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It seems even the most hardcore Muslims can see that it is obviously not the same God...Muslims use the excuse that the word of Allah was corrupted but this is extreme that the God who created everything and is righteous and true could not protect his word but is made a liar for 4000 years and suddenly now is capable of giving the truth...either God's word is worthy or it is not...It cant be unworthy for 4000 years and suddenly is worthy now...Allah has demonstrated he cant keep his word therefore any written word from Allah is not trustworthy... Allah cant be saying, I know I lied and deceived you 4000 years but I promise not to do that again and expect anyone to listen...Muhammad did not teach this... He didnt know his word did not agree with God. It is why he calls the true word of God guidance and light and he says to agree with the people of the book your God is my God...It is why he wrote 6:15 which says the Bible is his word and it cant be changed.

2007-06-19 11:23:07 · 7 answers · asked by djmantx 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sunshine...the promise that Allah gives you is in his written word? Allah is an all knowing God isnt he? Allah knows his word has been no good for thousands of years and yet gives you a promise wihtin his written word which has been proved worthless for thosunads of years??? God did not giove Moses his word as a test.. it was the devine word of God...If his word was not worthy then God could not judge any man according to the law of Moses as it could be corrupt!!!! All who did not follow God's laws would not have been held accountable by a righteous God if his word was not trustworthy. You Allah does make a greiveous error If he sent his word and allowed it tio become corrupt as now he can not righteously judge any man according to his written word,,, any promise made wihtin his word would be as worthless as his word is...think about it ...allh deems himself not worthy fo judging anyone as he law was in his written word and if it could not be trusted then his law was worthless.

2007-06-19 12:13:12 · update #1

اميره اوماري دبيان First you are wrong there is no original Qu'ran.
Second the words of the Qu'ran are worthless if the word of God is corrupt.
thisrd If Allah was so powerless to protect the word he gave to Moses then he is equally powerless to protect his word now no promise within corupptible words is worthy fo anything...Allah would surely know this and surely Muahmmad understood this it is the reason he did not call the true word of God corrupt.

2007-06-19 12:17:29 · update #2

Humble Humble Humble... Moses who believed all prophets of God were to come through Issac.. foretold of an Arabic Prophet??
Moses who said all prophets must be in agreement with the prophets and the word of God...Foretold of a prophet who would disagree with him and all the prophets of God and the word of God?
No this prophet is Deut. Is from his people meaning a Israelite It actually refers to the Messiah which is Christ.

2007-06-19 12:28:15 · update #3

prig First you say the 6:15 is not refering to the Bible. Read the chapter he is for a fact refering to the Bible. He is for a fact calling it HIS word. and he is for a fact saying his word can not be changed.
Now to say the bible is not his word is rediculous...You are saying you don't believe the Qu'ran is his word? God's word encompasses his written word if not then God must speak to us in another format. If the wriotten word of God is not included in his word then we have no wrod of God and that would definitely include your Qu'ran...Now as far as learning Arabic...God created the entire world and is totally capable of giving me his word in whatever language I understand If not he is not God at all and seriously could not judge me according to his word if his word was not made known to me.. Is this righteous? You folks far underestimate God. He can give his word to everyone in ther own language and he has done this for thausnads of years and yet some..

2007-06-20 06:07:03 · update #4

would prefer to follow a dead man rather than a living God.

2007-06-20 06:07:45 · update #5

James Dean..Absolutely Jesus was in agreement with the word of God even the Qu'ran says he is the word of God.. Did you find this amusing when you read it in your Qu'ran? The books of Moses and all scripture of all of the prophets are included in the Chrsitian scriptures...Jesus was foretold by Moses, Abraham, Isaiah...Jesus agree wiht these scriptures and taught from them Jesus said he would fufill these scriptures and did. Jesus is the word of God he did not contradict the prophets of God but very much agreed wiht them and did fufill their prophesies of him.
Mother Goose fairy tales are simplistic but they are not the word of God. I think if God's word can only be uncorrupted in Arabic I shudder to think what you would consider racist in the Bible which God made available to everyone regardless of race of language. Again the trinity is not poly theist Chrsitains believe in one God it is not God's fault you lack the spiritual understanding of this. Had you read and trusted his word

2007-06-20 18:43:53 · update #6

he would have revealed his truth to you.
man is created in his image more than one part. Man is flesh and spirit and is one soul...God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and he is ONE God. If as you say God did not allow Jesus to be crucified then he surley allowed Moses, Abraham, Isaiah and Jesus to perform the greatest hoax of all time covering thousands of years and claiming it as a promise from God, I realize Muslims believe Allah did deceive people to believe Jesus was crucified and the implications of allah himslef carrying on the evil lie for thousands of years not to mention not giveing people the truth for 600 years after the deception....Is Allah God or Satan? Satan is the liar and deceiver who would worship such a God? and how could God righteously judge anyone for believing the lie he created? I have asked many questions that all Muslims should ask their Allah. My reason is clear..If allah claims to be the God of Abraham and the God of the Bible he needs to back it up with

2007-06-20 18:53:49 · update #7

Absolute righteousness that is the God of Abraham. Allah does not compare. When Muhammad decided to make a new God had he chose to say this is a new God I would never say a word but Allah challenges Christians and Jews by caliming to be the God that was before Muhammad clearly the word of God proves this wrong and I am sharing with you the truth.

