It doesn't hurt as much as it feels like a never-ending, irritating itch, but it really smarts if you hit a nerve ending. Some people will try to tell you that you're hitting bone, but the needle only penetrates the first few layers of your epidermis.
The most sensitive spots are the areas not exposed normally (ie: lower back, legs/thighs, chest/breast areas).
The arms are the least painful spots.
Think about the tattoo you want carefully, they're forever. Try to be individual and don't get a pattern dozens of people already have. Talk to your tattoo artist about doing a pattern just for you. It'll be worth it in the long run.
2007-06-19 12:06:12
answer #1
answered by thatwench 5
I got my first Tattoo at age 16, I'm 19 know..Well i was scared but the worst places to get tattoos, and that hurt the most is the inside of the arm (forearm), wrist, anywhere the sun doesn't go. Because the skin is soft there. But I found a tattoo felt like a Kitten scatch, which they can hurt but not that bad. I also felt a burning but after a while it was just more of a annoying feeling.
One thing tho is you really have to want a tattoo, and don't listen to people who tell you it's going to hurt cause only you can say how much pain you can endure. and a tattoo, is nothing because the more needles there are the less pain it is. But i suggest that you look into what you want and go to a few tattoo places and see if you like what you see. Cause once you get a tattoo, it's there for life.
Also i find the best places are the upper arm, lower leg area, not near the thigh. ankle, back.....
I have mine on my ankle....never hurt at all for me, the healing was the worse, cause it was very itchy.
Good Luck
2007-06-19 19:42:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It hurts really bad. Even the smallest one is gonna hurt soo much! I mean if you're really considering getting one, get a small one. Anywhere where you can find a big layer of fat (not as in if you're fat, but just places where fat is stored, like your belly, etc) it's gonna hurt the least. Personally I like ankle tattoos, but it hurts real bad! Before you get anything done, think about whether you really wanna get a tattoo and carefully decide on the design, cause its staying with you forever, unless you're prepared to sacrifice a lot of money, go through even more pain and have a scar!
2007-06-19 19:06:03
answer #3
answered by bartyva 3
From what I know getting a tattoo hurts reeeaaal bad. It's slow and painful - not too pleasant. Besides that, tattoos are permanent, meaning that you will NEVER EVER be able to erase them. So imagine yourself as a mom, respected adult, or old grandma with some kind of a tattoo - not too pretty, especially for a woman. And also, you can catch an infectious disease by getting a tattoo - HIV or AIDS. I mean, you never know who was using the needle before you.
2007-06-19 19:05:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have 8...........they all come with a small amount of pain and depending on the placement - ie. top of feet, across the spine or the inner part of your upper arm or inner thigh.
Before getting one make sure you are really sure of the picture to be done and that you actually want something for the rest of your life. Also make sure you trust the tattoo artist and have checked him/her out.
Everyone is different with the pain so you will have to decide - and the top of the foot tattoo that I got didn't hurt days after for me but it may for others.
2007-06-19 21:52:09
answer #5
answered by smalldog1266 1
It all depends on where you get it. No matter what its gonna hurt, but some places are just a *****. After a couple days it'll be fine.
Best places - Back, Arms (dont get sleeves though).
Worst - definately the ribs.
Id also try and look into getting a blacklight tatoo. This way, it doesnt show up in normal light, cuz it might be a problem with stereotypes for getting jobs and stuff.
2007-06-19 19:03:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
first off - the needle is nowhere near your bone - that is the stupidest thing i have ever read..
it is kinda itchy, and rather sore at points - but it is completely withstandable... just grin and bear it
but if you are asking people if it hurts maybe you are not ready for a tattoo - i wanted mine so much that i did not care how much it was going to hurt/hurt. it was worth it no matter what.
have a good think before you go for it - cause i have lots of friends with ugly little stars tattooed on them that they regret
i have a sleeve on my arm and everyday i appreciate how beautiful it is - it was worth the pain
2007-06-20 01:11:29
answer #7
answered by azzparagus 2
Of course its gonna hurt. But how bad? Depends. Tattoos on the inner upper arm hurt, which is why the Nazis branded their prisoners there in WW2.
and if your skiny, it hurts getting acroos the ribs, or on your neck.
2007-06-19 19:07:37
answer #8
answered by Joseph R 2
I've been told the ones on bony parts of your body (ankle, wrist, shoulderblades) hurt most. Imagine being given hundreds of really tiny shots. Yes, it hurts. Not enough to keep people from doing it, though!
2007-06-19 19:02:31
answer #9
answered by Baby'sMom 7
Yes, they hurt, no matter where you get them. And think long and hard before you get one because it hurts even more to have one removed. You also have to remember you will probably always have it. Think about where you get it and how visible it will be and how it may affect possible jobs in your future.
2007-06-19 19:38:40
answer #10
answered by rosebud114 3