I looked at some of your other questions, and it would seem that you are genuinely searching for answers, and the truth. I would like to suggest that you call the local Kingdom Hall in your area and they will be happy to send out a representative to talk with you personally and to show you, using your own version of the Bible, what they believe and why. They base all of their beliefs on the Bible. (Contrary to what some may think). We read the entire Bible through every year, and we spend time everyday studying the Bible. Being one of Jehovah's Witnesses is not just a religion, but it is a way of life, and it is a chosen way of life. We adhere as closely as possible to Bible principles. If you ARE truly seeking the truth, and wanting to learn what the Bible really teaches, please take the time to talk with someone personally...even if you contact one of us who have offered to share more with you through personal e-mail. I would like to encourage you not to take what non-Witnesses or ex-Witnesses say because no one knows their true motivations for their feelings. Many of them tend to be jaded, and you will get an answer filled with personal feelings, and not the true facts, and sometimes people will even completely mis-represent us...
(Revelation 12:9) “. . .So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth;. . .”
(2 Timothy 4:3-4) “. . .For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories."
2007-06-20 05:19:05
answer #1
answered by wannaknow 5
Are you sure about that buzz?
Isa 43:12 I -- I declared, and saved, and proclaimed, And there is no stranger with you, And ye [are] My witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, And I [am] God.
1 Th. 2:9 - It was with working night and day, so as not to put and expensive burden upon any one of YOU, that we preached the good news of God to YOU. YOU are witnesses...
JWs study the entire bible and any bible. They worship Jehovah God (Is 83:18) and follow Jesus teachings.
2007-06-19 10:53:51
answer #2
answered by keiichi 6
If you are looking for information about Jehovah's Witnesses here's a place to start:
You can look for Jehovah's Witnesses in the Yellow Pages as well for someone locally to answer your questions.
Here is something to consider in the mean time
Belief Scriptural Reason
Bible is God’s Word and 2 Tim. 3:16, 17;
is truth 2 Pet. 1:20, 21; John 17:17
Bible is more reliable Matt. 15:3; Col. 2:8
than tradition
God’s name is Jehovah Ps. 83:18; Isa. 26:4; 42:8, AS;
Ex. 6:3
Christ is God’s Son and Matt. 3:17; John 8:42; 14:28;
is inferior to Him 20:17; 1Â Cor. 11:3; 15:28
Christ was first of God’s Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14
Christ died on a stake, Gal. 3:13; Acts 5:30
not a cross
Christ’s human life was Matt. 20:28; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6;
paid as a ransom for 1Â Pet. 2:24
obedient humans
Christ’s one sacrifice Rom. 6:10; Heb. 9:25-28
was sufficient
Christ was raised from 1 Pet. 3:18; Rom. 6:9;
the dead as an immortal Rev. 1:17, 18
spirit person
Christ’s presence is in John 14:19; Matt. 24:3;
spirit 2 Cor. 5:16; Ps. 110:1, 2
We are now in the ‘time of Matt. 24:3-14; 2Â Tim. 3:1-5;
the end’ Luke 17:26-30
Kingdom under Christ will Isa. 9:6, 7; 11:1-5;
rule earth in righteousness Dan. 7:13, 14; Matt. 6:10
and peace
Kingdom will bring ideal Ps. 72:1-4;
living conditions to earth Rev. 7:9, 10, 13-17; 21:3, 4
Earth will never be destroyed Eccl. 1:4; Isa. 45:18; Ps. 78:69
or depopulated
God will eliminate present Rev. 16:14, 16; Zeph. 3:8;
system of things in the Dan. 2:44; Isa. 34:2; 55:10, 11
battle at Har–Magedon
Wicked will be eternally Matt. 25:41-46; 2Â Thess. 1:6-9
People God approves will John 3:16; 10:27, 28; 17:3;
receive everlasting life Mark 10:29, 30
There is only one road to Matt. 7:13, 14; Eph. 4:4, 5
Human death is due to Rom. 5:12; 6:23
Adam’s sin
The human soul ceases to Ezek. 18:4; Eccl. 9:10;
exist at death Ps. 6:5; 146:4; John 11:11-14
Hell is mankind’s common Job 14:13, Dy;
grave Rev. 20:13, 14, AV (margin)
Hope for dead is 1 Cor. 15:20-22;
resurrection John 5:28, 29; 11:25, 26
Adamic death will cease 1 Cor. 15:26, 54; Rev. 21:4;
Isa. 25:8
Only a little flock of Luke 12:32; Rev. 14:1, 3;
144,000 go to heaven and 1 Cor. 15:40-53; Rev. 5:9, 10
rule with Christ
The 144,000 are born again 1 Pet. 1:23; John 3:3;
as spiritual sons of God Rev. 7:3, 4
New covenant is made with Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:10-13
spiritual Israel
Christ’s congregation is Eph. 2:20; Isa. 28:16;
built upon himself Matt. 21:42
Prayers are to be directed John 14:6, 13, 14; 1 Tim. 2:5
only to Jehovah through Christ
Images should not be used in Ex. 20:4, 5; Lev. 26:1;
worship 1Â Cor. 10:14; Ps. 115:4-8
Spiritism must be shunned Deut. 18:10-12; Gal. 5:19-21;
Lev. 19:31
Satan is invisible ruler of 1 John 5:19; 2Â Cor. 4:4;
world John 12:31
A Christian ought to have no 2 Cor. 6:14-17; 11:13-15;
part in interfaith movements Gal. 5:9; Deut. 7:1-5
A Christian should keep Jas. 4:4; 1Â John 2:15;
separate from world John 15:19; 17:16
Obey human laws that do not Matt. 22:20, 21;
conflict with God’s laws 1Â Pet. 2:12; 4:15
Taking blood into body Gen. 9:3, 4; Lev. 17:14;
through mouth or veins Acts 15:28, 29
violates God’s laws
Bible’s laws on morals must 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Heb. 13:4;
be obeyed 1Â Tim. 3:2; Prov. 5:1-23
Sabbath observance was given Deut. 5:15; Ex. 31:13; Rom. 10:4;
only to Israel and ended Gal. 4:9, 10; Col. 2:16, 17
with Mosaic Law
A clergy class and special Matt. 23:8-12; 20:25-27;
titles are improper Job 32:21, 22
Man did not evolve but was Isa. 45:12; Gen. 1:27; Matt. 19:4
Christ set example that must 1 Pet. 2:21; Heb. 10:7;
be followed in serving God John 4:34; 6:38
Baptism by complete immersion Mark 1:9, 10; John 3:23;
symbolizes dedication Acts 19:4, 5
Christians gladly give public Rom. 10:10; Heb. 13:15;
testimony to Scriptural truth Isa. 43:10-12
2007-06-19 00:14:39
answer #3
answered by NMB 5
True Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) well-understand that the preaching of "the good news" is performed primarily as a 'person-to-person' ministry.
(Mark 10:29-30) Jesus said: “...No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get a hundredfold now ...and in the coming system of things
(Acts 5:42) From house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news
Yet there are apparently dozens of Jehovah's Witnesses who answer questions here.
Learn more:
2007-06-19 00:32:46
answer #4
answered by achtung_heiss 7
I am a Jehovah Witness and I would love to answer any questions you have about my religion.
2007-06-18 23:32:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am one of jehovah's witnesses. I would love to talk with you. You can also contact your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses for a free home bible study. I don't know near what major city you live, but our 2007 District Convention " Follow the Christ " is wonderful and I know you would enjoy it.
2007-06-19 02:37:05
answer #6
answered by Paul&Zandra C 2
I am a Witness of Jesus - not Jehovah. Jehovah didn't have any witnesses in the New Testament. The Bible is about Jesus and His coming being prophesied and then fulfilled. Have a look at the book of Hebrews to see a survey of how this all fits together.
If you want information on the JW's, have a look at places like these. They are able to tell you what is going on.
2007-06-19 10:15:56
answer #7
answered by Buzz s 6
hello I am JW. by te way mrs lemming like to tell lies about JWS.
She used to conmemorate Jesus´s Christ ´s dead with us but now she tell that she is free and stop doing what Jesus command in Luke 22:19.
First take a bible what ever you have and began with the book of Exodus and read completely it is 40 chapters it will take you a few days then i will show if you wish very interesting things about the purpose of God and the messiah.
2007-06-18 23:36:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Head over to www.watchtower.org, you'll find plenty of information there. Have your apologetics handy, though, you'll want to examine very carefully what they believe versus what mainstream Christianity believes.
2007-06-20 09:48:28
answer #9
answered by ccrider 7
I spent over 30 years as a Jehovah's witness. You will find among them some of the sweetest and most sincere people on the planet.
In fact, you will find them in proportion to the numbers of sweet and sincere people in ANY religion.
However, the witnesses believe that they are the TRUE religion. They believe that "the end" is coming "soon," "just around the corner." ["End' requires a lengthy definition. I will leave it at that for this question.] They believe that unless you become one of them, you will die forever. And they believe that once you become one of them, you must devote as much time as you possibly can make to "service" in what they will tell you is fulfillment of Matthew 24:14.
This summer, the theme of their annual conventions is: "Follow the Christ." Why would they pick that particular theme at this particular time? Because they want to downplay the criticism they are getting from every corner. Because they want Christians to believe that they are just "normal" Christians like every other denomination... but that they have figured out the nuances of the Being of Christ that you really need to know to be saved.
What they slip in on you after you've "studied" with them for a while is the role of "the 144,000." The "bride of Christ." The "anointed remnant." The "governing body." What they slip in on you at a point where they've got you agreeing with the carefully arranged study packages and charts and graphs that you've gone through up to that point is that it's because of this special group of chosen ones that all this "information" has been made available to be distributed to "honest hearted" mankind. If you want to be one of them, on the "narrow road to salvation," you have to agree that every word they print in the literature of the Watchtower Society is to be taken as if it were spoken from the very lips of God. They will insert you into their structure, their "organization," which they constantly refer to as "Jehovah's organization." They will present you with mountains of logic to explain why God, "in these last days," has chosen THEM to fulfill prophecy.
They have their own special mythology. You will see pictures of C.T. Russell in a period-set office surrounded by booksand Bibles, being led toward a new dawn of truth. You'll learn about the imprisonment of early church leaders on charges of sedition during WWI and how they were victims of persecution by the leaders of "Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion." They will show you how every other religion on the planet is from Satan. Except them. And they will tell you that it is only with them and their constant study of "the truth" that you will be able to become and remain "without spot from the world."
They are neither pure nor the truth nor without spot. There are fine people in their midst, but they are there because they have been misled into believing that they need to be there to please God. Go look at the links, not just to sites maintained by ex-witnesses who care about helping other mind-control victims. Go look at the news stories posted there as well. Look at the corruption, the death, the molestation... and... don't forget to FOLLOW THE MONEY!
2007-06-19 11:36:00
answer #10
answered by Suzanne 5