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Is the scripture a bit fuzzy on this subject or something?

I was told by several Christians that homosexuals are "born that way", that their same sex attractions are NOT a choice and that the only "choice" involved is whether homosexuals engage in same-sex intimacy (which would imply that they can't just "get rid of their feelings" since the attractions part of their nature).

I was THEN told by several other Christians that same-sex attraction is a sin, that we're all born sinful, but we can ask God to forgive us and allow us to repent (implying that same-sex attraction IS something you can get rid of, hence a choice).

Why is there so much confusion surrounding this issue? Who's right and who's wrong? Is same-sex attraction a choice or not!?

2007-06-18 15:04:37 · 32 answers · asked by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

People told me same-sex attraction ISN'T a choice: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070618163247AADfMsH

People told me same-sex attraction IS a choice: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070618182615AAEjxfR

2007-06-18 15:09:42 · update #1

32 answers

It's really outside their qualifications, like most things. You wouldn't ask a clown to determine if a plane is mechanically sound. Then why ask the superstitious to determine factual matters of sexuality? Superstitions have no place in the modern world. Aircraft, automobiles and even drugs must being proven to be scientifically sound before be unleashed on the public and social policies should be no different. Would you fly on a plane that had be blessed by a priest or engineer?

2007-06-18 15:21:50 · answer #1 · answered by God 6 · 2 3

Same sex attraction can be either. It can be a choice influenced by our society. It can also be a condition someone is born with. I say this because I've seen some people who really struggle with their sexuality and would change it if they could. Christians should not try to change same-sex couples. There's nothing they can do about it. Yes, it's a sin. So is adultery. So is heterosexual behaviour outside of marriage. So is looking at someone with lust. So is foul language. God knows what's in our hearts. Same -Sex attraction is no different than being attracted to someone of the opposite sex whom you really shouldn't be attracted to! God knows we struggle with these and many other issues. Thus, he sent Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice because we could not keep ourselves clean. Christians....Listen....Jesus said that the measure we use to Judge others is the measure that will be used to Judge us. Judge not, lest you be Judged.

2007-06-26 09:45:40 · answer #2 · answered by Kim 1 · 0 0

The homosexuality debate is a very simple moral conundrum. It's an equality question that even children can answer. The only people who are unable to see this strikingly obvious moral answer are the religious. They are prevented from coming to this conclusion by their religion. Their religion actually hinders them from making the right choice (but allows them to continue in their personal prejudice). To answer your question Christians should not legislate on this issue unless they are legislating for equality. To do otherwise would simply be the wrong, and morally abhorrent, thing to do. I'm not expecting the religious to be able to see this of course, they are blinded to many things.

2016-04-01 04:51:00 · answer #3 · answered by Michele 4 · 0 0

Its number 2! You can repent from anything! But once you walk away, and walk in God's Word thats it! But that goes for everything else we love to do wrong. I believe you must stop sinning, as best you can, and that is by choice. You do make mistakes but you have to work harder at it. Over time you will eventually give it up. No matter what it is.
I don't have time to find the scripture for you, but we all fall short of the glory.
The Bible makes it clear it is man who looks for loop holes to do what he wants to do and not what God wants.
Too much interpretations have caused this, the Bible can interpret itself.
Not to mention the False prophets and teachers who will lie for a dollar!
This all complicates it, but the Bible says seek and ye shall find. Good luck, cause this flesh loves to do wrong. Doing right just ain't normal anymore.

