Yes long ago. Alternate Mortin and Tylenol every two hours. Dont try to sweat it out. Keep the bath warm, not hot, not cold. Lots of fluids and dont push food.
2007-06-17 18:20:58
answer #1
answered by Mom to Ben and Sam 4
Never never use alcohol on an infant. Just use ice cold water to get the fever down. Give him aspirin, or Tylenol first. If that does not bring it down to a decent level. Then you should fill a bathtub of luke warm water. The water should be on the cooler side. Put him in it, and the fever will go down. Then bundle him up in a towel. Take his temperature, if it is still high then go to your nearest emergency room if it is in the middle of the night. During the day go to the doctor. However if you do what I suggest the baby's fever will go down.
2007-06-17 18:55:05
answer #2
answered by michelebaruch 6
Yes, they used to do it before but alcohol can be toxic to babies. You can use a small amount of salt or even better, just luke warm water. You can even put ONLY babies feet in the water and sit back and watch the wonder. But this is just a home remedy to reduce the fever. Give the baby some Tylenol and contact the Doctor to make sure it is nothing serious.
Hope your baby (and you) feel better
2007-06-18 08:47:14
answer #3
answered by Elliem 3
My mom used to do this to me, only she would pour it into her hand undiluted and rub me down with it, it was soooo cold and the smell was just awful!!!! It brought the fever down, but like someone else said, way too fast and I would end up shivering for along time. Old time remedies are sometimes the best,,, but not this one. Stick with Tylenol, advil and a tepid bath if the temp is above 103. Anything above 104 goes directly to the doctor. Good luck.
2007-06-18 00:26:13
answer #4
answered by Ponypuppy 2
Yes they used to do that. Don't do it though. They found that it makes the baby's temperature drop too fast and that is very dangerous. Some babies have even died from it. Just use tylenol or motrin to reduce the fever. If it stays high for a long time call your pediatrician.
2007-06-17 21:05:09
answer #5
answered by omorris1978 6
yeah, not such a great idea...very drying to the skin, and probably toxic. That's a pretty extreme thing to do...
Dampen a soft cloth with lukewarm water and wipe baby down slowly and gently. The evaporation will help cool and soothe without giving the little one chlls - cold water is a shocking sensation to feverish skin. Head, neck, and chest areas are especially helpful, and the stroking is soothing as well.
Talk to your doctor about warning signs of a temp or condition that needs medical attention.
2007-06-17 18:08:11
answer #6
answered by arjee63 2
Back along time ago, they used to put people in the alcohol to bring down the fever. Now they say to give Motrin, nd then Tylenol to bring down, it is fighting the germs.
2007-06-17 17:56:36
answer #7
answered by deb 7
Be very careful about this! Do not do this with a newborn baby! I read that a baby died from the parents putting an alcohol swab on the umbilical cord of a newborn and leaving it on under the diaper, so the cord would dry up. So please, be careful!
2007-06-17 18:40:24
answer #8
answered by Still Me 5
Alcohol baths were common in the olde days but since u r talking about an your pediatrician plz....
2007-06-17 17:59:49
answer #9
answered by Mee-OW =^..^= 7
PLEASE do not ever try this!! They used to do it back in the day, but then studies were done and it was found that toxic amounts of the alcohol was absorbed into the skin. It can kill children!
2007-06-17 18:27:27
answer #10
answered by Amber S 4