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I heard Bible is combination of a old book includes 39 section and a new book includs 27 section. each of these section talks about a specific subject.
1-Please confirm if i heard truth or no? if it is not true please explain
2-who wrote the Bible and how?
3-is there different Bible in the word or every Bible is the same
4-who is Holy Spirit
Please also introduce me some good way to learn about christianity

2007-06-17 12:43:40 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

what id difference between Christ & Messiah

2007-06-17 12:46:17 · update #1

35 answers

The Bible is a compilation of two "testaments:"

1. The Jewish Torah (what we call the "Old Testament," which includes sections or "books" written by Moses, Solomon, David, the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others), and gives the account of Creation, the Flood, books of Law, and the history of the Israelite people before the birth of Jesus Christ, along with the writings of several prophets of God, plus some stories about heroes of the Faith, and songs and poetry (psalms).

2. The New Testament (including the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, written by Jesus' disciples and people who knew them firsthand, the Acts of the Apostles which is the account of the early Church in the days, months, years, etc. following Jesus' resurrection and ascention, the Epistles, which are letters that several of the apostles of the early Church wrote to growing churches as guides to conduct and spiritual growth, and the Book of Revelation, in which John, the disciple of Christ, records God's words to seven different church congregations and also a vision of the Last Days, including God's coming judgment on the earth, the millennial reign of Christ, and the new heaven and earth.

According to Scripture, the different books of the Bible were written under inspiration from God. They don't each feature totally different subject matter; some cover the same ground in different ways. For example, the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) all give an overview of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they each approach it from slightly different angles. The Epistles all deal with Christian conduct, but each epistle deals with different issues, depending on the specific congregation to which it was addressed. The books of the Prophets all deal with prophecy; some of the prophecies overlap; but each was given at different times and for different reasons.

There are different translations of the Bible, but most are simply translated into contemporary language to make them easier to understand for modern English-speaking people. The content of most of them is pretty much the same, just phrased differently. The most popular translations include the King James version (written in Old English, and not quite as readable for most people, but beautiful and poetic in its own way), the New King James version (which phrases things almost identically to the King James version without the "thee's" and "thou's" and other marks of Old English that get modern readers confused), the New International Version, which uses modern English, and the New Living Translation, which uses a little more of a "slang" version of modern English. There are more, but these are a few that I know are pretty much faithful to the intent of the original writings. Certain sects have their own translations; the Catholic Church's version of the Bible includes several books that other Bibles do not, which are commonly referred to as "apocrypha" or "deuterocanonicals."

The Holy Spirit was described by the Lord Jesus as our helper, or our "Comforter." He is also described as our "Counsellor." He is essentially the aspect of God that dwells within believers, and His work is to guide us, teach us, convict us of sin, assure us of God's presence with us, etc. In other words, while we dwell on earth, it is the Holy Spirit that enables us to have companionship and fellowship with God.

Good ways to learn about Christianity: Read the Gospel of John. This is a good introduction to Jesus Christ and why we believe what we believe about Him. Another Gospel, which includes some lovely poetry and includes details of Jesus' birth, is the Gospel of Luke. The Gospel of Matthew includes Jesus' genealogy. If you'd like, you can then go on to read the book of Acts of the Apostles, which tells more about the work of the Holy Spirit in the early Church following Jesus' resurrection and ascention. And the Epistles, which follow, outline how Christians are to conduct themselves before God.

Besides reading Scripture, another good way to learn about Christianity would be to speak to a pastor of a church near you. The difficulty there is that there are many churches that have strayed from the intent of the Bible in an effort to stay "relevant" and "modern." From personal experience, I would suggest looking for a pastor from a church that emphasizes spiritual growth in the areas of holiness or sanctification of believers, in order to get a better idea of what Christianity is truly about. I am sure in Islam, there are people who claim to be Muslim but do not live according to the teachings of Islam. Likewise, there are many people who claim to be Christian, who do not live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ or His apostles.

May God reward you as you seek greater knowledge!

P.S. I must correct Shorty on one point: Paul is not responsible for the Bible, just a few books of the New Testament. You can find the story of Paul in the book of Acts of the Apostles. There you will see that Paul in fact lived in the first century after Christ, and was in fact a contemporary of Jesus' own disciples. The writings which he contributed to the Bible actually date to within twenty years or so of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. This is important: It shows that the intent of Christianity has NOT changed over the centuries, as many have alleged. It has remained constant, regardless of social climate, politics, or other outside influences.

The Gospel of John was written by John the disciple of the Lord Jesus, about sixty years after Jesus' death and resurrection. John knew Jesus firsthand and was one of His most favored disciples. John is also responsible for the epistles John I, II, and III, and the book of Revelation. Such early firsthand accounts are why Christians ascribe such credibility to the Bible.

P.P.S. I saw the part about the difference between Christ and Messiah. From my understanding, the two terms were pretty much interchangeable; in other words, those who were waiting for Messiah would've recognized that the "Christ" referred to the same person. I know Christ means "annointed one."

