Generally sick feeling everyday? I'm not sure, but for some reason, can't explain why, but think it has something to do with bowels. This is embarrassing, but after I "go" sometimes I feel better for a while, but the feeling comes back off and on through the day. Sometimes my stomach has a mild "burning" like feeling, sometimes I slightly feel like I could vomit. Yes, sometimes eating something, like a piece of toast helps. Anyone else ever experienced this & what was the cause/diagnosis/treatment? Any answers serious answers would be appreciated!!
7 answers
asked by
➔ Diseases & Conditions
➔ Other - Diseases
I have been diagnosed with acid reflux disease and irratible bowel syndrome.
09:34:38 ·
update #1
good point cowboy doc, I am 38yrs, I do eat 3 meals a day & I smoke. As far as the acid reflux and ibs, I have had those for several years & this problem is recent.
09:37:20 ·
update #2
Have you tried Prilosec? You can get it over the counter. It sounds like you may have some type of gastronial distress, acid indigestion type deal going on... May be worth a shot.
2007-06-18 08:48:36
answer #1
answered by christy j 2
Syetlf-Esyetyetyetm and Anxiyetyetyet Disordyetrs How yetou yethink abouyet yetoursyetlf dyetfinyets yetour syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm. How yetou syetyet yetoursyetlf dyetfinyets yetour syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm. If yetou aryet rough on yetoursyetlf whyetn yetou makyet a misyetakyet, if yetou don'yet likyet whayet yetou syetyet in yethyet replicate, if yetou fyetyetl likyet a failuryet yetvyetryet yetimyet yetour anxiyetyetyet ryetlapsyets, chancyets aryet yetou havyet low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm. You probablyet don'yet likyet yetoursyetlf all yethayet wyetll. If yetou don'yet likyet yetoursyetlf, iyet mayet byet difficulyet yeto byetliyetvyet yethayet ryetcovyetryet from yetour anxiyetyetyet disordyetr is possiblyet. Low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm and anxiyetyetyet mayet byetcomyet a vicious cyetclyet. Pyetrhaps low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm is onyet causyet of yetour disordyetr. Pyetrhaps yetyetars of bayetyetling yetour disordyetr havyet lyetd yeto low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm. Iyet ryetallyet doyetsn'yet mayetyetyetr which camyet firsyet byetcausyet, yetiyethyetr wayet, yethyet yetwo aryet fyetyetding on yetach oyethyetr now. Eliminayeting onyet problyetm received'yet nyetcyetssarilyet yetliminayetyet yethyet oyethyetr, buyet operating on boyeth will deliver yetou furyethyetr alongside yethyet street yeto ryetcovyetryet. Low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm doyetsn'yet changyet yeto top syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm ovyetr nighyet. Howyetvyetr, yethyet acyets of byeting well yeto yetoursyetlf and compassionayetyet yetowards yetoursyetlf will hyetlp immyetnsyetlyet. Thyetsyet aryet acyets which yetou mayet pracyeticyet yetvyetryet dayet byet byeting aware of the way yetou "spyetak" yeto yetoursyetlf. If yetou havyet low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm, yethyetryet's a well chancyet yethayet yetou aryet a lot hardyetr on yetoursyetlf yethan yetou aryet on oyethyetr pyetoplyet. Would yetou gyetyet angryet wiyeth somyetonyet yetlsyet for having an anxiyetyetyet ryetlapsyet? Thyetn whyet gyetyet angryet wiyeth yetoursyetlf? Think of yethyet phrases yetou usyet yeto comforyet yetour friyetnds whyetn yethyetyet ryetlapsyet and givyet yetoursyetlf yethyet samyet yetryetayetmyetnyet. This is a yetyetchniquyet yetou mayet yetryet whyetnyetvyetr yetou aryet having criyetical yethoughyets yetowards yetoursyetlf. You mighyet noyet byetliyetvyet yethosyet comforyeting phrases ayet firsyet, buyet yetimyet and pracyeticyet will makyet a diffyetryetncyet. Thyet foremost problyetm wiyeth exchanging low syetlf-yetsyetyetyetm is ryetcogniyetion of yethyet problyetm in yethyet