I have read in various newspaper articles, that to progress you need to pay to go a different courses. Does this not discriminate against the poorer members of society, who are in the greatest need of spiritual guidance?
I would particularly welcome answers from those already members of this Church.
16 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
fireblade, I did not say that I wanted to become a member, I merely want to become enlightened through the medium of Yahoo Answers.
23:58:00 ·
update #1
No, not the official church.
The official Scientology organization is composed of a number of “levels”. One begins as a “preclear” & works their way up. One must purchase virtually every service crucial to advancement directly from the "church" & at staggering prices. "Auditing", for example, is purchased in 12½ hour blocks, costing anywhere from $750 for introductory sessions to between $8,000 & $9,000 for advanced sessions. Visit this link to see how $380,000 is a conservative estimate for the total cost of moving all the way up the Scientology hierarchal ladder: http://www.xenu.net/archive/prices.html
These are the total costs for auditing alone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_as_a_business#Costs
Here’s an explanation of what “auditing” is: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061224182319AA2nnd6
The cult is mostly a high powered scam. It pays members 10% commissions, called FSM (Field Staff Member) commissions, for bringing in new recruits who take a course or get counseling, so Scientology members routinely try to "sell" Scientology to others.
Here is testimony from a woman who had been involved in exposing Scientology & other cults for most of her adult life: http://www.clambake.org/archive/books/tsos/sos-19.html
Even more proof that Scientology is out for your money... here is Hubbard discussing turning the business of Scientology into a "religion" for profit:
"I am not quite sure what we would call the place - probably not a clinic - but I am sure that it ought to be a company, independent of the HAS (Hubbard Association of Scientologists) but fed by the HAS. We don't want a clinic. We want one in operation but not in name. Perhaps we could call it a Spiritual Guidance Center. Think up its name, will you. ... It is a problem of practical business. I await your reaction on the religion angle." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_controversy#L._Ron_Hubbard_and_starting_a_religion_for_money
2007-06-20 02:35:26
answer #1
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
Instead or reading newspapers which are notorious for creating sensational stories for the sake of sales, go to a Scientology Church and find out.
Your question has the answer in itself and it is quite discriminatory.
If you want to know something, go and experience it or read about it.
Some newspapers are not there to "report the news" - not anymore - they are there to entertain the easily led and it looks like you have been taken in by these reports.
Go and find out. Does it really make sense that a church would only allow "the rich"?
No one I know has ever been turned away from their churches in the US and we also must remember that not everyone started out monetarily wealthy when joining the church.
Also, it is extremely insulting to suggest that the "poorer members of society are in the greatest need of spiritual guidance". Says who? And define poor.
Ironically, it is the wealthy and quite possibly those who put money before those they deem lesser as needing the most "spiritual guidance".
This is not to say those who are monetarily wealthy are all cut from the same cloth -look at Bill Gates - but to assume those who are not monetarily wealthy are in "need of spiritual guidance" is insulting.
Money does not make you better and being poor doesn't define people either.
2007-06-19 23:33:40
answer #2
answered by KD 5
I'm a Scientologist and I have done all my studies by my self by reading the books and listening to the lectures. That's all what you need to do. Also Scientology doesn't ask for donations Sunday services so in fat Scientology can be cheaper than other religions. All chapel services are 100% free (marriages, naming ceremonies, ect).
Scientology uses an exchange system to finance its organizations, basically earns its money by delivering services. But if you want auditing there are many alternative and economical ways to achieve this.
a. You can do volunteer work in your local church and get your services for free.
b. You can study to become an auditor and perform all auditing with a fellow student. This way you also become a trained auditor and you can provide free services to friends and family.
2007-06-20 05:18:35
answer #3
answered by bravehartbears 2
They're allowed to discriminate against the poor. There's no laws that say they have to allow certain people. It's a privatized thing that you do with lots of one on one meetings. You don't attend mass and such. Kind of like paying a psychiatrist. Many would argue that they're far from an actual church and that they find some loopholes to claim to be a church for tax/financial reasons.
2007-06-19 23:28:32
answer #4
answered by Dethklok 5
The Church of Scientology is a mass marketing business enterprize. Yes, you must have lots of it to join and to remain a member. God Almighty nor religion have anything to do with it.
The God of Scientology is Mammon (money).
2007-06-19 23:29:01
answer #5
answered by faith 5
I personally have (some) interest in understanding more about Scientology. Maybe one of these days I actually bother and yahoo-search them & e-mail them.
Until then, they still remain a mystery to me in some ways. Eventhough I've read some of their statements.
Hm, maybe locate their church and contact them for more info, may be worth of trying?
2007-06-19 23:42:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
why would you want to join this organisation? i had a bad experience of these people when i was younger,basically they want you to pay loads of money for courses that will supposedly improve you.i wouldn`t waste your time and money,find a different religion or maybe do voluntary work.these people are a money grabbing cult.
2007-06-19 23:35:16
answer #7
answered by fireblade 3
All i needed to know about Scientology i learnt from South Park.
2007-06-19 23:34:28
answer #8
answered by Mr Jolly 3
Don't be silly. It's a cult not a religion!!! An established religion is no newer than 1,000 years old!! Hey, maybe I could set one up and get millions? Wanna join, you give me half your wages and I'll tell you the meaning of life and the universe!!!
2007-06-19 23:29:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Scientology is a religion of money.
2007-06-20 06:22:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous