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i want to hold my 2 grader back and the school sayed No but can thay do this

2007-06-18 08:30:49 · 16 answers · asked by jane b 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

16 answers

Why would you want to hold back your child if your school doesn't recommend it. They only hold back kids that need holding back. If they don't want to hold back your child, it is because she/he doesn't need to be held back. My friends son was held back by the school, because he was failing in too many areas and was held back and given tutoring. But they don't hold back kids because they are just a little behind. They promote them if they are meeting the minimum requirements. So if you feel that your child needs more help in certain areas, then maybe you should consider a tutor instead of forcing your child to retake a year of school that is probably unnecessary.

2007-06-18 08:35:46 · answer #1 · answered by MRod 5 · 2 0

Schools often do "social promotions" regardless if the child is ready to move on. If you truly believe your child needs to repeat 2nd grade, I highly recommend continuing to push the school. Go up the chain of command until you have exhausted all of your options. If the school still refuses to allow your child to be held back, get statements in writing as to the exact reasoning - and be sure they are very specific. You could also consider looking into open enrollment in another district. Best of luck.

2007-06-18 08:46:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I volunteered in my daughters K/1 classroom this year, and two kids were held back from her class. I asked about this, and apparently in NM, if the school suggests it, the first time, the parents can disagree. But if the school recommends it a second time, and the parents don't want the child held back, they can be overruled and the child held back. I know thats not exactly what you are asking, but I am guessing if they have the rule for the school, they would have one similar for the parents concerns. I would start talking to everyone involved in your child's school, from teachers to principals to counselors to find out why they disagree with you that he/she is ready for 3rd grade. Then if he/she advances, communicate A LOT with his/her 3rd grade teacher to find out what academic needs he/she has and how you can help at home with those. I believe as long as you can show them legitimate reasons why you feel he/she needs to be held back, they would have to honor your wishes.

2007-06-21 14:46:21 · answer #3 · answered by Payne12 3 · 0 0

WHere i live, if the schoo suggests it the Mom can say not and I know that sometimes based on grades etc a Mom can but, you did not mention the reason you want to keep your child back? Usually if the school refuses they don't see any need? You could always let them go to 3rd grade and monitor and seee how they do or you could request a test for 3rd grade to see if your child is really ready....

2007-06-18 08:34:53 · answer #4 · answered by nataliiee1 2 · 1 0

I would be willing to bet that the reason the school is trying to pass your child to 3rd grade is because of the mandatory retention in third based on NCLB. If your child does not pass the third grade testing they will be held back in third. This is required by law. Schools will generally pass kids on and let them get caught in third rather than in second and then again in third. By the way....data shows that retention doesn't really help in the majority of cases.
PS. I am only sure about the retention in FL. Verify with your state.

2007-06-18 10:31:38 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth L 3 · 1 0

If you feel like there is a problem that needs you to hold your child back then do it. My mom had me repeat the 2nd or 3rd grade because I had a problem dealing with my parent divorce and failed. Don't let the school tell you its wrong.

2007-06-18 12:50:18 · answer #6 · answered by Mommyof2 2 · 0 0

While I think it's wrong to hold a child back in school (you or the school should have caught this sooner) I think you have to bare some of the burden here. Get the child a tutor or tutor them yourself. Before they get caught up in the third grade.
(Answer #11)

2007-06-22 01:15:52 · answer #7 · answered by shhhhhhhhhh 3 · 0 0

wow. I expected that to be the school wants to hold back and you don't. Good on you for realising there is a problem and wanting to fix it earlier rather than later. Have a conference with the principal and the teacher and state your reasons to why you want this done. If you have to threaten to take him to another school this may be enough for them to realise you are serious. But if they are firm in their decision then you may need to move him

2007-06-18 11:35:34 · answer #8 · answered by Rachel 7 · 0 0

tell them all the reasons why you want to hold your child back if that doesn't work take the kid out of school and home-school or get a tutor

2007-06-19 00:01:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe yes, they can say your child need to move forward. It is sometimes in the best interest of a child who may have been a little slower but not completely behind to go ahead to the next grade. If your child was severely behind you can petition them again and state your case, but also listen to theirs. I am sure they have an appeal process if you continue to disagree.
If the appeal process fails move schools or districts.

2007-06-18 08:35:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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