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Please enlighten me on these two verses:

In fact, as for those who reject Faith; it is the same, whether you warn them or you
don't, they will not believe.[6] Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, their
eyes are covered, and there is a grievous punishment for them.[7] (Surah The Cow)

2007-06-20 02:39:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

These 2 ayah's are in direct correspondence with the concept of destiny in Islam. In Islam, The only thing a person can't change is the course of their death and their birth. BUT any person can, by actions and deeds change how they feel about Islam and whether they become a believer or not.

2007-06-24 02:28:49 · answer #1 · answered by ۩MoonLit Muslima۩ 5 · 2 0

Despite the warnings, some are always heedless. They are arrogent and they believe themselves more. In fact Allah seals such hearts. The same rain which gives life to a corn and a rose plant also makes thorn to grow. Some remain as thorn all their life.

2007-06-20 03:32:28 · answer #2 · answered by Ismail Eliat 6 · 5 0

I am no scholar, but this is what I have been told about them in my studies:

That basically it came to a point that these people rejected even the concept of God for sooo long. It is sooo deep in their hearts and minds and they have rejected Him for so long that God 'covers' the hearts and ears of them. So even if they were told the truth, they will not hear it anymore because of their past actions.

This is by no means the majority of people.

2007-06-20 02:51:31 · answer #3 · answered by Aishah 2 · 6 0

La Ilaha, ill Allahu

2007-06-20 03:20:30 · answer #4 · answered by WillRogerswannabe 7 · 1 0

Allah talks about the people who KNOW what the right pass is ...and they knew it very well and they refused listening and insist to not follow or hear more ... and the more is trying to kill and hurt the Believers .

2007-06-20 02:56:32 · answer #5 · answered by Rose2006 2 · 4 1

From the verses prior and after, it seems that those who don't believe or heed the warnings will be left to do what they want and suffer the consequences.

Allah (SWT) knows best.

2007-06-20 02:52:36 · answer #6 · answered by سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎ 6 · 6 1

one of the interpretations.. that those people kept arguing and disbelieving whithout even giving sense in what they are saying or hearing...... just argue for the sake of arguing...
so they are as the deaf in its worst meaning and their hearts are as stones, don't accept except what they want, not using logic or science or faith.

and ALLAH knows best.

2007-06-20 03:00:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

those who clearly understand that God is one but still they don't believe it just because of their arrogance so Allah will seal their heart and they will go to hell but if they say sorry to Allah with open heart Allah will forgive them.

2007-06-20 03:37:46 · answer #8 · answered by Eccentric 7 · 7 0

Because they underestand the truth but they don't want follow it( It mean it was clear for them that God exist and this are God's words) but after all of this they don't pay attention to it.

So God made their eyes, ear and heart blind and misguide them because after one time that truth revealed to them they didn't pay attention to it.

It mean they never can find the true way after all of this.

2007-06-20 03:11:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

God enlightened my heart when I believed in Christ. He is God's deliverer, not Mohammed. My heart is open to the influence of the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit.

I think Satan has attempted to seal your hearts against the gospel through the plausible ideas of Mohammed. The true God wants to take this veil from you so that you may believe in the Saviour Christ, which is necessary for your salvation.

2007-06-20 03:44:40 · answer #10 · answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7 · 0 8

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