2007-06-20 18:58:03 · update #8

The statement that Islam is the fastest growing religion is also misleading as Satan does love to mix the truth with lies..Islam which is little more than half the size of Christainity is growing faster only in percentages.. Christianity which is already nearly twice the size is gaining in higher numbers than Islam...If I invented a religion today and increased by one tommorrow I would have doubled my membership and by percentage would be the fastest growing religion by your standards...however in truth I had only gained one member. I am not afraid of Islam and numbers do not always reflect the truth the fact is that I am afraid for those who believe a lie and follow the liar who's goal it is to steal their salvation.

2007-06-20 19:15:57 · update #9

Will Rogers...Are you not made in the iamge of God having both flesh and spirit and being a living soul? Are you also duel or do you prefer to think of yourself as simply flesh?

2007-06-20 20:59:26 · update #10

JamesDean...Clearly you believe Christ ot be the Messiah as you claim you are a soon to be Muslim...The jews did not aknowledge Christ as the Messiah though eh was foretold by the prophets including Moses, Abrham, Isaiah,...now you wish to tell me because the Jews did not believe the messiah was to be the Son of God as was also foretold by tehri prophets that they are somehow right on this one?

2007-06-20 22:20:50 · update #11

Moses did fortell of Jesus and the trinity...So did Abraham as did Isaiah...the Jews did not believe Christ was the Messiah nor did they expect the Messiah to be the Son of God... I agree apparently they were wrong and the Old Testament is in agreement with the New Testament Unlike Islam the God that was before Jesus is the same God that is after Jesus...Christians are in agreement with all of the prophets of God and God's word...the New Testament is not calling the word of God corrupt nor is it teaching a different God as the Qu'ran does. The God that was before Chrsit was born is the same God that Christ taught..I know how Muslims reconcile the teachings of Isaiah they call the word of God corrupt...How do you reconcile that Isaiah taugt the Messiah would atone for sin and we have the book of Isaiah from before Christ and Chrsit himself agreed with it and said he must fufill this prophesy of Isaiah 53?

2007-06-20 22:30:42 · update #12

7 answers

dj, Muslims believe only that which comes through Muhammad. There is no truth but that which passes through Muhammad.They no longer trust God's word unless it is first filtered through Muhammad the same wiht the prophets they are not accepted unless it is written by Muhammad and Muhammad tellls them what Allah says and waht the prophets say...Without Muhammad there could be no Allah nor prophets of God no truth whatsoever. yet they calim they worship Allah not Muhammad...again Allah can not give scripture that can be trusted unless he sends it through Muhammad.Do you really think they worship Allah or Muhammad? If Allah was to speak to them they would not accept it unless Muhammad said it was okay. They preach that they would never worship a man and yet they only accept Muhammads word for what anthing says..Allah himself can not be trusted unless his word is filtered through Muhammad. Muhammad is dead and Allah can no longer talk but through the dead mans book. Is Allah the God of Abraham? How could a Muslim be sure but for the fact Muhammad told them so. Muslims do not trust the word of God nor the prophets of God only the word that is passed through Muhammad. If Muhammad is not Allah then Allah sure seems to be helpless without him.

2007-06-20 20:41:58 · answer #1 · answered by Simon Cyrene 3 · 0 1

Dear, you've got everything all mixed up.

God sent the books like the Bible and the Torah and gave it to the people of Israel as a test of whether they will be able to keep it safe and uncorrupted the way He sent it to them or not. Not to mention that they were not the only books, in other words, God sent those books as a test to the people knowing that even if they were corrupted, there would be another book that will not be corrupted.

Of course the books were corrupted by some of the clerics, and were changed from their original forms to fit what some of the Clerc's wanted.

The Qur'an on the other hand was sent with a promise that it will be kept safe, and that it can not be corrupted because it is the last Holy Book that was to be sent down on to earth.

I hope that helps.



ROFL... dear, it's not God's word that wasn't trustworthy, it's the people who held the book who weren't trustworthy to keep the word that was given to them.

Mosos didn't have anything to do with this corruption, he was a great prophet (pbuh), the people did.

