you are really going to have to work with your dog .spanking him does not help. maybe you can get an invisible fence with the collar so he will be zapped when he trys to leave the yard. it is not pleasent but at least he will stay home. try putting him on a leash and walking him every day and stop at different times and make him sit. then proceed again. go to a dog site on training your dog and see if you can find some good ideas for training him to listen to your comands like come,sit and stay. it will be a lot of work but you can do it.i hope you will try good luck.
2007-06-17 15:10:29
answer #1
answered by john n 6
You should not put your dog outside by himself if the fence is not built to keep him in safely. Walk him on a leash instead and keep him inside. Get your parents to fix the fence and gate so he can't escape. He is running because he is bored in the yard and it is fun to get out and run. Tell your dad to stop punishing him when you get him back--this only teaches him that it is bad to come home because he'll be punished. For teaching him to come on command, you need to read a good obedience book on the subject. You have to teach them on leash, then gradually work your way up to off leash work. It could take months of training. Keep him inside during BBQ's.
2007-06-17 15:11:01
answer #2
answered by KimbeeJ 7
Yeah just get something like the fence system. i know u dont want a chain but u could just get a long enough chain to put on him to run around the back yard but not long enough to get out in the street or run away.
2007-06-17 15:07:16
answer #3
answered by cameljumpdawg 2
Please Tiff, call your vet, he probably needs antibiotics and has pain if he'll drink get some liquid Tylenol and give him a single dose { as written on bottle} If you can get him to let you hold him and hold an ice pack that will help short term, I may sound mean, but be the adult and take him to the vet, it may cost but the other dogs owner should foot the bill, or you could threaten a call to animal control. Your dog is important.
2016-05-18 02:48:56
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Your dog is not capable of understanding the spanking is for running away. He thinks it is for coming home.
Tell your dad to stop spanking him, or I will have to spank your dad. He is a very bad dad for spanking the dog.
The dog probably hates being spanked, which is why he runs away.
2007-06-17 15:06:53
answer #5
answered by renodogmom 5
Well, when you have people over for a bbq, then you put the dog in your room or something.
2007-06-17 15:02:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Buy a invisible fence system they work great. Ebayhas them for a good price
2007-06-17 15:02:45
answer #7
answered by cin_ann_43 6
Try basic obedience, and teach him how to come.
2007-06-17 15:03:54
answer #8
answered by Go Spurs Go 3
invisible fence, of a whistle.
2007-06-17 15:03:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I agree with renodogmom 100%........
2007-06-17 15:14:39
answer #10
answered by dorkiii 6