force our children to praise a flag that stands for this? Our nation has become a joke!

2007-06-21 05:46:47 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

I throw in religion, because our nation was built on Christianity whether we like it or not.
And I do look around...Europe is ALOT more free than America!
The only laws we need are against "major crimes" not petty crap like forcing me to wear a seatbelt, it is MY life!!
And I know N. Korea is worse< I did not say we were the worst, I said We are NOT free, the Government does control our every move!!

2007-06-21 05:56:13 · update #1

And yes in Texas, you are FORCED to recite the pledge of allegiance in the public school system, I believe Hitler forced worshiping of his flag as well?

2007-06-21 06:00:15 · update #2

And No I do not want to move, I want people to wake up and exercise the follwing:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government..."
I think the country needs to run like it was meant to run! Voting is a joke. Laws are passed everyday without "we the people" voting on them. Like I was always told, people don't like to hear the truth...so many brainwashed Americans.
And my right to say this will be gone soon, "freedom of speech" is on its way out the door..there are already "free speech zones"
for people who don't think as our Government wants

2007-06-21 06:09:53 · update #3

I don't know why all you people say the pledge is not forced..it is in Texas, A friend of mine's son was expelled from school for not standing and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Check out Texas law on the pledge...Google search it.

2007-06-21 06:21:40 · update #4

And this country was based on religion. The "original laws" were based on laws from the bible.
All you people that don't believe in God, and our "former" God Fearing nation...you will see in the end.
And as for some of you, I DID NOT say we don't need law, I said we need "moral" laws. against "immoral" things. I do not mind following moral laws...but being thrown out on the street for not being able to afford "high taxes" is not right! And being forced to wear a seatbelt, and being told how to raise and discipline my children, I could go on and on.
Why are people looking to "reinstall" values in our society......well GOD IS THE ONLY WAY!!!

2007-06-21 06:31:03 · update #5

O.K . let's get technical.

Get out your dictionary

Look up the words "free" and "freedom"

Now look up the words "govern" and "government"

2 total opposite things! You can not be "free" and have "government" at the same time technically.

So there is NO "FREE" country on GOD'S green earth.....
INCLUDING AMERICA......theses are FACTS...someone go up against that one using the dictionary terms of the words!! You can't they are 2 opposites of one another! Now try to prove that wrong!!!

With that said, I will maintain my beliefs about this country, as you that disagree will as well.
I loved debate class in school!!
No need to get so mad when someone's opinion differs from yours...I'm not mad...I just see things with my eyes open.

2007-06-21 06:50:11 · update #6

51 answers

Freedom is a state of mind.

As such I think there are many countries more free than the US.

Here in the UK (yes that repressive regime you forefathers were supposedly escaping from) our press is a lot more open and free than in the US. Peaceful political protest is not met with cries of "unpatriotic". Free speech is celebrated. This is despite the fact that, unlike the US, free speech and freedom of the press are not protected in law. The difference is WE USE THESE RIGHTS!

We are also a lot free-er about religion. People believe that faith is a personal thing and that you shouldn't impose it on anyone else. As such we don't have an hysterical "christian" right trying to force their narrow agenda on to the population as a whole. Instead we have mature, adult political discourse, free from hysterica phrases such as "baby killing". It just isn't an issue if a politician is a christian, jew, muslim, atheist, flying spaghetti monsterist etc. We prefer that the person is good at his/ her job.

True freedom is the ability to be who and what you are. In the UK most people aren't fussed about whether a person is gay or straight, religious or not, left, right or "couldn't care less" wing, black or white, male or female. Until the people in the US realise that our differences make us stronger you'll never be free.

2007-06-21 06:51:13 · answer #1 · answered by Cardinal Fang 5 · 0 2

Americans spread their false freedom and try to impose it upon others. See, the Americans don't understand that the whole world is free. Every nation/citizen across the globe are happily living and going about their life. And life is about trying to make ends meet and humans do that in ANY situation. Americans DON'T understand that basic fact! They think a person can be truly free ONLY under their system of freedom. In fact, this American freedom policy has destroyed countless sovereign nations and crushed rich cultures. This is so false and Americans must realize that a person can be happy under any system. See, I feel sorry for the people living in North Korea. That is true oppression BUT I am very sure that the North Korean people have adapted to the harsh conditions very well. In fact, they are so well adapted that if America was to invade NK, the people there will attack Americans on the fact that the Americans have destroyed their way of life! This simple truth cannot be understood by Americans! What shame. Another example is Americans and their perception of women in the Arab world. They think the women are forced to wear black coverings and that they are not allowed to vote. In fact, Arab women cover themselves cheerfully BECAUSE it is their culture; their religion has a rule. Why can't American's understand that? They think the men in the Arab world are the oppressors. By invading Afganistan and Iraq and making the women there vote, Americans have launched a massive culture war against a stable Islamic people. What a mistake. American schools do a lot of brainwashing and when they teach history, it is more distorted than the real history itself. Americans see themselves as peacebringers to a hopeless world. Wrong! America is fighting the world today because it wants to secure the #1 position to itself. That's why America does not want Iran and Venezuela to come up and be influential nations. I do not know where this will end but surely if Americans realize this basic fact, the world can have lasting peace.

