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I want to do natural and I have no problem with dealing with the regular pain of laybor. The things I am worried about when not having an epidural is if there are complications, the cutting before I deliver, and the sewing up after I deliver. I can imagine that those things will be easier with an epidural. But there is also a lot of complications that can arise with the needle and after birth. Help?

2007-06-21 05:35:08 · 32 answers · asked by JENNIFER M 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

32 answers

i'll tell you what, i had an epidural & it hurt putting it in, the guy poked me like six times. i was crying & moving all around. when he finally got it in, i felt so much better, i couldn't even feel the contractions. then out of nowhere, i started to feel pain again, it was horrible pain, they kept coming in & giving me more epidural because i was screaming for it, but nothing helped. for me, the epidural sucked. & i should of just did it natural. but everybody is different.

2007-06-21 05:43:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, I can add to this is I have 2 boys and a daughter due is August..I have never had a epidural,I am scared of them..I really don't know what you mean by cutting do you mean C- section..They will not do a C-section until you are numb. If you mean a episotemy I will tell you this my first son was 10 lbs 7oz and I needed about 50 stitches inside and out when I was done with the delivery ..I did not have a epidural but they have some kind of numbing solution they put down there when they were going to start cutting and stitching it took 2 seconds. I didn't feel anything,,Your body also gives a natural numbing when the baby's head is starting to come down..Don't worry everything is going to be fine..good luck

If there are any complications they will make sure that you wont feel a thing if they have to go there...

2007-06-21 05:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by sarah 2 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

Natural Birth or Epidural? Any advice or experiences?
I want to do natural and I have no problem with dealing with the regular pain of laybor. The things I am worried about when not having an epidural is if there are complications, the cutting before I deliver, and the sewing up after I deliver. I can imagine that those things will be easier with an...

2015-08-26 11:58:52 · answer #3 · answered by Adams 1 · 0 0

I think that decision cant be made until u actually go into labor. I have experienced both however. My epidural was great! I was in soooo much pain before it, and I instantly got to consentrate on what I was doing during the delivery and enjoy it. With my 2nd daughter however I had no pain and decided to just do it w/o the medication. They can provide a shot to numb the area if u tear or need stitches. Anyways... its hard to make up ur mind as to what u want until u feel the pain from labor... may have strong pains or none at all. You will know when the time is right.

2007-06-21 05:52:47 · answer #4 · answered by carryon50 3 · 0 0

I had an epidural with my delivery and would never choose to do it naturally. If there is a way to take away the pain why not have it? A lot of women think they are a superhero and somehow superior because they did it naturally, but that is rubbish. I'd rather enjoy the birth, than be in so much agony that you don't even know what is going on. I barely felt the needle going in my back, and had no side effects from it afterwards. It was heavenly!!

2007-06-21 05:45:00 · answer #5 · answered by Stuck in the middle of nowhere 7 · 0 0

I went with the Epidural when i had my daughter 4 months ago. And i am thanking my lucky stars that i did because it ended up being an emergency c-section. And the Epidural wasn't even enough in that case. They had to inject me with something else because i could feel them cutting into me and stuff. It was the worst thing i ever went through.

Everyone is diffferent and i say give it a shot. You know your own body and how much you can take. I waited about 10 hours into labor before deciding to go with the epidural it became way to painful.

Good luck to you and i am sure you'll make the right decision for yourself at the right time. :)

2007-06-21 05:42:48 · answer #6 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

First of all, good on ya! I love to hear women who are willing to deal with a little pain to get to the blessing!

Women who have epidurals labors will normally slow down. Walking and moving progresses labor, naturally and how it's supposed to be. Epidural can prolong labor up to 2 hours or more. Why is this significant if you can't feel pain? The longer a women is laboring the more likely your doctor will want to do a C-section. It's a horrible road that usually starts with being induced. Induction leads to epidural which leads to episiotimy which leads to either a forcepts or vacuum delivery or a c-section. Now.. when you are laboring naturally... without constraints you can birth how you want. Listening to your body, maybe you don't want to be laying on a hospital bed?? maybe you want to labor in a tub?? It should be your choice. HAVE A BIRTH PLAN! Have a few copies, one for the doc one for the nurse, and who ever is coaching you. There are several online.

Doctors mostly have good intentions, but they consider you a medical condition that must be fixed. Hopefully you have a good doctor who will listen to you.

Hire a doula, if you can afford one. Here are the benefits of a douls: Shorter labors (as much as 2 hours), less likely to request an epidural, thus leading to less likely chance of an unmedically nessicary c-section, less liekly to have episiotomies, and more likely to nurse baby.

I have had babies both ways.

Good Luck! Happy birthing!


2007-06-21 06:18:22 · answer #7 · answered by Rebekah W 2 · 0 0

They will not just cut into you without anesthesia of any kind! Right?! I just thought I'd share my story with you. I wanted to do the whole natural thing as well. I did well for the first 12 hours but started to get tired. They offered me some narcotic to help me sleep in between contractions. They were basically telling me that if I got too tired, i'd be looking at a c- section. I took the narcotic and had my son 2 hours later. However, he was born blue and had to be given that anti-narcotic shot to revive him. Everyone acted like it was completely normal for him to be born blue and not breathing. So, if I ever have another child, I will be getting an epidural. This is coming from someone who doesn't like to take tylenol for a headache...... I'd rather have the side effects of the epidural on me than have my child affected like that. I know its different for everyone. My advice is go completely natural or get an epidural. NO OTHER OPTIONS!!!!! Anything else (narcotic injections) is dangerous to your child. Make this decision before going into labor and stick to it! The docs and nurses will try to talk you into an epidural or whatever and in the middle of a contraction, you may not be as stubborn as you hope you'll be. good luck!!!

2007-06-21 05:52:51 · answer #8 · answered by Darksuns 6 · 0 0

Had 2 babies - both natural. I'm a real wimp but had no problems with natural childbirth. With the first one I was so scared that I was asking for an epidural as soon as I got to the hospital, but I had such a quick delivery there was no time. With the second one, which was induced, it was a longer delivery and after several hours I asked for an epidural, but once again, things then progressed quickly and by the time they got there it was too late. I'd advise trying it natural if you can, but don't feel like a failure if you have to ask for the epidural. The pain was not unbearable for me, and the local anaesthetic they give for the episiotomy is sufficient. Good luck!

2007-06-21 05:47:11 · answer #9 · answered by Dawn 2 · 1 0

I have been very lucky and had two children with just using gas and air. I didnt need any cutting with either although i did have a very small tear, not enough to warrant stitching up though. I was far too scared to have an epidural as as stupid as it sounds i dont like needles and it looks damn painful to me!! Anyway i have two friends who had epidurals and both suffered with post-natal back-ache for a good two years after...apparently this is normal with an epidural. Also you are more likely to tear with an epidural due to the loss of control that you have over pushing!! I think its such a personal choice but for me Im 31 weeks pregnant with my third baby and if I am fortunate enough to have another child without any complications during labour then i will be aiming to just use gas and air again. goodluck to you, and always make descisions based on whats right for you at the time. Goodluck x

2007-06-21 05:43:07 · answer #10 · answered by doodlebip 4 · 1 0

There's no saying this labor will be the same as the first, but if I went through that the first time, I would go with the epidural this time. Doesn't sound like you had a good experience at all, and if you're pain free you may have a wonderful experience and actually remember it and bond with the baby after. You did it once and yes you should be proud, but it wouldn't hurt to give yourself a little break this time. Good luck.

2016-03-13 05:19:42 · answer #11 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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