Wow. Thats what i said when i read this. Great question. If homosexuals are born that way that means God made them like that. But if they remain celibate they are not committing a sin. Cant wait to see what the Christians say.
2007-06-19 07:18:50
answer #1
answered by SwimBuddy 3
I am a Catholic, so the issue of women being ordained is entirely different, but if a gay man vows to be celibate and understands and accepts the church's teaching on homosexuality, then there should be no reason he can't become a priest.
You're right, homosexual sex, is basically the same as any other sex outside the bonds of marriage.
2007-06-19 07:18:50
answer #2
answered by Thom 5
It does say in the bible that gays are commiting a crime but i dont know.
I wouldnt want a gay to minister me.
Im not trying to be a hard edged basher but i think sex is a deep deep part of ourselves. Your sexuality is something that is a root part of your identity. The notion is that we think about sex quite a great deal of the time and so it washes our tohught waves in a real way. I wouldnt listen to a gay priest too much unless i thought from a logical sense that he was telling the truth.
Really i just dont think anybody should be celebate.
Look at all those catholic priests that rape young boys. Repressing sexuality is a crime against yourself.
We are animals. Sex driven animals.
Dont repress this primal urge.
I am thinking that they should be allowed to be ministers if they want but i dont like it. Some thing in me says that they might be slightly incorrect in some of their moral beliefs.
But then im talking from no experience of gay priests at all. I have never met an openly gay priests so what im saying is pure guess work.
If people in the parish they want to work agree to them being there then let them be there. Let them be ordained ministers but maybe tell people they are gay so that no shocks occur.
2007-06-19 07:26:21
answer #3
answered by ramie box 3
No, it does matter. There's a difference between sinners seeking to live like Christ and sinners denying what they're doing/the lifestyle they choose to live is sin. I find it difficult to believe someone calling themself Christian could remain homosexual and think it's ok, although I know many seem to think that way. I guess they just rip those pages out of the Bible. :(
2007-06-19 07:19:09
answer #4
answered by Machaira 5
personally, it depends on their past and their zeal. usually when someone tries to stay celibate, you know what happens...
if they don't preach homosexuality (the lifestyle) as right, got no problem with what they are. I'd prefer a 'gay' pastor to have a straight wife, as a pastor is supposed to set a good example. that way, atleast he's not denied everything, and he can be a good example with his exams
a pastor should strive to be the closest thing to Christ, and a good role model for all. even homophiles.
2007-06-19 07:19:55
answer #5
answered by Hey, Ray 6
I heard that half of the Catholic priests are homosexuals. This makes sense, as only homosexuals, who hate themselves, would be likely to promise to remain celibate. If Catholics hate the sin but love the sinner, then they can't care what their preference is if they don't act on it. Meanwhile, you ask if "we" should allow this. "I" don't give a damn.
2007-06-19 07:18:13
answer #6
answered by Fred 7
- Here's what the Bible says:
1 TIMOTHY 3:1-7
1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
3 not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
4 one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
6 not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
18 ¶ And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.
GENESIS 2:21-22
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
2007-06-19 07:25:11
answer #7
answered by righton 3
To be a true Christian you must take on the mind of Christ, which is true in purpose. So being in church leadership as a gay person doesn't really make sense, Jesus wasn't confused and new exactly what his purpose was, being confused was not apart of his make up, and that's basically what most gay people are, confused....
2007-06-19 07:40:31
answer #8
answered by Deaclee 1
First, we don't choose who is called to ministry, that is God's business.
The point of morality is health, not appearances or repression. A person's sexuality should not just be pretty and conformist on the surface, but truly in a place of health and deliverance. I feel as if people should seek God and seek his total freedom and restoration in their lives before they seek ordination. It's hard to be a minister if you aren't in a good place yourself. I feel as if they should be in a place of joy, freedom and comfort, and out of homosexuality! Otherwise it's hard to advise others.
2007-06-19 07:20:11
answer #9
answered by peacetimewarror 4
A homsexual has to be celibate in both mind and body, then
he would no loger be a homosexual would he? If he could
do that then I don't see why he couldn't be ordained.
God Bless
2007-06-19 07:46:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous