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This is in direct opposition to LouLou's question, nothing more, nothing less.

2007-06-21 03:03:29 · 27 answers · asked by gill79 4 in News & Events Other - News & Events

Steph j
I agree that the criticism is pointless as far as it isn't going to find Madeleine or result in Kate and or Gerry's procecution but the McCanns threw themselves into the media spotlight and as such the public now have the right to express their opinions and ask questions.

You say it's not fair on the parents, but let me ask you this; Is it fair that Madeleine is suffering as a direct result of her parents complacency and selfishness?

Despite background differences there will always be suspicion of a parent who's child has been abducted simply because so many parents have been found to be the culprits.

2007-06-21 03:24:29 · update #1


I totally agree that there are extremists out there who make disgusting remarks about those of us who do not support Kate and Gerry, but again, there are aso extremists on our side too who have made unforgivable statements about what should happen to the McCanns.

2007-06-21 03:27:36 · update #2

Can we all at least agree that we would like to see Madeleine safe and well?

2007-06-21 03:33:11 · update #3

Suzy I get your points but there are people from both sides who are being pitifully immature.

2007-06-21 03:45:33 · update #4

Suzy thanks

As regards the intense media coverage I think people are enraged by the fact that it is for one child when there are so many missing.

I don't think that the McCanns PR team are helping by continuing to let Gerry post blogs about their days out I think that also is getting on peoples nerves. I would like their PR team to gag John McCann because every time he opens his mouth he makes more people turn against the McCanns with his stupid comments.

2007-06-21 04:10:25 · update #5

Jack H some good points

I believe they unwittingly admitted their wrongdoing when they tried to cover their tracks in the first few days by saying they checked on their children every half hour. I believe that the only reason they lied is because they knew leaving them alone was wrong. What do you think?

2007-06-21 04:14:47 · update #6


I believe that you believe in what you are saying. However to make general statements as you have done about those who don't support Kate and Gerry makes a mockery of your answer. From you answer I gather that you believe you are better than the rest of us.

For your information technically the McCanns are guilty of neglect see below;

The NSPCC's definition of neglect is;

Failure to provide a child's basic need (eg food warm clothing); leaving children alone or unsupervised; failure to provide love or affection.
Neglect is a category of child abuse.

Justify their actions now!

2007-06-21 04:34:21 · update #7

I think people are pairing not supporting Kate and Gerry with not wanting Madeleine brought home safe and sound and that is just not the case.

2007-06-21 04:41:29 · update #8

I agree that we should all be Madeleine supporters but again you have ruined your answer by calling those who don't support Kate and Gerry 'haters'. We all have the right to rant and rave whenever we want but as I have stated before both sides are guilty of disgusting remarks as regards this situation.

There is no definitive proof that she was abducted so all you will see on Answers is conjecture.

But even if she was Kate and Gerry facilitated the abduction by leaving their kids unnatended in an unlocked room. Fact!

2007-06-21 04:48:03 · update #9

Oh and why are we pathetic for discussing the possibilities?

2007-06-21 04:49:43 · update #10

Snake eyes your comments are all very well and you're entitiled to it, however there is no proof she was abducted. Even if she was abducted the opportunity wouldn't have been there if her parents had been watching her.

2007-06-21 22:04:12 · update #11

27 answers

idiots where are the other two kids when the parents are flying off to other countries.is it true madeline mcCann has just been voted portugese hide and seek champion?

2007-06-21 03:08:56 · answer #1 · answered by majoti 5 · 2 8

I just want to see Justice for Madeleine and she has disappeared. That is all we know or anyone else for that matter and for people to not think there is the possibility that something occured other then a kidnapping is just naive. There has yet to be shown proof publicly that she was even kidnapped so until then people are going to have their theories...and poster you are absolutely correct it is coming from both sides (the nastiness). Probably seems more from what is called anti McCann because I think on YA there is more that want justice for Madeleine then their are supporters of the parents. I do think the jokes should stop however and the people pretending to be Gerry or Kate should grow up and the peolpe that keep asking who wants to go out with me to the pub I am leaving the kids alone. That does not show support for Madeleine and the bottom line is this little girl needs some support from someone out there because the only thing that is happening now is a big huge circus of events that just dont seem to have any relevance to her dissappearence. All the money in the world can't find her....searching is all that is going to find her and I just dont really hear about alot of searching going on.