2007-06-26 14:42:27 · answer #4 · answered by tru&livingGOD 1 · 0 0

Whether you act on it or not is the choice, and it is a choice if you choose Jesus or not. We're not talking about if you are choosing to have that temptation or not. Temptation in itself is not a sin. Everyone has temptation in their life. But, it is when we keep looking at that temptation (desire) that is when the sin starts. When the serpent (satan) tempted Eve with the fruit, she was not sinning UNTIL she kept looking at the fruit, and began desiring the fruit. Get it?
You may have an attraction to the same sex, but if you turn your head, and ask the Lord to keep you from the temptation of DESIRE, then, you are not sinning. If you keep looking at the same sex, and keep desiring the same sex, then you are sinning. Same thing with adultry. Jesus said if you look at someone in lust, you are committing adultry in your heart, and that's the same thing as doing it. God gives us a way out of sin, and if we choose to ignore that, then we are making a choice to.
Don't you understand that it has nothing to do with our OPINIONS about anything? We are not giving you our opinions on things. We are telling you God's word. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT OUR OPINIONS ARE!!!!!! ONLY WHAT GOD SAYS IS RIGHT AND WRONG!!!
Why is that so hard to understand?
Don't you know the same rules apply to us as to those we explain them to? We are not omitting ourselves in all of this. The same thing with any sinful activity, not just homosexual. Fornication, Adultry, etc. It applies to ALL SIN. These are not rules we set, but God has set. If you have a problem with them, you have a problem with what God is saying in the Bible. Then, you have made your choice not to believe it. But, many people have been saved by the Grace of God, because they have been told about Him. I'm not going to stop telling people, because it may save someone from going to hell.

2007-06-26 13:32:53 · answer #5 · answered by byHisgrace 7 · 0 1

That's what people tell them. It's a lie. It is a choice, but people think they're born that way. Some people just don't know and that's cool. I'm not holdin anythang against them. And yes, it is a sin.

2007-06-26 12:38:41 · answer #6 · answered by ldpuffdaddy 2 · 0 0

Same sex attraction is a choice and is also a sin.

2007-06-26 07:51:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sodom and Gomorrah not an Example! My God, I don't know the one's (Christian's) that you speak to but, my Bible is NOT 'Fuzzy' in the Least! It is in-fact quit definitive on this subject:

I don't think it's a 'Choice' since God Himself, Jesus and throughout the Bible how Marraige between and man and woman IS Blessed of God! And, Encouraged! I NEVER saw or see ANYTHING in the Bible that encourages homosexulality! In Fact, I see it as an Abomination to God Directly! I see how None of 'THOSE' would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! NONE!

The Christian's we know and our Church is EXTREMELY difinative on this subject and other's - like Abortion - Abuse - Adultery - Stealing - ect.! I have no doubt of my feelings or what I feel God has put in MY HEART about these subjects! NONE!

This is NOT a Choice - We live by Grace - but, Only in Truth - Not distortians of God's Word to be 'Thier' way. The road to Heaven is extremely narrow - where the road to hell is WIDE! Time is Short - this is not something that should be debated - it is According to God - Not Me - Not You or Anyone Else!

God's Oppinion is the ONLY ONE that COUNTS!

Leviticus - 1 Corinthians's - FUZZY?????? I don't think so.

I was young not all that long ago and prayed about my life and 'Loves' with no doubt or desire to be Anything but, Hetorsexual which without a doubt is Blessed of God Himself!

The first miracle of Jesus was at the Wedding at Cana - I think maybe there must be a 'Reason' for that.

I will and do pray for all of people who 'think' like this - to have the Lord touch their hearts that they will know His Truth and Love, Peace and Joy in their lives.

Please be at Peace. Accept the Grace of God.

Take Care and God Bless!

2007-06-18 15:33:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

In general Christians who are against Gays will say that it is a choice while Gays will say it is not. Frankly I'm more inclined to believe the Gay people as who would no better than a Gay person how one became Gay. Besides the APA states that being Gay is not a choice and that it is something inborn.

2007-06-18 15:15:45 · answer #9 · answered by MoonWater 3 · 4 1

Scripture is silent on why some people have a homosexual orientation. That's for science to figure out.

But Scripture is crystal-clear on homosexual ACTIONS. The Old Testament clearly forbids them -- and unlike other Old Testament prohibitions, the New Testament backs up and reaffirms the Old's teachings on homosexuality.

Whatever causes same-sex attraction is not the point. The point is homosexual ACTS, which are clearly dangerous on a medical level in addition to being morally illicit.


2007-06-18 15:08:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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