2016-04-01 09:56:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

**** I hear you and you might be right,,, the thing is that this country has gone far beyond what our for fathers have ever envitioned, as in no time in history has there ever been a nation that could stand against us (Russia was questionable).
The laws are there to protect us like the seat belt laws, protect young teenagers from having thier bodies slaughtered against the windows of an auto mobile. The smoking laws help pregnant mothers give birth to health children.. no the religion thing evolved from FREEDOM of religion... also freedom to NOT have religion.....

If you are trying to make a change in the nation, you have a long way to go,,, just as I have tried to change marriege from being a lifelong commitment, to a 3 year lease with option to renew!

how about freedom to choose the line of work you are in?
freedom to walk out of your house when you want
freedom to travel the country at will
freedom to invest money as you like

the laws are there to ensure everyone has the same rights as you do. some people need the extra help....

I invite you to choose any country on the planet... get a home and live there! (so go, what are you waing for?)

2007-06-21 06:00:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no law that says your child has to say the pledge. I had a kid in my elementary school who's parents asked that he not say the pledge and that was fine. The flag does stand for freedom. Put down the Bible and read the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, or perhaps a news paper and you will see that we have a lot more freedoms than most of the world. Yes, we have laws, and some of them push the boundaries of the constitution, but I don't want to live in your "free society" where fornication is illegal. It sounds like you want to force your religious beliefs on me, which is exactly what the fore fathers wanted to protect us against. If you want you can move to the UK and live in the most watched country in the world. It is estimated that the average Londoner is on camera 300 to 400 times a day. Wake up.

2007-06-21 06:01:21 · answer #4 · answered by Jon H 3 · 1 1

Wow. You, my friend, are a product of WHY Americans have been fooled into believing we are Free. Ever read a school textbook? Ever read a college textbook on the same subject (BTW, you don't have to be in college to buy a textbook or check one out in the library). You'd see that the more pertinent information is in the college book, as the school textbook is more about Pro-American Propaganda.

Now, for your religious rant: your whining about lacking freedom is belied by the "sins" you point out that "are against what Jesus taught." We in America have the freedom to obey OR DISOBEY, written law. We have the FREEDOM TO GO ONTO YAHOO ANSWERS AND VILIFY OUR GOVERNMENT, OUR PRESIDENT, GOD, THE POPE AND ANYONE ELSE WE SO CHOOSE.

Try that in Europe. Try to go to Canada or Europe and hint that the Holocaust never happened (jailable offense EVERYWHERE, EXCEPT IN THE USA).

My daughter only recites the Pledge right before an Assembly, and those who choose to not stand and say it, are neither punished nor ostricized.

2007-06-21 06:13:13 · answer #5 · answered by irish_american_psycho 3 · 0 1

If you don't think that we are free maybe you should travel to a 3rd world country, or even parts of eastern Europe then you might understand what Freedom is. Just because there are laws and rules that you might not agree with doesn't mean you are not free, if you don't agree with the government then you have the right to vote don't you? Do something about it vote and stop complaining, besides a rule/law free society would be anarchy and very dangerous.

2007-06-21 05:52:13 · answer #6 · answered by Jessa 5 · 2 0

For starters, if you do not pledge allegiance to the flag and our nation, you are a traitor and should be punished as such. We are free because the government is there because we allow it to be. The same goes for the laws. I agree that there is too much law in personal matters. But as Americans, citizens of the greatest nation on Earth, we have to realize that we give government it's power. And we can take it back as well.

2007-06-21 06:28:31 · answer #7 · answered by KL15 3 · 0 0

Actually, our country was not built on Christianity. That was one of the reasons our fore fathers came here, to get away from religious prosecution. You might want to get that right before you start blurting stuff out. As for being free, there are a lot of things that all people who are citizens are citizens of the country have the right or freedom to do, that other countries do not allow, I.E. The right to vote. I do agree there are a lot of rules placed on our rights and that is wrong. One more thing, our fore fathers were the ones who wrote the constitution, those are also rules, aren't they?

2007-06-21 06:03:23 · answer #8 · answered by gatorgirl 5 · 0 0

I'm not sure what to "think" of your long-winded diatribe. Except that it is already a fact that as of 64 years ago, the Supreme Court did rule that it is unconstitutional to force anyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Also, I'll point out that having sex is still "free." The Court just declared that it is a constitutional right about 4 years ago.

2007-06-21 05:52:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In a free society the inhabitants CHOOSE the laws they want to have - as we do in this country. The law is a living thing - it is changeable.

Since law is the basis of civilization - any society will have some semblance of a justice system at its core. No law, no civilization.

And I, for one, don't think God belongs in the law at all. I am not part of a "few". This country is not run by Jesus, nor will it ever be. Thank you Hammurabi!

2007-06-21 05:52:58 · answer #10 · answered by pepper 7 · 0 0

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