No, it's definitely not appropriate. Maybe granny isn't seeing how things actually are these days but it's definitely not appropriate. Even though it is innocent to her and your daughter if the wrong person found out it could mean a world of trouble for something that may be totally innocent. I would talk to granny and present it that way as to not to hurt her feelings or make her think you are accusing her of something. Also, try telling her that your daughter already had a bath before you take her to granny's house, that might help as well. However if you think that something inappropriate is going on it may be best not to have your daughter be alone with granny.
2007-06-17 15:20:49
answer #1
answered by kbee 2
Speak to the grandmother because obviously this makes you uncomfortable. Let her know that you would prefer she and your daughter not shower/bathe together, not because you feel that anything inappropriate is occurring, but you simply feel that your daughter is capable of caring for herself. You can make it a thing about her independence if grandmother gets offended easily.
If grandmother continues to defy your wishes, you may have to get creative and eliminate as may opportunities as possible for them to bathe together. If your daughter is staying the night at grandma's have her shower/bathe at home and already in her pajamas when she gets to granny's. You could also encourage your daughter to do more things on her own, like run her own bath water and show her grandmother that she is a big girl.
Perhaps grandmother doesn't want her baby to grow up. It's understandable, but maybe some gentle reminding might help without hurting any feelings if possible.
2007-06-17 18:33:18
answer #2
answered by maternalacademic 2
I would tell her Grandma that my child is big enough to bathe on her own. I would tell my daughter that she is big girl now and can take a bath all by herself. This way you're not accusing anyone but you are just saying that your child is old enough to do this on her own.
I am a mom and I took a bath with my kids as little babies but they were taking their own baths at age 6 without any assistance with hair washing or anything. Unless your daughter has disabilities then I don't see any reason why she can't do this herself. If she has very long hair then Grandma or whomever is babysitting her can help comb it when your daughter is done with her bath.
2007-06-18 00:32:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First i would find out from the child what exactily goes on in these baths not trying to sound pervert but it very important to see if she was being harmed and i do not know your mother-mother-law but im sure she a lovly woman but still better safe then sorry also wonder if they both did not have there bathing suits on . If they both had bathing suits on then it is up to you. Also i would try talking to ur mother to see what her attencion were. Good luck and i know it a hard subject so good luck.
2007-06-17 15:47:38
answer #4
answered by crazyone 3
Granny proably doesn't see anything wrong with it and most likely neither does your 6 year old. This kind of things was typical back in the day.
Just tell Granny you would prefer if she didn't.
2007-06-17 17:21:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a grandma of a six year old girl and we still bath together.
I have a six year old grandson. I would never bath with him. I did when he was a baby. I have a nine year old grandaughter and I used to bath with her, but haven't done so for a few years.
If an adult is wise they know when to and when not to bath with a child.
2007-06-17 15:23:30
answer #6
answered by clcalifornia 7
I bathed with my grandmother until around 7 or so. It's not a big deal. I liked having someone else wash my hair for me, and it was more fun to play with tub toys with someone else... dolls are pretty boring alone, I think.
And, as was said, there's always the thought of conserving water. I really don't think it's a big deal, but if it's bothering you, you should discuss it with them as you see fit.
2007-06-17 15:19:36
answer #7
answered by Sara H 6
Unless you have reason to suspect the granny of lewd or explicit behavior, It's not a big deal.
Just talk to your daughter about personal privacy, without mentioning grandma, and sooner rather than later your daughter will grow out of it. When your daughter start to feel modest and granny decides not to oblige her privacy then I would consider it inappropriate.
2007-06-17 20:09:30
answer #8
answered by Autumn C. 2
Granny might just be old school and conserving water. If not, why not mention it.
2007-06-17 15:15:30
answer #9
answered by lillilou 7
When I was a little girl, we used to go to the beach every summer with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and cousins. All the women and girls showered together, and none of us turned out weird. I think if you make a big deal out of it in front of her, it could cause psychological damage. This is completely natural.
2007-06-17 15:42:23
answer #10
answered by Zelda Hunter 7