2007-06-21 10:00:00 · answer #2 · answered by Ladybugs77 6 · 2 0

There are many who, even though I don't agree with them, I can at least respect because they simply put their views across in a dignified manner without the need to resort to insults and name-calling etc. They also put across a reasonable argument to back up their beliefs and they don't start vilifying anyone who doesn't share their views. But there are also many who are just total idiots and can't hold a reasonable debate and just want to attack the whole time, giving McCann supporters the bad name which many of them do not deserve at all.
I must admit, as someone who vehemently disagrees with what the McCanns did and the way they are going about things now, at first I was guilty of doing the same at times, but only because I was so frustrated that they couldn't see the reason we were so angry with the McCanns was because we did care about what had happened to Madeleine, but if you read some of my more recent posts, you'll see that I have calmed down somewhat now.
To be fair, the "anti-McCanns"... I hate all the pro and anti stuff actually, it's ridiculous, I personally am not pro or anti anyone...can be just as bad, but I suppose, as in life in general, there is good and bad in everyone.
I have said many times that we're not going to change each others views, so we should just agree to disagree because fighting amongst ourselves will change nothing or help no-one.

2007-06-21 03:28:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

If abluebobcat thinks the McCanns are the sort of people who keep the world going he obviously hasn't looked at the state of the world today!

The McCanns made a bad call on the night that Madeleine disappeared and their subsequent actions have lost them any sympathy they might have had. Gerry and his family in particular have annoyed people and Gerry's blog.....I shall say no more on that one.

Kate McCann is looking ill and exhausted. Her children are in a creche all day. Why can't McCann just look after his family and stop all this publicity campaign. Everyone has heard of poor Madeleine, nothing further is required. McCann needs to face facts and remove himself from the limelight, if nothing else for the the sake of his wife and surviving children.

2007-06-21 15:42:45 · answer #4 · answered by Beau Brummell 6 · 2 2

A lot of the supporters of the McCanns will stand by what they say, and do so in a very mature way. I respect the fact, they are open to a debate and will listen to other people's opinions and views on the whole McCann case.

However then there are some who are just first class loonies that would rather insult other users and bring nothing valid or even relevant to the debate.These people become too personal and it's not warranted.

I am 'anti' parents but pro Madeleine.

Edit* gill79 I quite agree we have some extremists on both sides of the coin.

Edit* abluebobcat
To quote,
The Mcann supporters have the ability to see this. Essentially they have the ability to see the bigger picture in life.
They are not blinded by ego or deafened by judgement or numbed by hate.
They are enlightened. They see the world as it is.

My God, do you actually read some of your fellow supporters posts. I would say some of them are the opposite of what you described. Just accept they is good and bad on all sides.

2007-06-21 03:23:18 · answer #5 · answered by scorpionbabe32 6 · 4 2

Speaking purely for myself here, as a supporter of the McCann family.

I am a parent, I made mistakes myself when bringing my son up, nothing serious but no one is perfect.

They were wrong to leave the children unattended, but in my opinion it was a dreadful, dreadful mistake, which they will have to live with for the rest of their lives. The pictures we have all seen of little Maddy taken over the last few years, only show me what a beautiful, happy and well-cared for little girl she was. Why can't you guy's see that?

I think most people who are anti seem to be bothered by the intense media coverage they have received and I do actually agree that if they hadn't been a 'middle-class professional couple' then they would not have received so much favourable attention from the media, but how is that their fault? They were offered private jets etc by well-meaning business men, who would have turned down that kind of help if it was on offer?

And before you all start thumbing me down, I respect your views and have never reported anyone for having a different opinion to my own.

I have looked at other sites that are debating the whole McCann story and from what I can make out if is pretty much a 50:50 split for and against.

Edit : Gill79 - Totally agree with you on that one, I was purely speaking for myself.

2007-06-21 03:41:16 · answer #6 · answered by Suzy 2 · 11 2

Well, I am a "McCann supporter" and I share abluebobcat's sentiments though I'd probably never have put it quite so literately!

I believe that, by taking the view that I do, I am being fair and compassionate. I'd also be willing to consider fairness and compassion as being capable of making the world a much much better place.

