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Negotiating with them is obviously no use and I am sick of them supplying weapons to kill our troops. I am for using drone aircraft to blow the hell out of their nuclear facilities, and then striking Iranian government buildings and Iranian military strongholds and then escaping before they realized what hit them (literally). If they retaliate, create a full scale invasion and just blow the hell out of them.

2007-06-21 05:35:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

12 answers

I am all for attacking Iran with airstrikes. But we need to get our troops out of the middle east before we do it.

If we attack Iran they could kill almost all of our troops in the middle east with missile strikes on our bases.

2007-06-21 05:39:33 · answer #1 · answered by Nickoo 5 · 1 4

Wow. this is silly.
1. Iran has an army. Not a pissant saddam army but an actual army supplied by the russians. They have anti-aircraft setup. It may be 2 decades old, but if you expect them not to stop a good percentage of bombers you are very wrong.
2. That will definitly make their populous hate us, where is now it is only the government. If you think any country would be happy with foriegner bombing the government they may not even like, get your head checked. Bush has a 24% approval rating (worse than ahmedinejad but not by much) imagine what the feeling would be like if canada or russia bombed the whitehouse, congress and westpoint.
3. U.S. military is spent. The only way to start fighting with another country is to call a draft and go into wartime economy. No one is going to support that. (But feel free to volunteer yourself)
4. Iran is a close buisness partner of russia. You really dont want to mess with that. You saw what happened when bush tried any of his **** in the russian sphere of influence. He was told to pack it. And rightly so.

Im all for america, and im all for keeping nukes under wraps (however long that may be possible). But look what europe did with North Korea. At least they might disarm. and they have nukes already. Your question makes me wonder in what world people live in that they think that US can invade a major second world country with a vast military and hope for anything but defeat. Its not colonializm any more. Its Nationalism now and people are not going to take an invasion lying down.

Hope this helps

2007-06-21 12:53:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It is about what is gonna happen there... But Isreal will bomb the nuclear facilities, because they know how to do it clean...

I don't really agree about any armed conflicts, but since Russian, Chinese and the US, want it to happen, then it will happen. Of course you must understand that Russians don't have interest in seeing the US win too easily (they want them to stay there a while), while China, badly need Irans oil, but are whilling to help Iran by supplying some new exotic weapons to try them against US forces (so they can field test their equipments against the most high tech army in the world). All in all, it look like a trap to me, and US is gonna fall into it pretty badly... ONCE AGAIN!

2007-06-21 12:49:01 · answer #3 · answered by Jedi squirrels 5 · 0 0

America is still young and ignorant in understanding the mentality of middle easterners, especially muslims. You people think these societies deserve or want democracy? Iran is the biggest threat to middle eastern sovreignty. They are arming hezbollah hamas, and the shiite insurgency. they are sending money, and weapons across the border to kill american and iraqi troops and citizens. Iran is threatnening to wipe israel off the map, Iran wants to create an islamic run government in lebanon and palestine. You really don't know how messed up it is in that part of the world now. Sorry to break it to you but the people of iran are diffrent from the government of iran. I am all for nuking the hell out of the nuclear facilities, and replacing the chimpanzee ahmadinejad with a new person, But it is really dangerous now, the U.s must plan it out if it wants to attack. I don't think israel is ready now to face iran, because israel is busy with other issues internally. When saddam was in power syria and iran were like his dogs, they didnt dare make a single move, they kept their mouths shut and now the U.S have opened the door to the monster's cave, by getting rid of saddam. The u.s is going to face much challenges now from iran, i guarantee it. Dont worry about sanctions, you think they care? Look at how many sanctions and resolution the u.n has proposed. did it solve anythin? nO...this type of humanity doesnt need alot of luxury to live by. they live on rice and bread for gods sake. you think sanctions will help? No way . When the U.S can contain iran, then you are half way finished with the middle east crisis. The other half is the israeli-palestinan issue.

2007-06-21 13:19:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Do you even know why you want to attack Iran? or is it just because Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Perle, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, Murdoch, and the rest told you to think that? You really don't have the slightest cllue why these bastards are rattling the sword do you?

Did you know that the people in Tehran rallied in SUPPORT of the US after 9/11?
Did you know that al Qaeda (who did attack us on 9/11) are Sunni Muslims while Iran is almost exclusively Shiite?
Did you know that Sunnis and Shias hate each other?
Did you know that Iran offered to join the coalition to take out the Taliban in Afghanistan?
Did you know that Iran wanted to open talks with the US in 2002 as a means of opening a dialogue and normalizing relations? (And Bush refused)
Did you know that bombing Iran is in the best interest of Israel, not the US?
Did you know that the growing power of Iran in the Middle East is a direct consequence of our invasion of Iraq?

Now, did you know any of this? Or are you just repeating what you've been told to repeat?

2007-06-21 12:50:18 · answer #5 · answered by wineboy 5 · 2 1

You can't see the forest for the trees. The Iranian leadership will fall once the Iranians see the people in Iraq and Afghanistan living and thriving under their OWN versions of democracy. The Iranians will want this for their families and themselves. Granted, MANY Iranians will die fighting whatever Iranian military forces remain loyal to the leadership. This is what we get from sandwiching Iran between two nacent democracies: the fall of its leaderships sans firing a single shot in anger at Iran.

This is why the Iranian leadership is sending so many of their supporters into these border countries to stifle the efforts of establishing democracies there.

The oil that is there is why countries like Iraq have NEVER had a representative government. Why would a leader need the support of his people to lead? He doesn't get his money from his people in the form of taxes. He gets his money from the sale of the oil.

2007-06-21 12:46:48 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 2 2

Why don't we invade your house instead of playing answering games?

The Golden Rule, Remember?

"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You!!!!!!

2007-06-21 12:57:24 · answer #7 · answered by beesting 6 · 1 0

Just how many do you want to kill? And then what? We are so thinly stretched now we can't do jack. And why aren't you in uniform. Oh yeah, either you are or you're too old or too young or whatever. A full scale invasion with what?

2007-06-21 12:48:44 · answer #8 · answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7 · 3 2

it would be crazy for the us to take on another country now. our military is already stretched thin. yes, we could bomb the hell out of them, but then we would have to send in troops to stabilize.

2007-06-21 12:52:45 · answer #9 · answered by fubar_09074 3 · 4 0

Uh, because we've already blown our wad in Iraq. NOW you understand why invading Iraq was a stupid idea.

2007-06-21 13:19:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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