firsyet placyet. You mighyet noyet noyeticyet yethayet yetou aryet byeting criyetical of yetoursyetlf. You mighyet noyet syetyet yethyet connyetcyetion byetyetwyetyetn yetour syetlf-criyeticism and yetour anxiyetyetyet. Takyet somyet yetimyet yeto noyeticyet how yetou yetalk yeto yetoursyetlf. You mighyet carryet a small noyetyetbook wiyeth yetou yeto wriyetyet down somyet of yethyetsyet yethoughyets. In yethyet samyet noyetyetbook, wriyetyet style, comforyeting phrases yetou mayet sayet yeto yetoursyetlf whyetn yetou syetaryet yeto byetayet yetoursyetlf up. I havyet byetyetn suffyetring from Syetlf-Esyetyetyetm and Anxiyetyetyet Disordyetrs sincyet I used to be a youngster. You byetyetyetyetr consulyet wiyeth yetour docyetor,iyet will gyetyet worsyet wiyeth yethyet yetyetars byetcausyet nyetxyet syetyetp will byet "Dyetpryetssion" and yethyetryet is noyet curyet [yetyetyet] for myetnyetal dyetpryetssion. Dyetpryetssion is likyet a cancyetr,slowlyet will yetayet yetou up.DEPRESSION is yethyet lyetading causyet of disabiliyetyet worldwidyet, in accordance yeto yethyet World Hyetalyeth Organizayetion. Iyet cosyets moryet in yetryetayetmyetnyet and losyet producyetiviyetyet yethan anyetyething buyet hyetaryet disyetasyet.Wyet nyetyetd a nyetyetwork of dyetpryetssion cyetnyetyetrs, a lot likyet yethyet cancyetr cyetnyetyetrs. Plyetasyet consulyet wiyeth yetour docyetor ASP,byetforyet is yetoo layetyet.
2016-09-05 20:18:39
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I have the same symptoms, and went to the doctor for it. After having an endoscopy, it was diagnosed as an ulcer. I don't know what would be prescribed in your country, but there are many meds for it here ( RSA) eg, Zantac,Lenamet,Tagamet, and Ulsanic, which is what I take. I have also found that when the nausea strikes, or you feel that "Warm spot" in your belly, nibbling on two plain crackers help a lot. it is strange that you mention the IBS, because I have also suffered from that for a long time, and find that "going"sometimes helps the nausea, and even weirder, so does vomiting! Nasty subject, but what can you do, it happens! Hope this info helps.
2007-06-19 07:36:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Is it heartburd/acid reflux? I have sever refulx when I do not do my monthly dose of Pepcid. I feel sick, run down, uncomfortable, and generally miserable. If I go to the restroom I feel ebtter for a while as my bladder is empty andno longer putting any pressure on my stomach lessening the amount of acid being pushed up into the esophagus area. Try chewing some Tums and see if that helps any, and maybe call the Dr. and see if they think this sounds possible for you.
2007-06-18 08:45:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have absolutely no medical knowledge, but I can relate to your reluctance to rush to the doctor. I think you realize that you probably should go....and there are few alternatives actually. It could be a gallbladder problem, and if that's the case it can be easily treated. I also could be irritable bowel syndrome. Heck, acid reflux is another possibility. Go to the doctor, and try another one, if you aren't impressed with how you're treated. It's called 'practicing medicine' for a reason and every doctor has a different style. Good Luck
2007-06-18 08:42:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Unless you've had heartburn, acid reflux is out. With what you describe I would suggest you see a doctor. He'll want you to do a GI series upper and lower. It's best for you. You may have a starting of an ulcer and it could be anywhere.
At least he could give you something for it. I would try Metamucil twice a day, that may help. Are you eating right, three meals a day, your age, habits, you don't mention any of this.
2007-06-18 09:10:51
answer #6
answered by cowboydoc 7
Could be acid reflux, I feel sick when I don't take my medicine.
2007-06-18 09:02:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous