It is not a silly question at all. Specifically, are you referring to the predictions in Revelation of the Bible? Do you believe in the Bible predictions but not in God?
There is a book that has been written explaining what John meant when he wrote Revelation. If you choose to read it, you can come to understand what ALL the symbolism in Revelation means--every single verse.
Here are just a few paragraphs pertaining to your question:
There is no precept of religion or science that comprehends or properly explains reality—which is things as they were, as they are, and as they are to come. Science is a type of religion, just as religion is a type of science, wherein the mystery of life remains a mystery to those who don’t understand it, but pretend to.
The aim of both science and religion is one in the same in trying to come to a logical conclusion about why, how, and when humans came into existence.
In modern science labs, truths are established by experimentation which includes the observation of how certain substances act and react in different environmental situations. Once the conditions have been re-created,and the outcome observed long enough, and the conditions produce the exact same reactions and results, science then resolves itself to calling the conclusive outcome: a law of nature, laws of mathematics, etc.
Science arrives at this conclusion because the outcome becomes consistent, and its behavior is replicated under the same set of circumstances.
Gods are simply omnipotent, omniscient, and advanced scientists who have been observing the exact same conditions and outcomes forever; thus making the conclusions of Their observations, the “Eternal Laws of Heaven and Earth.” Gods do not experiment, having no need to increaseTheir knowledge. They use these eternal laws to produce the end result of Their desires, which in every case, is to reach the final outcome all laws produce, i.e., balance.
This balance is always experienced and recognized by the advanced and eternal human being as HAPPINESS.
Modern science has proven on a molecular level that all atoms continue in a state of imbalance and act “radically” until they find their balance. When placed on an earth and given free will to act according to their natures, humans (radicals) seek happiness (balance) and act according to their free will (radically) until they find it.
It takes about 7000 years of mortality to find this balance. The “human experiment,” per se, follows the eternal laws of nature, and will eventually produce the desired result. However, before it does, it must go through the same procedural and customary steps it has always followed to arrive at the same end.
You can read more from the book if you like. It is online for free at the site below:
2007-06-21 18:26:30
answer #1
answered by smallone 4
Yes, I do believe that it will become more and more increasingly obvious that indeed, there is a God! If you knew more about the Book of Rev., you would already be seeing alot of groundwork being laid for many prophecies to come to fruition!
I will tell you though that at this time, to be a Christian means death! There will be a one world religion and government ( which is being established now...look at the news!). If you do not worship as you are told and do as you are suppose too, then you will die! But, certainly, being a Christian once this is in place, will be certain death!
The one certain thing is that when you do cry out for Him, He will listen! Just do not wait too long as we just never know what is coming next! It is far better to be prepared than not to be.
I will say not let your fear of that last moment be the catalyst for becoming a Christian. Fear is not something God would have you to feel! Fear is an ungodly emotion sent from satan. In the Bible, fear is used to as a term of respect, pertaining to God! " We are to fear God." That does not translate to human fear! It means we are to be respectful towards Him.
I think your question is a wonderful question! It is not at all stupid as you are speaking about your spirit and where will it spend eternity?? That is a pretty important topic! Keep searching out the truth and I do, with all my heart, hope that you indeed will believe upon the Lord, and be saved!
2007-06-19 12:55:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hi Skippy,
This is a very good question. Not silly at all.
Yes, it's quite possible. Think in terms of Jesus. Here was Jesus, Emmanuel - which means God is With Us. So many people loved him. But a handful refused and managed to turn a great number against him.
That is what will happen at the end of days. We will have real proof of God and yet some people with choose to turn away.
They will pick the abyss over heaven. Sadly, I think many will do so over the cruelty of some Christians. Those who chase others away have the greater sin.
Some of us with the gift of discernment had odd experiences at 9/11. Many of us felt or saw souls actually turning away from God as he reached out for them during the fire and the pain.
God certainly loves you. Even if you don't believe in him he will reach out.
2007-06-19 12:38:07
answer #3
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
That's a wonderful question, but also remember that at that time Christianity will be a torture and death sentence - ensuring a painful life before the next one.
