Yes. It also records some inequalities also.
I won't get into verse quoting, because I'd rather you search it out yourself, so as you are reading, see how many are named by Paul in his letters. It seems a huge amount of women were very active in the church, and, it was by the hand of a woman that Paul chose to send the letter of Romans to the Romans.
There is an equality shown, it's often buried between the lines.
2007-06-20 01:33:18
answer #1
answered by Jed 7
In the traditional jewish bible not at all. Even in the NT, it is rare. However, if you go to the gnositc versions, espeically the gospel of Mary, you read some important differences that are not in the mainstream bible created by the Catholic church. It is thought that the church purged the equlity of women out of the teachings of Jesus so they could justify their male dominated lineage. I am not Christian, but I when I read the bilbe I am aware I am reading a political document as well as a supposed religious document. But considering out anti-women it is you can see it was created by men for men.
In fact a woman was telling me about visiting a Russion Orthodox church and it sounded like a very Muslim experience: head dresses, very conservative clothes, men on one side and women on the other. Many people don't realize that the covering of the woman's face comes from a Christian practice back at that time.
Even today, Mormon women are not allowed to enter the inner part of the Mormon temple.
Strange. But to be fair, other religions don't exactly treat women with great respect.
2007-06-20 00:35:25
answer #2
answered by Jim San Antonio 4
The Bible may not show equality between the sexes but Jesus did. He treated men and women the same and charged them each with specific duties. This doesn't mean that a woman couldn't go out and be the breadwinner with the husband staying home with the kids. It does mean that we were each created for a specific purpose. Women are nurturers for example and men are hunters generally speaking. Is this a test?
2007-06-20 00:26:17
answer #3
answered by cindyunion 3
The idea was never "equality". It was based on how well they complement each other. God said he would make a helper "comparable" to Adam. This is no wise insinuated one was superior to the other. It wasn't until after the Fall that woman took an inferior position to man. However, too many bastards since then have used that as an excuse to heap any and all kinds of abuses on women. Of course, when my step-dad tried to treat my mother like that, me and my two older brothers sent his sorry a*ss to the hospital. Women are not slaves and they don't exist to genuflect and serve a man's every whim and desire. Any man thinks otherwise, please do come and see me. I have some royal bloodlust to get out of my system, and your's will do just fine.
2007-06-20 00:24:57
answer #4
answered by RIFF 5
No the bible shows women being used as property. If the bible showed equality between the sexes than the men in the bible would have had 'one' wife only and not 20 concubines as well. Women would have been able to speak their mind in church and have the right to say what they wanted in public. They wouldn't of had to prove they were virgins at marriage. They woudn't have to be below their husband in the rank of the home.
Men and women are equal and the bible does a very good job of putting women second and making them second cless citizens
2007-06-20 00:22:33
answer #5
answered by soundofsettling 2
Well, there are quite a few stories where Jesus treats men and women equally, even a woman of suspected loose morals.
2007-06-20 00:19:17
answer #6
answered by =42 6
Depends on what part of the Bible you are talking about.
The Evangelists and the History of the Apostles are not misogynistic, but the rest certainly is.
The story of Adam and Eve is the one single bit of literature that has caused and justified the supression of woman throughout the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, to this very day.
2007-06-20 00:26:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
by Monnica Terwilliger
Monnica Terwilliger is an Evangelical Protestant Christian. She belongs to the Foursquare denomination, which was started by a woman, Aimee Semple McPherson. Terwilliger describes McPherson as "a successful evangelist, healer, and pastor because of her strong spiritual anointing. According to a prominent church historian, Vinson Synan, 'She holds a prominent rank among all religious leaders in the twentieth century, regardless of their sex, and may well be the most important ordained woman minister in the history of Christianity.'"
Terwilliger's article is identifiably Evangelical in the centrality it gives in ethical deliberation to the words of the Christian Bible and to the example and teaching of Jesus, considered the Son of God and the Savior of the human race. -- Editor
2007-06-20 00:22:42
answer #8
answered by williamzo 5
Equality of men and women is absolutely nowhere in the bible.
Intelligent women should realize everything that is wrong with religion.
Please read nontract #10 from Freedom From Religion Foundation:
2007-06-20 00:21:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It admits that women are weaker and need protection.
(1 Peter 3:7) YOU husbands, continue dwelling in like manner with them according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one, since YOU are also heirs with them of the undeserved favor of life, in order for YOUR prayers not to be hindered.
2007-06-20 00:55:06
answer #10
answered by pugjw9896 7