To truly know God is to Love Him...Lucifer loved himself more than he loved God. Cry out to God to help you, I know He will if you are willing to accept His will as your life pattern. God's way is a way of love. If you love Him you will keep His commandments. Surrender now!
2007-06-19 21:28:47
answer #1
answered by Jalapinomex 5
There are others more qualified to help you....and hopefully someone has given you an adequate answer....where in the Bible does it say your life suddenly gets better and becomes a bed of roses if you have Christ? In fact my experience has been it gets worse....why....because then the battle for your soul begins. Satan will usually let life happen knowing he has you and not get to worried about it but the minute you decide to accept Christ , Satan is going to throw stuff at you all the time...This joy you speak of...the joy is knowing that you have eternal life....that you have someone to turn to, to lean on, to pray to....some people claim happiness and joy, joy, joy...and usually these are the fanatics who try to talk people into believing and piss a lot of other people off....they generally burn bright for awhile and burn themselves is of things not seen...having an inner knowing and letting that carry you through till you see Jesus. Yes sometimes we get wonderful answers to prayer...and a lot of the time it is as though we are praying to nothing...but inside we know...we know what we have to look forward to....and with Satan you also know...don't you...he might let life glide here for you, make things real nice....but we all it worth the risk, eternal life...or eternal death. I can tell by the way you are asking for help already know. God Bless, I hope someone has the right answer...
2007-06-20 01:28:12
answer #2
answered by She Said 4
There are so many Christians out there who have heard "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:b, They have not heard or have neglected the first part of this verse "Submit yourselves therefore to God" James 4:7a.
We submit to God when we humble ourselves and realize that without Him in my life today I will not be able to "Resist the devil".
Would you please, I even beg you read Psalms 73. Here is an account where David felt as you probably did when all of this started. Do what ever it takes to reconnect with God. I don't know know what church you were attending. Hopefully it was a Spirit filled church that practices Eph.4:11-32. If it wasn't get to one that is. Go to the Minister there. Tell him everything, this isn't a time where you can afford to be embarrassed about anything, your soul is at stake here. There is great power in the laying on of hands by those who our filled with His Spirit, James 5:15-20. Your on my prayer list now.
2007-06-20 01:34:34
answer #3
answered by don_steele54 6
If you're serious then here's what you need to know.
1. God isn't some cosmic bellhop who is at your beck and call. He is the Almighty God of Heaven to whom we must give an account of how we have lived our lives before Him. Sometimes you can feel the joy of the Lord and sometimes not. Like Job said "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, blessed be the name of the Lord". And again "Now you are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from the Lord and not evil?". In all this Job did not sin.
2. The Devil is a liar and a deceiver, and a murderer from the beginning. There is no truth in him. His tricks remain the same because he sees that they work. "Hath the Lord said thou shalt worship the Lord your God and Him only shall thee serve? The only reason He says that is because He knows that if you worship me you will find Him lacking. He doesn't want you to experience joy in this life for He is a cruel God who cares only for Himself".
3. You need to get on your knees and confess to God that you have sinned against Him. Beg Him in the name of Jesus to forgive you and to rescue you from the snare of the Devil who has taken you captive to do his will.
If you will not repent and seek the mercy of the Lord you will surely taste the bitter gall of death and go down to Sheol to await the judgment of the damned.
But if you do repent, even though you were unfaithful the Lord remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself.
2007-06-21 01:02:40
answer #4
answered by Martin S 7
You 'felt' power. That's the illusion that Satan uses to ensnare us. The only real power comes from Christ Jesus. Think of it like this: Whats power on earth vs. eternity? You can't take 'power' with you when you die any more than money.
Your soul is eternal. You are, in effect, immortal. You have a fundamental choice to make.-dine in Heaven or sup in Hell. Keep in mind that the choice, once you die and go to judgment, is permanent. Once you die, it's over.
Hey kid, life is a test and only a test. Christ Jesus is the answer. Once you got the all the answers, what's left?
Try this. Start going to church. Try different ones. Pray for guidance, He will lead you to where you need to be. Start listening to gospel-Third Day is my fav. Read the Bible, start with the Book of John in the New Testement . Also try Psalms 51, the sinners prayer. Jesus is there with you. He holds out His hands to all. You just have to seek and find him. These things helped me find Jesus and get saved.
Just don't expect to see angels and lightning bolts. The experience is different for everyone. I just felt an overwhelming sense of peace, fulfillment, and relief. Later, I felt the boundless joy of salvation. I now Witness on a regular basis as I am called by the Spirit. I shall pray that you find Him. He loves you and wants you by his side always.
