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2007-06-19 12:09:15 · 17 answers · asked by polklip 2 in Pets Dogs

holy! so far...awful answers. he is a puppy chihuahua, not a huge dog, he isnt hurting anyone, just annoying me to death!

2007-06-19 12:19:00 · update #1

i dont want to kill my new puppy thank you

2007-06-19 12:19:21 · update #2

17 answers

This is very common question on yahoo, and one i enjoy answering. Yours though is a little different as you have a 2 yr old that won't be able to do the technique, but hopefully with just you and your spouse doing this, the puppy will get the idea. However, I would recommend not leaving the puppy alone with the 2 yr old. First of all, the first 2 who answered this question, both morons. You don't have to give up a dog for biting, it is never too old to teach them not to bite hard, and the other, I would never use a shock collar excep as a last resort. I think that they are cruel and unusual. Besides, you do not break negative behavior with negative reaction.

First, lets hope that your puppy is at the very least 6 weeks of age. That way it had time to get the proper socialization skills. You see, in the litter, puppies will bite each other in play. They use their mouths much like babies use their hands. As you know from having a 2 yr old, they get into everything, a puppy will do this as well, and they will also play by biting. Now while in the litter, two puppies will start to play, and by this, we mean biting. When one puppy bites the other one too hard, the one that is biten will let out a yelp, and run away. The puppy that did the biting will usually try to chase after the other one, thinking that this is part of the game. However, after this happens a few times, the puppy doing the biting realizes that the game is ending when the other one yelps and runs away. So if he wants to play with the other puppy, he has to learn not to bite so hard.

Lets take this and put it into your situration. When you or your spouse are playing with the puppy, and he bites one of you too hard, yell really loud, "OUCH!!!!" and put the puppy down, and if necessary, walk away. The puppy will follow, ignore him. After about 5 minutes, begin playing with him again. If he bites again, repeat the process. Yell "Ouch", put him down, and walk away. It will only take few minutes before he realizes that you are ending the play session, and he will stop biting so hard. He may continue to mouth, but that is because that is what they do. It may actually work the same with your 2 yr old, but I would not want to subject him to that. Try it with just you and your spouse. Also, look into getting a book from the library called "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete and also, "The Dog Listener" by Jan Fennell. These books should help you not only understand your puppy better, but also with any future issues you may come across. Good Luck

2007-06-19 12:32:30 · answer #1 · answered by boleen03 3 · 2 0

When puppies play together they often bite and growl at each other. That's just puppy play behaviour.

However, your pup needs to be trained out of biting you (the alpha animal).

When she starts to bite during play (with you, for now keep you child away from the dog), do not smack or chide the dog. Very quickly substitute a plush or chew toy. Continue to hold the toy in your hand while the puppy plays, bites and tugs on it. Since you want to encourage new behaviour, praise the pup lavishly when he accepts the toy, and continue the play. Do this every time.

Please do not leave your child unattended around your dog. It doesn't matter how small the dog is, your child is simply too young. And do not allow the child to play with the dog even if you are supervising until the biting problem is resolved.

If you aren't able to resolve the problem this way, get the advice and help of a trainer.

Good luck to you!

2007-06-19 20:17:16 · answer #2 · answered by silverin.unwritten 3 · 0 0

Puppies bite, don't you know. Yes you do. They bite because that is one way they explore their world. Do you have to tolerate it? No! When puppies are in the litter they play and bite and when another litter mate gets hurt from this biting this is exactly what happens. The litter mate yelps, cries out and gets away from the biter. End of play for the biter and this is not what it wants so it learns real quick to not bite hard or to where it hurts. You should do that also. When the dog bites you turn away and cry out. Make a big fuss about the site of the bite and keep turning away from the dog. Do not make eye contact, do not say anything, just continue to ignore the dog.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you to hit your dog, or get a shock collar and shock the dog, or squirt it, or yell at it. All that does is to teach your dog to fear you. You want your dog to display good behavior because it wants to.

2007-06-19 19:32:56 · answer #3 · answered by DaveSFV 7 · 2 0

I'm assuming this is puppy play biting, not aggressive biting. If it is aggression, you need to see an animal behaviorist, not Yahoo Answers! When the puppy bites you, squeal loudly (like a puppy yelp) and turn your back to the puppy and completely ignore him for at least 3 minutes. Once 3 minutes are up, go back and play like nothing happened. If you have trouble ignoring him, tie a leash to a piece of furniture and have it be the time-out leash. When he bites, squeal and without talking or anything, put him on the leash and ignore him. By doing this, you are immitating what his litter mates would do if he bit them too hard. They would yelp and refuse to play with him anymore. Good Luck!!!

2007-06-19 19:27:12 · answer #4 · answered by Lauren 3 · 3 0

When your puppy bites you, Say OW! in a high pitched voice. It really works because when puppies are still with their siblings they will let eachother know they are hurt by squealing. Turn away from it. Dont give it ANY attention. Just turn away. If you continue playing with your puppy, and he bites you again, grab him by the scruff of the neck and shake him while saying "NO" in a low growly voice, like his mother would do when he got too rough. NEVER HIT YOUR PUPPY. This will teach him to be afraid to play with you, and it is just cruel.

2007-06-19 19:27:55 · answer #5 · answered by Jazzy 2 · 1 1

Your puppy was separated from his siblings to early. That's when they learn it's not a good idea not to bite. One pup says if you bite me I bite you. Just give him some kind of discomfort every time he bites you. He will get the picture soon enough.

2007-06-19 19:35:07 · answer #6 · answered by Belgariad 6 · 0 0

It is normal for puppies to mouth things just as human babies will pick things up and put it in their mouth. Is he playing/learning or is he demonstrating aggressiveness? If he is truly biting then whenever he does this IMMEDIATELY flip him over on his back. This will establish you as the alpha and he will know that it is not acceptable.

2007-06-19 20:53:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, do NOT hit the dog. It is a puppy, puppies do this. When he bites, firmly tell him NO and give him an alternative to chew or bite on...like a toy or chew bone. Same works for teething and them chewing on things they shouldn't...always give them an alternate.

2007-06-19 19:21:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Okay, I'm going to tell you what I learned about dogs biting..When a dog starts to bite its either miss behaving or its teeth en..You should always scowl your dog if it bites you 2 yr old..NEVER hit the dog, it might turn evil and then it will really bite you..You should just tap it and tell it to go in its kennel, if it don't go in its kennel you drag it by the collar..If this is not working out then that dog is not a good family dog when it gets older..If you need officially help I would contact a vet or somebody that had a dog for a long time and that knows how to train it.Or, you can take it to a puppy course..

2007-06-19 19:17:47 · answer #9 · answered by Juicy-Gurl 1 · 0 6

every time he or she tries to bite, hit it on the nose and tell it NO BITE!!!!!! after he stops. praise him for stopping

2007-06-19 20:04:21 · answer #10 · answered by shianne w 2 · 0 0

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