Take a look at Islam right now... there are about 73 different sects. Was that because Muhammad told the people to divid? No, but the people themselves went on picking and choosing what they want and don't want.

Same goes for the past nations. Only difference is that even if the Muslims try to pick and choose, the book stays the same, but in other religions, the book has already changed, otherwise you wouldn't have found an old testement, a new testament, and a different book for each sect.

Does that help?

Peace again.

2007-06-19 18:41:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There is but "One God"
Anything other than this would mean a person is living in duality.
God and Allah are one in the same.
God and Allah are one word.

Anything other than this means a person is being deceived.
Use "Wisdom" and re-evaluate your position, for the answer lies within your heart.

I find no fault within you. I find fault in your reasoning.
The unforgivable sin is when man does his utmost to destroy another human beings faith, and this is the direction you are going. If you think this is finding fault then so be it!

Jesus (PBUH) is the (Ruh) or the Soul of God. One must pass through Jesus (PBUH) to reach the Father (God).
This is a truth that no man can question.
Uplift all brothers and sisters don't belittle them.

2007-06-21 03:42:49 · answer #3 · answered by WillRogerswannabe 7 · 0 0

Good . you said " Koran says Bible is God's word n according to Koran his words can't be changed " .
6:15 does not talk about anythin' related to the bible anyway what you quoted means god would never change his words n his ideas but It does not mean Bible couldn't be altered (by people) 'cause it was God's word . This's not a contradiction you smart . Go on n read koran in Arabic then you'd find out you shouldn't have post such a ... question !

2007-06-19 19:07:12 · answer #4 · answered by Perekletes 4 · 0 0

(Laughing) Does that mean that Jesus should be in agreement with God's word too? Come on! I've studied Christianity and have found it to be contradictory to Judaism, how's that? You easily would put the reason as to the "myth" that Jesus' death on the cross put God's laws upside down!

BTW, I do not proclaim myself a professor in religion, but I do have common sense. One thing that attracted me to Islam was its simplicity: There was no chosen race, no neglect of the afterlife, no polytheist trinity, no blasphemous God incarnate stuff, no crucifiction that suddenly turns God's laws upside down, hmmm?

Islam is simple: Worship God and do not accompany others with Him in worship, believe in Mohamad, follow the Koran which says do the good things and leave the bad (evil) things! Is there anything simpler and clearer than that? Does that not remind you of the Ten Commandments? Or is just sticking to the crucifiction story enough for you??

(LOL) I have checked your profile and found it full of questions and answers that are challenging Muslims and their beliefs? Why? Are you one of those that are afraid of the spread of Islam; which is the fastest growing religion in the world and in America? Is this your duty? Did Jesus order you to do this??

Salam and Shalom (have you noticed the similarity? The source of goodness is one!)

Edit: From what I've understood from your words is that you think that the New Testament is a correct continuation of the Old Testament? No! On the contrary! You know what? If you check the prophesies regarding the Messiah, you'll know why the Jews refused to acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah. Only Islam is the way to tell the true Messiah; as its prophesies regarding Jesus prove so and are in agreement with Jewish beliefs. I have heard an Islamic scholar speak about the status of the Messiah in Islam and have been shocked when I found out that the Messiah we (the Jews) are waiting for is actually Jesus; although according to Christian stories Jesus did very little to prove himself to be the true Messiah. BTW, Jews never believed that the true Messiah is God incarnate, nor do we believe that God is a trinity. From where do Christians get this? The trinity was known to the pagan Ancient Egyptians and the Hindus. It is completely absent in Judaism, and some Christian sects have denounced it in the 4th-6th centuries and I think you know well the stories of the Arians and other Unitarian sects in Christianity that declared the trinity to be polytheism; exactly like what the Jews and Muslims did!

As for God's image,...etc these are only metaphorical phrases. You could ask the Jews for that and ask them if God is composed of parts or not. God is not the same concept as man, nor is He of a similar concept of any of His creation. In Judaism, God is absolutely one, He is indivisible and His oneness in absolute and therefore unlike any oneness of His creation. In Judaism, God does not change nor is He composed of sub-divisons or parts. I've found Islam to be similar to Judaism in this regards; though Islam is more strict in its monotheism. Did you not know that Jesus and his early followers were more strict monotheists than the Jews who were contemporary to them? That means they were in agreement with Islam that came 600 years later!

Perhaps you should argue with the Jews regarding Jesus and salvation, instead of the Muslims. I believe you'll find their views regarding trinity, status of the Messiah, and the salvation through crucifiction myth to be the same.