Who said that there is no evidence she was abducted? The evidence that the Portuguese police have seen has led them to treat the case as one of abduction. What do any of you know that would contradict that (and I expect something more than "Gerry's a control freak and Kate is scared to talk" or "they don't show any emotion")?

To say that "I support Madeleine but hate her parents" (my paraphrase) is absurd. I would be outraged if anyone treated me and my daughter as though our interests were able to be separated and I would be willing to bet the McCanns would see it in a similar way.

Justice for Madeleine? I don't see many of the most outspoken McCann bashers coming out with much condemnation of the actions of the abductor - some don't even seem to acknowledge his/her existence - so how does that amount to a concern for justice for the girl? Some have even gone as far as to imply the abuctor did her a favour by taking her away from her parents and would see the twins taken too, albeit by official agencies.

It's a legitimate viewpoint to disapprove of or doubt the efficacy of the way the McCann's have gone about the campaign to raise awareness of their daughter's disappearance. I don't have a problem with it myself. It might even be legitimate to question their account of the evening and it is certainly legitimate to disapprove of their childcare arrangements on the night it happened. But the bile and venom that is being directed towards them containing the basest accusations and most tasteless jibes is not opinion and is not worthy of the protection that legitimate opinion is entitled to.

2007-06-24 11:02:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

There are some crazy people on here, i'll tell you. they behave immaturely and 'report' anyone who opposes their opinion. i've asked for alot of people to lighten up here, we are all here to discuss the topic/s and relate facts as the purpose of this site. I really would like Madeleine to be found safe and unharmed but I live in a realistic world. I will never support what the McCann's did but at the end of the day, it's little Madleine who is the victim here and alot of people seem to forget that little bit of info.

2007-06-21 03:32:20 · answer #8 · answered by daisy 6 · 5 1

I'm neither pro or anti the McCanns! I don't condone what they did but as someone who used to get paid to 'patrol' chalets on a holiday camp, (We did not sit in with the babies or children, just listened in and then stayed with a crying infant till mum or dad appeared), I'd like to know how those parents feel now! I've yet to see someone on here admit that they've ever done it!!
I don't condone how they are behaving but I'm realistic enough to know that if it was my child I'd do whatever it took to keep her name and face firmly in the public eye!
As to 'parents' being to blame, what about the older children who go missing were their parents involved? No of course they weren't! They weren't at fault either or are you suggesting no-one under adult age can go anywhere or do anything without Mum or Dad in constant attendence? I'm sure as a child/teenager you'd have 'loved that'!!!!!
As a parent who lost a child (perhaps lucky as it was natural causes though no-one can say what with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) I can also see the hurt in their eyes and know that they face a lifetime of regret and If only's!
It's not something I'd wish on my worst enemy so I will not jump on the bandwagon and berate them either!!!!

2007-06-21 04:18:14 · answer #9 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 5 1

What is a McCann supporter, anyway?
Do I give money? No.
Do I read the websites? No. (Unlike many Anti-McCann's who read it avidly and even post questions about typos.)
Do I support them leaving their children alone - no, not really. Although I can see how and why they felt it was okay to do so.
They made a bad judgement, they are going to have to pay for it for the rest of their lives.
Oh, and I'm getting used to getting violation notices by anti-McCann's, too, who don't like my viewpoints.
Am I nuts? No. Am I a good parent. Yes, I do think so.
Are all McCann supporters as balanced as me? Probably not. However, I don't see many pro=McCann people on asking if the McCann's are doing "it".
So in my opinion, most of us have understanding of the parents. We don't condemn them, because the consequences are just too terrible to contemplate. I don't believe the parents had anything to do with the child's disappearance. They thought she was safe, tucked u in her bed. She wasn't.
That's about it, really. I'm not obsessive, just sympathetic. And I hope I would continue to be so, until given hard evidence as to think otherwise.

Sorry, my daughter spilt a bottle of gingerale on the keyboard and it is playing up!

2007-06-21 03:33:20 · answer #10 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 8 2

I asked a question yesterday about what people thought about the Find Madeleine website.

It was interesting in the fact that no one who is classed on here as a McCann supported offered their opinion.

2007-06-21 03:16:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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