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i live in a country in africa thats abit near the equater. its getting too hot.its so hot you would`nt know the difference between summer and winter! yes its that bad!!!! i personally want to reduce the causes of global warming because i am greatly affected by the intense heat.i dont know what steps i can take to do this.please help meto make a difference..

2007-06-19 22:46:45 · 7 answers · asked by sax 1 in Environment Global Warming

7 answers

Here is a group link dedicated to just that..

You are right we must all take a stand and help this cause because if we don't now our future looks very grim..

2007-06-19 23:15:20 · answer #1 · answered by Rebel 5 · 2 1

Erm? Excuse my ignorance, but, if you live near the equator, do you even have winter? If you do, surely it must be almost non-existant?

Anyway, it’s my understanding that, while the average warming the Earth has experienced over the last century is somewhere between 0.3°C and 0.7°C (depending on who you listen to), that warming has been greater at the poles than it has been at the equator.

The reason for this is to do with that fact that the Earth’s atmosphere is thicker at the equator than at the poles, thus the Sun’s energy is “filtered out” slightly more at the equator, so the change in temperature has been less.

As a result of this, some scientists have estimated that the poles may have warmed by as much as 1.6°C. Of course, this means that the equator has probably warmed much less than the 0.3°C – 0.7°C average – and may, therefore, not have warmed at all.

Let’s face facts; even if the temperature in your area has risen by the 0.3°C – 0.7°C average, it is extremely unlikely that you would have noticed such a small change, especially when it has been spread over many decades.

Thus, I suspect that your claim that you are “greatly affected by the intense heat” may be more a result of conditioning (i.e. brain washing) by the whole global warming propaganda machine, than an actual result of any change in you local climate.

In conclusion, I’m afraid that, since it’s unlikely that the temperature in your neck of the woods has changed very much, there’s very little you can do about the heat.

“Get used to it” is probably the best advice I can offer.

2007-06-20 07:35:29 · answer #2 · answered by amancalledchuda 4 · 0 2

The real problem is global cooling. Solar scientists predict that, by 2020, the sun will be starting into its weakest Schwabe solar cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth.

Beginning to plan for adaptation to such a cool period, one which may continue well beyond one 11-year cycle, as did the Little Ice Age, should be a priority for governments. It is global cooling, not warming, that is the major climate threat to the world, especially Canada. As a country at the northern limit to agriculture in the world, it would take very little cooling to destroy Canadian food crops.

2007-06-20 23:35:03 · answer #3 · answered by JP Vanderbilt 1 · 0 0

you cant do nothing to stop something that doesnt exist. global warming is just a myth a thing a bunch of environmentalist fools came up with to help sell these green products. mother nature is the biggest contributor to this so called problem. nothing that us humans can do would have any effect. even if all the un educated environmental had their way it still wouldnt do anything. the problem is not green house gases warming the planet this is a myth. but overweight ppl all over the world is a problem. health care costs get more expensive. so yes we should drive less and walk more. less fat means cheaper medication and other stuff

2007-06-20 08:45:14 · answer #4 · answered by gnr_tj 3 · 1 2

Try to reduce your use of energy.

Turn off lights when not in use. If you can afford it, get more insulation for your house and possibly a light colored roof.

If you own a car, be sure it is well maintained (like having enough air in the tires) to use less gasoline. If you buy another, buy the smallest one that meets your needs.

Vote for people who say they will work on the problem.

More ideas are here, although they were written with people in rich countries in mind:


2007-06-20 09:54:09 · answer #5 · answered by Bob 7 · 0 1

By not worrying about it because there is nothing you can do to control it. We may have caused it but only nature and a long time can fix it. All we can do is try not to pollute the air. We all want clean air. Peace

2007-06-20 07:11:30 · answer #6 · answered by PARVFAN 7 · 0 3

stop driving, stop throwing stuff away, stop burning, stop eating, **** it who cares nothing will happen in your life time my friend so just live ur life

2007-06-20 07:03:27 · answer #7 · answered by the Ultimate 2 · 0 3

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