Why do people stereotype Christians and assume they all do the same thing? Hmm...
In any case, I basically agree with you. People take the Bible literally, when it is full of parables and symbolism. People take it out of context. People apply their own personal bias onto it. That said, the fact that it was written so long ago has little impact on the language and culture of the Bible, because all of that is taken into consideration by the translators. Most Bibles have been translated by numerous scholars that are experts on the languages that the original texts were written in, so although there are small differences where the translation was in question, most Bibles likely reflect quite accurately the original language and meaning. If what you are saying was 100% true in all cases, then no one who ever spoke a different language or came from a different culture could ever understand another. That is simply not true. In fact, a really good study Bible will even point out to you wherever there is any debate over the translation of a word or phrase, making it easy to identify where meanings might be misinterpreted due to language evolution. Will it be perfect? No, but it won't any less perfect than just talking to someone and trying to interpret everything THEY mean. You take things in context and do the best you can.
Doesn't make the Bible literal, of course, but the problem is not the ancient languages the Bible was written. The problem is the objectivity (or lack thereof), ignorance, and perception of the readers. But like anything, some people do better than others. So try not to stereotype ALL people who study the Bible. That would be no less fair than stereotyping everyone who reads the Constitution or interprets a popular novel.
2007-06-18 07:10:39
answer #1
answered by Mr. Taco 7
As a Christian, I realize that some of the stories in the Bible are just that, parables that are meant to teach a lesson.
However, if you take out the parts that are parables, then you are left with historicaly proven facts, events, and people.
I agree with you that in the case of Genesis and the creation story, the only people there were God and the angels, and the story outlined, or actually the stories (since there are two) are later writer's ideas on what happened.
However, since the time of Moses, everything has been written down and those are the parts that can be proven.
You are right about the language changing. Since the first books, it has gone from the original language of aramiac, to Latin, and to English. Every new translation gives us a bit more, as we learn more and more of the original language.
I have a question in return. Why, when questions like this are asked, do Athiests answer by saying "It's because they are xtain fundies who are uneducated."?
As for myself, I and most of the Christians I know are highly educated people who hold degrees in everything from Education to Medical Sciences. And even those who don't hold degrees show a good deal of common sense that would put some government officials to shame.
2007-06-18 07:13:15
answer #2
answered by josephwiess 3
Well first, half your argument becomes invalid when you know Greek, which the New Testament was written in. I learned Greek, eager to see if the Bible was mistranslated, and though I would have used a different word here and there, it was overall translated well.
Second, about a quarter of your argument falls when you compare the gospels. There are a few differences but one does not say Jesus walked on water while another says he walked on the moon. One does not say Jesus was a Jew while another says he was a Frenchman. One does not say Jesus rose from the dead while another says Jesus merely passed out. There are enough small differences so that you know these writers did not collaborate, for instance Luke says Jesus was taken to the temple top then he mentions after that, that Jesus was taken to the mountain top. Matthew though says that Jesus was first taken to the mountain then to the temple. Even this small contradiction can be eliminated though, because Matthew says Jesus was taken to the mountain THEN the temple, but Luke does not say which happened first he just mentions the temple first. Luke was rarely specific with the dates, he used phrases like "one day, one sabbath, some time later, on one day" but the other gospels are more specific... "One sabbath. Three days later. the next day. From here. After this..."
The final portion of your argument can be refuted by simply the profession of the authors of the New Testament.... This point took me a little bit to realize, I at first though that fishermen were not really accurate sources, then it dawned on me.... Commercial fishermen HAVE to record and maintain business records. Why would they not be able to keep historical records?
Matthew - tax collector, well educated, absolute NEEDED to know how to keep records.
Luke - physician, another businessman. He of course would be well educated and know how to keep records
John, Peter, James, Jude - Commercial fishermen who, again, would know how to organize accounts.
Paul - theologian and extremely, extremely well educated man who is, of all the authors of both the Old and New Testament, the best educated, the most intelligent, the one best versed in theology.... Also he writes like a PhD in Greek.