God bless you and all you love.
2007-06-19 15:46:07
answer #5
answered by BoNe 3
WOW, that's not good!
Are you big on prayer? Do you even know why this is happening to you? (I have an idea). If you never felt the joy of Christ, I suspect you were believing with your head (problem with many men christian) wrather than in your heart. You see there about 6 inches between knowing and believing (the distance between the brain and the heart.
And you "symptoms" are totally those of an intellect christian.
Of course the other one will feel good that's his speciality, trapping people into lies to feel good. Is that what you want? You know you MUST resist the devil and he well flee from you, but you have to pass a few tests now.
You're at that stage in your christian walk (if you ever walked) where God lets you go and check to see (actually for you to realise) if you walk by faith (what you know and don't see but trust) or by emotions (what you want to feel and feelings are satan's domain).
you must learn to love and be loved by God. Knowledge is not enough, it has to pass through the heart.
Now I have a few pages I have written that might help you:
My testimony, (supernatural past, ocult and so on):
and one God inspired me for those who go through a spiritual desert:
if you hae questions, email me
2007-06-19 15:38:26
answer #6
answered by monfille 3
If this is true, and it's a big if imo, you should spend a lot more time talking to Him. Spend some time and listen to what He's got to say and just be honest. Do it alone and with others, it might seem strange to some, but He WANTS you to ask Him to join you in every day things. If there's a party, invite Him along to observe and to be with you, He wants to be a part of your life, not just an after thought. Seek His opinion on things you don't understand or when something is heavy on you. Take the time to get to know Him. If you truely seek Him, you WILL find Him.
2007-06-19 15:34:17
answer #7
answered by Stahn 3
It sounds like you are letting emotions rule your life. After a while, what will you do when you get bored of this? Or when you don't "feel" that power? Faith is about more than what we "feel." Assuming you are serious you need to reflect on what it is you are placing your "faith" in, and how you are living out that faith. If it's all about you then just go take some classes for self enrichment. I personally think this is a joke to get all us naive Christians to try to save you from the big bad devil, if so, have fun.
2007-06-19 15:36:58
answer #8
answered by keri gee 6
I think this is something you should sit down with someone safe and discuss. By safe, I mean someone you trust who will really listen and not try to guilt you into doing what they want.
There is a such thing as spiritual abuse, which is sort of what the Pharisees did. They had loads of rules, but they didn't really focus on the grace, mercy, forgiveness and love of God.
I don't know what your definition of faith is, but I believe that faith is the willingness to really test what you believe - to put your belief into practice. If you read Hebrews 11, all those who had faith _did_ something, and that something showed God to be active in their lives.
Depression is anger turned inward. What is it that you're angry about? What is it that you can't forgive yourself for? It's hard to have joy when you have unresolved anger in your life. It could be that you have some religious beliefs that are not scripturally founded that are keeping you stuck in anger and guilt. I recommend "12 Christian Beliefs that will Make You Crazy" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend or "Lies We Tell Ourselves" by Chris Thurman. Either will help you root out perfectionistic thinking that may be robbing you of your joy.
The lift in depression, happiness, and power you feel may be a result of throwing off the restrictions that are frustrating you, but as a Christian, I believe you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I really think competent counseling is what you need. I don't think you're crazy. But I think you need someone to help you deal with the anger and depression in constructive ways.
The joy in Christ comes - in part - from gratitude and thanksgiving. If you've never seen the gospel as "good news" or Christianity as "rest," it's easy to get discouraged. If your faith is bound by fear instead of love, obedience becomes hard to bear. Focus more on your relationship with God than on rules, and find someone you trust to talk to.
2007-06-19 15:48:00
answer #9
answered by Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH 7
I'm not an expert in this kind of stuff, but it's very likely that this is a direct attack from Satan.
Therefore, I urge you to denounce Satan. Do as the Scripture says, "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." James 4:7 (New American Standard Bible).
Remember, though you may not "feel" God's presence or Spirit, HE IS REAL NO MATTER WHAT. So don't ride on your emotions; this is very dangerous.
2007-06-19 15:34:26
answer #10
answered by blueanswers 2
Do you honestly think that Satan can give you eternal life?
You have two choices:
Go for the instant gratification thing with Satan
Hang in there with Jesus for the long haul.
Satan may look like he's got the better deal for right now, but in the end, he's a huge let-down.
OTH, Jesus may not be as attractive to you just at first, but hey...between the two of them, He definitely has the best retirement plan.
2007-06-19 15:33:55
answer #11
answered by Anonymous