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I do - from evolution, space exploration, global warming to stem cell research . . . Do you think we should bundle the issues under an appropriate banner like "The War on Science" as conservative bundled religous issues under "The War on Christmas?"

2007-06-21 03:36:44 · 18 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Of course there is (in the US). There is a propaganda campaign that rivals that of North Korea and Nazi Germany... but it only works because there is such a large proportion of meat-heads living in a childish fantasy world. I would call it the Movement for a Kindergarten Reich.

2007-06-22 01:11:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Global warming- There are scientists who disagree with the idea it is man made. We are lead to believe an ex-vicepresident knows more about climate change to declare the end of the debate. I don't think so.
Stem cells- Now there is subject the left has fail to mention a few things about that. It isn't stem cells but the single source that Bush doesn't want to use and that comes from the destruction of embros. You also fail to mention there have been NO cures that is zip, none, nada, zilch from embronic stem cells.
73 cures from adult stem cells. Now science has progress where you don't need embros to create the fetal stem cells by other than destruction of embros.
Theory of Evolution- Yep the evolutionist who pray to the god of Darwin don't like to hear the T word assoicated with evolution. They have ban schools from having kids bring in questions they have about evolution because they say it is trying to teach creationism. Here is another one where a school said evolution is a theory and should be critically review. How dare they have students think. The claim again was they were trying to teach creationism.
I am Cell Biologist on the scale of things evolution is a very minor part of my job and what it take to get the job done.
If you look at the students that score higher on SAT/ ACT it is homeschooler. So evolution hasn't slown them down anyway.
Evolution has turn into a religion for some being that people believe that evolution is a fact therefore there is no G-d.
They treat it like the Fundamentalist Christians defend 10 Commandments in public.

Space exploration- That you have to explainto me. The only time I hear that space exploration should be stop is from liberals who say we should spend more on social programs here.

War on Christmas- Tell me why schools can let Muslim kids out to pray, schools teach Isalm and give kids Islamic names, etc.
Those kind of things are not allow to be done for Christians or Jews.

There is no War on Sicence just people who dare to question science.

If science is ALL GOOD than why is there such protest against genetically engineered food?

2007-06-21 11:01:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Of course you are asking from a strictly American perspective and understanding...other countries do not have this problem that is so polarizing, and if they do they let people BE with their ideologies. Some agendas are strictly an American phenomemon and this is one of them.

When the religious zealots are hellbent on something i.e. proving fossils are not real and common sense is replaced with a mindset that defys the age of a fossil and reasoning it's only a matter of time before the Jim Jones Cult members start drinking the Kool-Aid of American brainwashing.

So to anwser your question I'd say yes.

Oh and one other thing....you can think both.......and be all right with it and figure it out your own way without being labelled an anti-Christ. This seems to be the part that tends to fry the American religious zealots brains and leaves it feeling like fried spaghetti wires inside their heads.

2007-06-21 10:58:39 · answer #3 · answered by kimber 2 · 2 0

We use the word "war" much too loosely - war on drugs, war on illegal immigration, war on, well, everything that doesn't agree with some group's outlook. Is it any wonder the World views us as warmongers?

No. Let's not "bundle issues" - that's what Congress does to sneak their raises, pet projects, constituent boondoggles, and extravagant spending past our collective noses!

We should be handling "issues" one at a time with as much forethought and wisdom as possible. We are all witness to what one "Cowboy" can do by "shooting from the hip" after "bundling" our "wars" against terrorists, WMDs, etc., into the "neat little package" named Iraq. Our Boy actually hit a very large hornets' nest with a small stick...

No, there is not a "war" on science.

2007-06-21 11:05:23 · answer #4 · answered by OkieDanCer 3 · 0 0

Liberals want to protect their unconstitutional Roe v Wade by establishing the federal funding of aborted embryonic stemcell research. Look at all the people salivating like they are now going to live an extra 10 or 20 years on the backs of dead babies!

2007-06-21 10:49:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

The dustup is generated by those who "believe" the consensus as FACT and want everyone else to believe as they do. IMHO, THIS is the source of this War on Science. The rest of us weren't asleep in our middle-school science classes.

2007-06-21 10:48:53 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

indeed there is! the creationists are waging a war against science because they know they cannot beat the scientific method. ID is not science and never will be but evolution destroys creationism and so in order to have religion front and center again, ID was invented and touted AS science and is trying desperately to discredit real scientists and their work.

it will not fly however and we really shouldn't worry about them or it too much...

2007-06-21 10:44:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I believe the science should be questioned when issues of funding have a sweet way of winding it's way into findings...or should I just be closed minded and accept whatever someone says as fact and wait for someone else to say the opposite? even when both are scientists?

2007-06-21 10:41:47 · answer #8 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 3 2

I can see the brave troops moving out now, all in their white lab coats, duel pocket protectors, thick glasses and clip boards. Geeks marching 4 abreast on a noble quest to champion fragile theories into pseudo facts.

2007-06-21 10:52:12 · answer #9 · answered by Alan S 7 · 2 2

Does anyone know a person whose life was saved by aborted embryonic stemcells? No. But libs want to pump billions of our tax dollars, perhaps to justify their outrageous abortion rate.
How about supporting other types of stemcell research and stop the liberal yap?

2007-06-21 10:47:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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