I couldnt agree more. The Vatican is the richest city in the World. The Catholic church encourages child poverty by frowning on birth control - some of the Aids epidemic can be blamed on their influence. The word of our Lord Jesus was clear: Love thy neighbour. As ye do unto the least of these ye do unto me. Perhaps we need spiritual counsellors but the riches of the church should be melted down and food purchased for the poor and sick.
2007-06-18 09:30:27
answer #1
answered by Pan 4
who takes care of the homeless and the poor better than the church. As far wasting 2 hours a week, I spend this time learning about God, that is not wasting time. The religious people and the church help out more than any other group. The world would be a better place if everyone went to church and learned how to love thy brother. That would make this a better and safer world. Parents need to educate their children not a stranger, that is what is wrong with the U.S. people want everyone else to do their job raising their kids. You had them you raise them and make them good people.
2007-06-18 09:42:29
answer #2
answered by RTR!! 1
What if American's stopped wasting time and money on entertainmnet and spent it on the homeless and our children? Can you imagine how much better the world would be if people stopped buying cheap plastic junk at wal*mart that they don't need and stopped spending hours and hours watching television and playing video games? If everyone spent that money on the homelss and gave those hours to helping tutor children or some other worthy cause, the world would be a MUCH better place.
Turn off the entertainment. Read a Bible, and then go out and live it.
2007-06-18 09:31:01
answer #3
answered by David 2
Got news for you.
Poverty will never go down.
The level at which would be considered poverty may be changed to reflect all the "help" that the poor would be receiving, but the poverty and the impoverished would still be there.
The bible tells us that there will always be the poor. THis does not mean we are not to help them both physically and spiritually, but if we eliminated all of our spiritual lessons, there would be no one left to help the poor, only to take advantage of the situation, much like the heads of the so called charities that are run by secular society and the government.
Remember if there were no poor, then many thousands of governmental workers would be out of a job and ooppps, now we have a new class of poor, who cannot give to the old poor anymore and are now poor themselves, so government will step in and renew the old system and things will be back to situation normal.
2007-06-18 09:33:22
answer #4
answered by cindy 6
Mr. Luva,
You bring up a very interesting topic. And I agree that there are a lot of religious organizations out there that spend way too much time at Cracker Barrel and not enough time helping the needy. But realize that not all churches are like that. I believe that God is beginning to work in the hearts of his disciples to break the spirit of religion.
True Christianity is not about religion, it's about relationships. Jesus himself broke so many rules of religion while he walked the earth. He healed on the sabbath, spoke to prostututes, touched the leopers, and much more. In fact, it was the religious leaders themselves that insisted that he be crucified.
The new testament is filled with teachings about reaching out to the helpless, hopeless and downtrodden. It's the "Love your neighbor as yourself" rule. It is the second greatest commandment.
I do in fact attend what I call an Acts 2 church. We not only teach our people on how to live healthy in their own lives but we emphasize missions and outreach. For example we have invested over 10 million dollars in the past few years to building hospitals, health centers, food distribution centers, etc. in third world countries.
We come together as believers to learn, encourage, teach, celebrate, and plan other ways to helping others. If you get a chance check out www.victorywc.org. Then go to "grow", then "sermons and teachings". I think if you listen to a few of these messages you will have a greater understanding of how I believe Jesus calls us to live.
2007-06-18 09:46:00
answer #5
answered by michaelsav2004 2
No I can't imagine that. In fact religious people are the most generous in the world. The non-religious people are the problem. They're generally to greedy and covetous to give away 10-20% of their income to the poor.
The poor would be much worse of without the Christian community.
But maybe what you have in mind is the Christians should give their money to you. Double-standard!
2007-06-18 10:19:33
answer #6
answered by Steve Amato 6
I beg to differ. My church is VERY much involved with charity, and we help with problems around the world. Considering the fact that we're a small congregation, we're quite generous. Children in various countries on the continent of Africa, as well as children in Chernobyl and Poland have benefited from us.
Most churches are the same way. We give generously to the poor, and we also volunteer.
I go to church to spend time praising God, with other like-minded people. I see no issue in this.
Yes, people should be more generous. But I can tell you...I've gone on many mission trips. I LOVE helping people. It's the same with most of the Christians I know.
We're not wasting time and money on church. To us, OUR spiritual development is JUST as important as helping others.
2007-06-18 09:32:29
answer #7
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
My denomination, in addition to many other Christian denominations, has built many hospitals, homeless shelters, immigrant aid centers, schools, homes for the eldery, and so forth. Yes, money is spent on keeping the lights and water running in churches, but many millions of dollars have been given to Christian charity efforts. More can still be done, of course, but Christians tend to be charitable, and prove it daily with humanitarian efforts around the world. I'm speaking from a Christian perspective because you used the word "church" in your question, but there are also plenty of non-Christian religious charitable efforts, as well. Many of the world's best-known charitable institutions are faith-based.
2007-06-18 09:34:34
answer #8
answered by solarius 7
We do help the poor (although you are very vague by saying "religious people"). Catholics, for example, have the St. Vincent de Paul charities. The Baptists have Lotty Moon offerings and do missions work around the globe helping the poor. The Menonites help build things, especially after disasters. There are so many charitable groups and organizations that are religion-related.
2007-06-18 09:30:13
answer #9
answered by txofficer2005 6
What a thought! I went to church for decades. Now, I support a plan that will work to end poverty and inequality. It is a grassroots organization who's mission is to unite those who choose to value all human beings equally, and demand that ALL are provided with food, clothing, shelter, health care and education.
It is called The Worldwide United Foundation. You can sign along with others of like minds.
2007-06-18 10:01:18
answer #10
answered by smallone 4
Religious people are the ones caring for the poor. Check out all of the charities acting around the world and the overwhelming majority of them are united by faith.
And do you really think that non-believers are spending their Sunday mornings working with the underprivileged? That is just a fairy tale that you could convince few people to believe.
2007-06-18 09:36:03
answer #11
answered by sparty035 3