This is a rare disease of the immune system. In this disease, the immune system forms antibodies against the nuclear component of its own cells. This can cause a variety of effects but the most common ones are arthritis, kidney disease, skin disease and blood disorders (anemia and/or decreased in platelet numbers). A great number of other effects and side effects of this disease can occur so it is hard to rule in or rule out when faced with a multi-systemic disease. In general, this disease is not considered to be present unless testing to determine if antibodies against the nuclear elements of the cells are present (positive ANA test) AND clinical signs of at least two of the common disorders are present. Even then, it is hard to be sure that this disease is actually the problem. Some drug reactions and cancers can produce almost identical clinical signs and many problems produce some of the clinical signs. Treatment usually involves the use of immunosuppressive medications, most commonly corticosteroids such as prednisone. Often, a second immunosuppressive agent must also be used. Azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine are examples of these medications. Lupus is not curable but it is often possible for a dog to live with it successfully. Some of the disorders that resemble lupus are curable, especially if a cause can be identified. Continuous monitoring of patients suspected of having lupus should be part of the treatment, due to the possibility of another problem, the multitude of side effects that can occur and the potential for problems from the medications used to treat it.
Yes dogs get Lupus but there is a few different kinds
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Discoid Lupus
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) possible
Discoid Lupus treatment in German Shepherd
Possible Lupus in Malamute
2007-06-18 11:23:30
answer #1
answered by Trinidy 5
There are a bunch of forms of Lupus. You should probably narrow it down to which kind of Lupus it is..
such as
Lupus nephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys caused by SLE.
Lupus pernio, a feature of sarcoidosis.
Lupus vulgaris, a feature of cutaneous tuberculosis.
Lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disease (also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE).
2007-06-18 11:21:52
answer #2
answered by Jag 2
Lupus is a chronic incurable autoimmune disease that can affect literally any and every organ or system. Yes dogs can develop lupus. Just as lupus affects each person differently, it will affect each dog differently.
2007-06-20 14:03:14
answer #3
answered by Linda R 7
Go to it will give you the info on how lupus affects canines.
2007-06-18 12:24:50
answer #4
answered by Belgariad 6
I might be very, very amazed. One of the powerful and unreported clinical realities is that the earth is uniquely designed for lifestyles, and that the possibility that another situation within the universe is the same fitted to lifestyles is miniscule. See the 2 high-quality books in this discipline associated beneath. Now this is my query for you: If it had been observed that the earth is the one planet with lifestyles within the universe, might you be moved to religion within the author who made this type of fantastically crafted planet so that you can thrive and be glad? Another query: Is the religion in different inhabited planets founded on clinical research or technology fiction? Cheers, Bruce
2016-09-05 20:26:44
answer #5
answered by ? 4