Edit2: You claim that Abraham and Moses believe in the trinity?!!!!!!!!!!!! You're actually absurd! They said that God was "Ekhad"; which means that He is absolutely one, and an indivisible one! Which devil told you that the prophets before Jesus believed in the trinity???? In fact, the word "Ekhad" is exactly the same as "Ahad" in the Koran, so how come you say that by converting to Islam I am actually worshipping another God, you audacious piece of polytheism?! You claim that the Nicene Creed of 325 that spoke of the polythiest trinitarian doctrine of Yahweh to be correct, while all the Jews and Unitarian Christians were wrong???!

If you dare, go ahead and post a question to the Jews and argue with them regarding God being composed of three persons, being crucified, having a mother, being three in one, and go tell them if Abraham and Moses were trinitarians! Go ahead! Post the questuion and argue with them! BTW, we believe that Job was a prophet, and so do Muslims...why then did the Christians deny his prophethood??

Yes, the descriptions of the Messiah in the Torah did not match with what was told about Jesus' life in the New Testament....this is why Jews are excused if they denied that Jesus was the true Messiah. Only the Koran and the Traditions of the Prophet Mohamed regarding the second coming of Jesus agree with the Torah's descrtiption of the awaited Messiah, how's that! Mohamed said that the Messiah will come before the Day of Judgement to rule the world a perfect reign. During the Messiah's reign peace will be absolute,....etc and all Islamic books agree that Jesus is the Messiah. You believe that Jesus will come to this world only by spirit because he died (according to your myths) on the cross in the year 30! What's funny is that after claiming his death, the Christians believed he returned to earth 3 days later in flesh and ate food in front of his disciples!!! Your New
Testament contradicts itself, huh!!!!???!!!

2007-06-20 18:31:23 · answer #5 · answered by Ash'ari Maturidi 5 · 0 0

EXCUSE ME....6:15 say the Bible is his word and it can't be changed...HOW MANY TIMES HAS "HIS WORD" BEEN CHANGE???????????? HOW MANY VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE ARE THERE NOW???????????


FOR 1400 YEARS the Quraan has remained the ONE and ONLY Holy Book that has REMAINED UNCHANGED. and THE QURAAN WAS REVEALED BY ALLAH TO MOHAMMED .PBUH. OVER A PERIOD OF 23 YEARS AYAT BY AYAT, SURAH BY SURAH or as you might know this word as verse by verse, chapter by chapter. and the Holy Bible was written by the interpretations from man.


YOU CAN'T SAY THIS FOR YOUR BIBLE...YOU JUST CAN'T...Mohammed PBUH would tell you how wrong you are if he was here today. please get more knowledge about us. this information isn't logic in Islam, it is only logic in misunderstanding.

2007-06-19 18:43:27 · answer #6 · answered by baba where art thou 4 · 0 1

You are still confused. Aren’t you?
Read carefully and with patience, if you really serious and true follower of Prophet Jesus (pbuh).

Bible is written by so many people how come it is words of God (Luke, Mark, Paul etc. etc.).

While even then if you know a little about Old Testament it says:
Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:

"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

Now If we Analyze, we will see that Prophet Muhammad is descendent of Prophet Ismail, Brother Of Prophet Ishaq (Isaac)(pbu them both).

And God Almighty is saying , He (The Comming Prophet), will speak , what I shall Command, and I will put My Words in His Mouth.
If we see words of Qura'n, All words and sentences are Direct instructions and commands from Almighty Allah.

The words and sentences are not like other scriptures like story told , nerrated by some other person.

So chapter 18 verse 18: from Book of Deuteronomy refers to Prophet Muhammad, and Qura'n, as Words of God Almighty Allah(swt).

And Qura'n is a unique and ultimate becon of light source we got through Prophet Muhammad, fore told in Old testament.

Coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), fore told in other scriptures, like in Old Testament, New Testament, Hindu scriptures, and others.


Muhammad was predicted to come in the Gospel of John:

Just a quick note, the Arabic word "Muhammad" is an expression which means "The honorable one" or "The glorified one" or "The admirable". Prophet Muhammad was the first in the Middle East to be named "Muhammad". Below, you will see how Jesus in today's Gospel of John had called this human Prophet which he predicted his comming "The honorable one".

Jesus in the Greek Bible used the Greek word "Periklytos" which means the admirable or glorified one. He called that predicted human prophet "Periklytos". This word corresponds exactly to the Arabic word "Muhammad" which also means the "admired one" or "glorified one." In other words, "Periklytos" is "Muhammad" in Greek.

In the Bible we can find the following four passages wherein Jesus (peace be upon him) predicts a great event:

John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever"

John 15:26 "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me"

John 14:26 "But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

John 16:7-14 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you."


If some one realy loves Prophet Jesus (pbuh), should visit above mentioned site, and give a serious thaught.

Find truth, and be couragious to accept true path shown by maighty Prophet Jesus (pbuh).


2007-06-19 18:53:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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