Since the purpose of those events are, according to the theology I've studied, meant to convert, I doubt there'll be a cut off date before the end of the last battle. I think what'll stand in the way of a lot of people converting, besides the choice of death or belief, will be pride.
Pride seems to keep people from accepting truth more than anything else, including doubt.
I honestly expect that, when those events happen, many people will cross over. That's the whole point of the disasters, after all.
2007-06-19 12:37:22
answer #4
answered by uncannydanny 2
first off, the book of revelation is a type of ancient literary genre called "apocolyptic" literature. it was a style of writing to get a point across that has certain characteristics that are common to other books at that time in this genre. the originial purpose was to warn people, to show a sense of cosmic war going on but with the sense of God being ultimately the winner of this war -so believers would be encouraged (not terrified!). See the Old testement book - Daniel. there are many mysteries in Daniel likened to Revelation. My personal view is that Revelation does have broad meaning to beliverers of all times but this dispensationalism, etc stuff is just trying to figure out something that has not been revealed to us yet. Plus it is also a way to encourage people that no matter how terrible things get in the world - the evil, injustice, oppression, war, etc - there is still hope because God is in control in the end!
2007-06-19 12:39:20
answer #5
answered by anonimous 2
The only thing I can add to what has already been written above is that during the tribulation period,there will be a mark that all will be forced to receive if they wish to buy food,gas clothes,etc. It is the mark of the beast(the anti-christ),and by taking that mark you would be denouncing God therefore forfeiting all chance at redemption. If you take that mark,there is NO turning back.
I can only implore you to seek God now for there are millions during the tribulation period who will be deceived and forced through fear of certain death into taking this mark. Study Revelations thoroughly so that if for whatever reason you are here during that horrible time,you will know and understand what is going on and will be better prepared and knowledgeable about what you should do. But I again implore you. DO NOT take that mark.There is always hope to be saved during this period if you can find the strength within yourself to resist the anti-christ.
There are so many people who scoff at our attempts to warn them of what horrors lay ahead. My only words for them are even if they don't believe,they should study Revelations so that they may be better prepared. It may be their only hope.
I pray your heart finds the truth and sincerity in our words.
2007-06-19 14:50:07
answer #6
answered by ? 6
No, that's a good question. You could have just read the book of Revelation and found that answer, of course.
Re 9:20 The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood— idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Re 9:21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Re 16:9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
Re 16:11 and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.
Apparently such people weren't willing to repent. No surprise there.
2007-06-19 13:46:16
answer #7
answered by Steve Amato 6
Great question? I know as a fact that Christ himself showed us that even at the last minutes of our lives, if we decide "choose" to follow Christ then we are saved, he did this with the thief crucified with him who accepted Him as lord and savior. But the answer is if done with your whole heart, body and mind, the acceptance of Christ, the existence of God, then as they say in Jamaica, no problem mon... the key is that God knows our heart and it cannot be faked.
About seeing the existence of God, it is embedded in every human heart, we are the ones who later on in life choose to believe or not too. A clear example of this is that every human race, even those in total isolation of Christianity or other divinity influences, believe there is something greater, be it the sun, the moon, the crocodile, but something out there is greater than they and they are summoned to worship this because we were made to worship God, the real meaning of the 1st chapter of Genesis is this.
Again thanks for the great question and God bless.
2007-06-20 02:34:09
answer #8
answered by Perhaps I love you more 4
Not until the second woe do the wicked recognize God.
Revelation 9
20The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. 21Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Revelation 11
13At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven. 14The second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon.
2007-06-19 12:35:38
answer #9
answered by Holy Holly 5
yes and no....what you state in terms of those signs? Those are natural and they will be similar to what the ancients witnessed during the time of Isaiah and Joshua....i suggest you read worlds in collision by immanuel vilikovsky to get a better perspective on that....
and yes it will be possible to "convert" during those events..HOWEVER>...dont' forget that the FAKE JESUS or Antichrist which really means INSTEAD Of jesus...will be doing MIRACLES on the earth "in the sight of men and shall DECEIVE Them that dwell on the earth" he'll bring lightning down from the heavens might see it on CNN live via satelite etc...dunno....but it's going to be so STRONG a supernatural event that even weak non-blible knowing Christians will believe on it etc...good luck.
2007-06-19 12:45:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous