Excellent question. The harder a person tries to avoid sin, as defined by strict religious authority figures, the more miserable they become. They can't gamble, have an occasional margarita, feel lust, listen to rock music, watch R rated movies, or almost any other thing I consider fun. I don't care what rules others want to live by. I just don't want them trying to force me to live by their same moral codes. I obey the law, not their opinions.
2007-06-18 08:14:22
answer #1
answered by Graciela, RIRS 6
It worries me when some people dont have a thought about sin. Those people in my eyes are people that dont have a care in the world and could be dangerous.
I myself am not "obessesed" with sin, but I do care between the choices I make in right and wrong. In doing so, I dont feel that I am taking away any pleasures of this world or my life. I am not worried if I have the best car on the block, the fastest computer, or a million dollars in the bank. I have learned to live my life according to what I have been taught over the many years I have been a believer in The Lord. I wouldnt have it any other way.
Frankly, to be quite honest, I dont think the world offers much. Only because when I look to see some peoples from around the globe who have no clean water, food, and live in rags material pleasures or any given pleasures for that matter are of no desire to me.
2007-06-18 08:19:53
answer #2
answered by white_painted_lady 5
Good Question - This is one that I had to ask myself years ago and then "Wop" I found the answer - "Sin is a big deal" and it is something that you can touch and feel and it comes with some major life changing penalties that no one really wants. There is a lot of things that can bring true happiness without getting involved with sin.
Hebrews 10:26-31 (Living)
If anyone sins deliberately by rejecting the Savior after knowing the truth of forgiveness, this sin is not covered by Christ's death; there is no way to get rid of it. [27] There will be nothing to look forward to but the terrible punishment of God's awful anger, which will consume all his enemies. [28] A man who refused to obey the laws given by Moses was killed without mercy if there were two or three witnesses to his sin. [29] Think how much more terrible the punishment will be for those who have trampled underfoot the Son of God and treated his cleansing blood as though it were common and unhallowed, and insulted and outraged the Holy Spirit who brings God's mercy to his people.
[30] For we know him who said, "Justice belongs to me; I will repay them"; who also said, "The Lord himself will handle these cases." [31] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
2007-06-18 08:26:18
answer #3
answered by Tommy D 3
We assume that we are capable of deciding good from evil and that we are capable of being good.God gave man the law to help him to understand his need for God. Deciding our own idea of righteousness clearly would not work as any man's idea would be equal to an others. Under law it is general rule of thumb that we have rights so long as they do not interfere with another rights. This is very general and does not work and is a constant battle to retain these freedoms. Assuming a person believes in God then he believes in an absolute righteous compass that tells us when we are wrong.If a man does not believe in an absolute moral compass then he must pick and choose his own idea of righteousness and the idea of man's law is the best we can do. The fact is and is according to the scriptures the only absolute righteous being is God.
2007-06-18 08:33:16
answer #4
answered by djmantx 7
Consider that the obssesion you speak of is a Real belief Some share.
This is the power of belief in literal action-terms. Being in agreeance to take "sin" as "bad". As within some teachings, some believe certain acts are "sinful" and guilt is a symptom of that belief.
This Guilt forms a reality for that person as in this they creat perameters of thier won environment.
In some cases, religious persons elect to whip thier own backs with a leather strap in a fashion of guilt as guilt brings the idea of "punishment due"; literally, we punish ourselves for this guilt we bestow upon ourselves; it is no suprise religiouns creat the heaven-hell they often speak of as this is a reality for them.
I agree with you, in the sense we need feel No Guilt for being ourselves; as we feel for ourselves, in any way we might, we creat the very expectations in a "future" we creat.
This is the nature of reality.
2007-06-18 09:14:19
answer #5
answered by Adonai 5
A sin is anything that keeps you out of Gods presence or that is detestable by him. He gives us all free will on Earth to do things that are of this world with the bounds he set for us.
I believe you could reach happiness, and pleasure and not sin. And if you do ask for forgiveness and it will be granted.
2007-06-18 08:15:13
answer #6
answered by mickey 3
We were given those minds, freedom, and free will by GOD, for a purpose. We are to honor Him in appreciation.
And there is no such thing as sin that does not interfere with others' liberties. All sin has consequences, though so often, we are so foolich, we do not recognize it.
2007-06-18 08:17:23
answer #7
answered by Pilot 4 Jesus 2
Some people are addicted to guilt and self-loathing. They litereally don't know how to be happy.
It's not tied to sin, there are plenty of non-religious people who are just as bad at throwing away all the good in their lives. I've always wondered if it were a psychological disorder, to look at basic human needs and wants as evil. It demonizes the self, as well as others, and justifies all kinds of "punishment" that isn't deserved.
There is no good answer to this question. Just be glad that most people are fairly happy and content with their lives, and don't waste their time with destructive obsessions.
2007-06-18 08:15:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Couldn't agree more.
Being true to one's own code of conduct is more important, to me.
But most folks haven't given any thought to their morality, they have simply tried to memorize what their religion says should be morality. And when I say "religion," I mean their preacher.
It is nearly impossible to fully comply with an imposed morality. So much of it will go against the grain (eg, "turn the other cheek ...") that it is no wonder so many violate it. And the taught consequences for violating the imposed morality are ... "the wages of sin."
So much more effective to develop an epistemology for oneself and stick with it. But first one must have a brain.
There's the rub, and no doubt about it.
2007-06-18 08:16:32
answer #9
answered by Grendle 6
People obsess over the things they most fear, or what they don't feel they have control over. If they don't think they have enough self-control, or they are afraid that they will give in to some kind of sinful thing, a lot of times they will treat everyone around them the same way to overcompensate.
2007-06-18 08:13:34
answer #10
answered by Fathiya 3