don't put your faith in man, only in the Father. Don't let religion get in the way of your relationship with Christ.
2007-06-19 15:33:47
answer #1
answered by heavnbound 4
good answers have already been put forward but let me add my own. I just logged in to the computer today because I am going through a life crisis and I just need human contact in any possile way. I prayed to God a few minutes ago with the hope that He/She will help me and 'miraculously' send someone my way even through an email or anything. This sounds dumb I know but I guess I have come to a point where I really don't care. of course nothing happened. So many occasions this happens and may lead one to conclude that perhaps there is no God, and IF there is one, then perhaps He is unreachable or is not in tune with what people are doing. Now I have been a staunch xtian for some time. I was even in the convent for some time and I have for a long time thought that God may exist. However, it is sometimes hard to really get to know him and most of us give up on the way. The Church is supposed to strengthen us and give us hope in times like this as an outward physical sign of an invisible kingdom-pple lose hope in that too becoz the church is composed of sinful people. There is never a straight forward answer to religion I'm afraid. Good question though
2007-06-19 15:48:37
answer #2
answered by YoursTruly 3
Faith is a relationship which goes through good times and bad, kind of like a marriage You either have it or you don't, it's not something you go looking for in your back pocket. You are the Church, did you lose faith in yourself? What do you call the three aspects of religion if religion is itself one of those three? Trust is acting with faith or in faith, in Latin it is confidere from which we get the word confidence. Trust also shares a common root with truth and the good old fashioned word troth found in betrothal, the vows exchanged in the wedding ceremony. God has bound us to Himself, He has written us on the palm of His hand. He's a very jealous husband. Unfortunately the Church all too often is a whore. Take a good reading of the book of the prophet Hosea, its a short book you can read in a single evening. It says a lot about how God goes about these things, calling us back to Himself. He calls for truth in the inner man. He cuts away a lot of the BS (yes, I'm using the vernacular, there's no nice way to say it). Go back and question the church you left, it needs those questions openly and honestly voiced if it is ever to be the Bride Christ will carry to the altar. The beginning of true faith is an honest doubt.
2007-06-19 15:59:54
answer #3
answered by Fr. Al 6
Well for one i read the bible. Their is some messed up crap in there. Then theirs the church. Both the Catholic and Christian and Muslim and all the other religions under the sun (except maybe Buddhism) have commited many many atrosities. Now if you havent guessed yet im an athiest. Im not saying no one should have religion we should just separate Church and State... as the constitution says. Anyway im getting off track. Another reason is blindly doing what the bible says. Why hate homosexuals? Because God says so. Now you might fight that its "not natural" but almost every species has a ten percent rate of homosexuality and you might fight "well two men or two women cant have a baby"... so they can adopt and give orphans a home.. now thats a good idea. Oh and they create these false "heroes" for us. Like Mother Theresa never actually took care of any of her, i suppose, "patients". She gave them a roof which is nice. But never took care of them. She condoned suffering. I dont have the quote right off hand but it goes something like this- God loves suffering, Jesus must be kissing you. There is a whole book about what she has done wrong, writen by one of her ex-nuns. And Ghandi was a racist. Don't believe me? Look it up. The last reason is.. Proof. Show me any record of Moses existing outside of the Bible. There is none. Show me how a "magic" bush can first off instantly combusting in a caves, second show me how it could grow. Plants need photosythesis. Theres no sun in caves. Now i could go on for hours but im sure im already getting boring. Anyway im not saying there is no God. Im just saying PROVE ME WRONG.
2007-06-19 16:25:06
answer #4
answered by antichristopher48 1
I guess, and have always thought, (but have no facts mind you) but:
It's always a person that terribly alters the path in someone elses life. Well in 'religion' and 'church' at least because these are communal activities of a gathering of humans, which generate rules. Communities have wolves in sheep clothing in some form, and bad things happen to good people.
Loss of faith in GOD - is a personal path, perhaps generated in asking for a loved ones return to health. When a loved one dies the shock causes life style changes, it is reported. Possibly loss in faith in GOD happens in the young, as the old have life experiences that allow a more worldly universal (knowledge) look at ones life ??
2007-06-19 15:44:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Not making contact with God's grace; which is actually the power of God. "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed."
You are the church if Christ dwells in you. The only aspect to consider is the gift of the indwelling Christ; which is the baptism of the holy spirit. Religion is not an aspect; just people running around selling assurances; attempting to make contact or pretending to have contact with God.
Faith by the way is an ability you have in your own spirit. I would call it intuition, for lack of a better word. Do you hope to touch God? If so, God himself is that hope and hides in the hope that is placed in you.
As the poet writes: Hope springs eternal in the human breast (heart). Who is eternal my friend but God. Read Hebrews 11:6 and try again. Believe that he is, expect a reward and set yourself apart to seek him with all diligence. In other words keep after it and get serious like never before.
2007-06-19 16:09:57
answer #6
answered by Tommy 6
I have been suffering from post partum depression for the past one year when I gave birth to a baby boy. I couldn't stop thinking about how my husband loves him more than me and how things might be better if he wasn't born at all. Thus, I stayed away from him because I knew that I might do something I will regret for the rest of my life. Almost instantly I went to a therapist and convince them that I need help. Among other things, I've tried herbal supplements and other book to treat depression but nothing works like the Depression Free Method. So now I'm proud to say I'm one of the happiest mother in the world. My husband loves us both very much and I thank the Lord for the blessing he gave us. Depression Free Method?
2016-05-20 02:40:27
answer #7
answered by ? 3
This will probably not be the answer you are looking for, but I would say that it would probably stem from a hurt in life and I would also propose that God often gets the short end of the stick. Often it is easy for people to transfer upon God the feelings they have towards their relationship with their parents. Try out this test. In one column list your mom, in a second column your dad. Then list out all the characteristics of your parents, good and bad. Then in a third column list God and list all of his characteristics good and bad. You might be surprised to find similarities between the columns. Thus I say that woundedness from your parents makes people create a negative image of God and thus lose faith in him. Thus, it is not a true losing faith in God as He is, but as one imagines He is based on their personal hurts and pains. I obviously come from a Psychology background.
2007-06-19 15:41:10
answer #8
answered by DrThorne 3
You don't place your faith in a church or a religion, only God. Churches will fail you, religions are nothing but attempts by man to reach Heaven through works, which is doomed to fail. God is the only One whom we should have faith in, He will never fail. Place your faith in Christ and His work on the cross for salvation, not your works nor your efforts, and you won't be disappointed.
2007-06-19 15:40:00
answer #9
answered by BrotherMichael 6
Honestly, I think on average lose faith when they start going through any upper-level education. That's the most common cause. This is because it generally reveals how wrong people are capable of being when they follow instinct or tradition- so it is important to base your opinions on facts and logic. Trying to make christianity fit with the facts we know today requires some strange logical acrobatics and many christians just get tired of it, and skeptical, when they receive good education.
2007-06-19 15:39:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Many things can lead to someone falling away, the problem is a lot of people think their teachers are absolute, when they are really just other people. The bible itself TELLS you to cross check ANYTHING taught to you, to make sure it's right in the word itself. Your salvation is YOURS alone to be responsible for. If you let something in the world take it away, you are one of the seeds that fell on the road, the shallow earth, or the brambles. He told that parable to encourage you not to lose hope and faith, to realize that your faith is YOUR faith, not someone elses. It can only be shaken and crumble if you let it be.
2007-06-19 15:38:33
answer #11
answered by Stahn 3