The more I examined the New Testament for possible errors, the stronger I found it to be. Extremely solid book.
2007-06-18 07:19:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Just because something is phrophiced does not mean it is subject to change. The bible is the living word of God. It is his love letter to you that will always and forever be true. And yes it is true. If you actually sat down and read and studied the scriptures you would find it is true.
Christians have done a major amount of research to learn the meetings behind each word for that time so that there is clear understanding of the bible when it is translated from English to French or from Latin to English.
You do not know what you are talking about and I strongly suggest read it, study it, attend a good church, pick up some books on the subject written by Christian authors and learn it before knocking it down.
2007-06-18 07:07:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Bible is in Two parts the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament is the oldest portion of the Bible. The first five books, The Torah, was written by Moses thousands of years ago long before John. He wrote these books like God was dictating the words to him directly as did the rest of the writers of the Bible. No, they were not all words of Jesus. If you do not believe in the Bible and you can call yourself a Christian, you might want to rethink your faith. Jesus was very knowledgeable of the Old Testament. He quoted it often. To be a Christian means to be "Christ like." You do the math.
2007-06-18 07:20:13
answer #5
answered by The 2 points guy 2
I would like to point out that we (and by we I mean myself and my fellow Catholics) take the words the of Bible so literally because it is the Word of God! It was written by people who experienced first hand what was going on. I would also like to point out that Catholics take it literally because Christ would not try to confuse us by saying stuff that he didn't mean of stuff that meant something else. And when it was translated into different languages it was done by extremely educated people who knew the right words to use to get the exact meaning. Even if the words are not exactly what Jesus said, they mean exactly the same thing.
2007-06-18 07:15:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because the bible plainly states that
"all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, and for correction in righteousness".
We know that all the scripture is nothing but the truth.
All born again Christians believe the same thing that the word of God is true. "Ye must be born again"
The reason you don't believe what the Bible says is simply that you have not allowed the Holy Spirit to show you what He is saying. This is because you have not opened your heart up to Jesus. When you do this, the scriptures come to life and you begin to understand why all these Christians are believing things you don't yet understand.
The word also says that "God's word is foolishness to those that don't believe" This is why you think it isn't true or is "foolish" to you.
I hope this helps, as I know it has helped others that were struggling in the past until they gave their heart to Jesus, and their eyes were opened just like the rest of us born again Christians.
2007-06-18 07:11:39
answer #7
answered by Rev S Miller 2
I have had people tell me that Jesus spoke exactly the way the KJV of the Bible is written, in old English....They just don't have the spiritual maturity to recgonize their ignorance.
and btw I do believe the words written, I just don't believe the corruption of the intepretations of so many translations (ie New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures by JW's and others) The actual cannonization of the book we now call The Holy Bible was developed based on writings of ancient times that AGREED to the principles that were agreed to at Nicea (sp?)
2007-06-18 07:05:41
answer #8
answered by Carol D 5
Hopefully, NO Christians will think that these AREN'T the words of Jesus, because they are. That is, the words in the New Testament, but I assumed that you read both the New and Old and meant that anyway.
Since they ARE the words of Jesus, with or without your approval, they are the very words that we use for guidance and inspiration to live a peaceful, more loving and positive lifestyle. That is why we take it so literally, so that we may become more peaceful, more loving and positive.
What have you been reading to become more peaceful, loving and more positive?
2007-06-18 07:08:08
answer #9
answered by joe_on_drums 6
okay .... why dont you realize that christians know that already ... oh i'm sorry did you think you were the 1st person to figure that out! ... christians DON'T take the Bible LITERALLY they use it as a guide, the stories the Bible tells are used to teach a lesson, or to teach morale! === I swear you ppl get on here and ask questions that make you look like a dumba*s you have no idea what you are talking about half the time!=== It is the NONCHRISTIANS that twist the words in th eBible just so you can prove a point but you fail to read the rest of it
***Have YOU ever read the ENTIRE Bible??***
2007-06-18 07:06:57
answer #10
answered by carol 2