2007-06-17 12:56:29 · answer #1 · answered by hoff_mom 4 · 1 0

First the Bible comes from the Greek word Byblos which means library or books. It is indeed 66 books that were organized by the council of Nicaea. I am sure you will get many facts on that so I will let those who know it best tell you about the selection. Most of the books we are fairly certain who the author is but a few are not so sure. The Gospels in the New Testament might be single theme or focus but the themes and topics are all over the map that shows us Gods love and redemption process.

Every Bible in the World should be the same. Sure the translation will be slightly different but the intent and theme should be maintained. The only difference you may find are Bibles that contain the Apocrypha which the Council did not believe fit the purpose of the Bible or were skeptical of the books authority.

Many of the Books in the Old Testament are from oral tradition. Other books come from letters that were written to various people or Churches.

The Holy Spirit is, as most Christians believe, one part of a triune God. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was God's gift to mankind after Jesus ascended. The Spirit leads man to understand the Bible and who Jesus was. The Spirit also acts as a moral compass to those who choose to listen to him.

I am not sure where you are or how comfortable you would feel about going to a Church, but that is one of the best ways to get to know Christians. Since that could be awkward please feel free to write me any time with any question. I will try not to attack you or get too snippy.

2007-06-17 15:24:12 · answer #2 · answered by crimthann69 6 · 0 0

The Bible is a collection of 66 books 39 old testament (which are more or less the history of the world and Gods people) and 27 in the new Testament, including the 4 gospels about Jesus life. The rest of the new testament is pretty much a manual on how to live a Godly life except the book of Revelation which Reveals to the reader what will be in the last days)
The bible was written "For the prophesy came not by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit".
The Holy Spirit is the third member of the God head. Farther, Son (Jesus, god come in the likeness of sin-full flesh, yet without sin) and the Holy Spirit (the presents of God in the life of those who follow Jesus)
Th bible was written over a period of some 1600 years by some 40 different authors yet if read correctly, is in perfect harmony with it self.
The correct way to read the Bible is to take everything that is written about a curtain subject from both the old and new testaments and prayerfully study them asking God for guidance and understanding. He, the Holy Spirit, will help you.

2007-06-17 13:09:01 · answer #3 · answered by shovelead 3 · 1 0

First off, I'm glad that you are asking questions. That is the best way to learn.
The Bible is composed of two Testaments, the Old and the New. The Old Testament has 39 books and the New Testament has 27 books. Not every one is on a certain subject. The Old Testament is mostly the history of the world, the first people, and accounts about what happened to those people. For example, the Old Testament tells the accounts of King David, Abraham, Noah and the great flood, and many other important people who were in contact with God. Many of these books tell the same stories but from different angles. The New Testament is comprised of mostly letters that the apostle Paul wrote to the different churches and people, telling them to shape up and remain steadfast in their faith. However, the first four books are the account of Jesus and they are called the Gospels.
There are many different authors to the Bible. Different books were written by different people. Most of them we know, but some we do not. God spoke to these men and told them what to write. That's why the different accounts of the same stories all fit together.
There are different translations of the Bible, but they all say the same thing, just in a different way. There is the New Living Traslation, which is a more modern version that puts the Bible in easier terms and then there is the King James Version which was translated by King James and is written in Old English. There are also many different translations in between.
As for learning more about Christianity, I suggest that you go to your local bookstore, look in the Christianity section and find several books there that can probably explain this all better than I could.
I hope this helped!

2007-06-17 13:08:19 · answer #4 · answered by Abby 2 · 0 1

1. What you heard is true.
The sections are books.
The old part is the Old Testament, the new one the New Testament
2. Many different people wrote the Bible, the sections are also called books. These books have authors. For instance, Matthew wrote Matthew, the first book in the New Testament. These authors were God-inspired, like a scribe transcribes what the author says. The thoughts were God's, God said what to say, and the person wrote it down.
3. I'm not sure I understand you.
4. The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit also called the Holy Ghost. The Spirit is the part of God that lives inside a Christian when the Christian accepts God as lord.

Christ is Jesus
Messiah is a savior, so Jesus, according to the Bible, was both.
Christ and Messiah are basically synonymous

2007-06-17 12:54:02 · answer #5 · answered by needlepoint_lace 5 · 4 0

1. 39 and 27 are books from the Protestant Bible. I suggest one (after doing my own research in the past) use the 'Catholic scriptures which have 7 additional books.
2. Many 'scribes' over several years, but all inspired by God.
3. The English language has changed over the years, thus there are different translations(versions).
4. This explanation may be overly simplistic but the Holy Spirit is like a special messenger (not same as an angel) of God.

Discern between scripture and the Bible currently as there are 'additions' in the Bible that contradict scripture currently.
Christ and Messiah are the same being. Christ is the English saying; Christos the Greek; Messiah the Hebrew. It means the Anointed One.

2007-06-17 13:16:51 · answer #6 · answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 1

I am not a Bible scholar. But it is my understanding that the **Old Testament Scriptures are consistent with the Koran. Abraham had two sons. They were Ishmael and Isaac and were born of different mothers. One a free woman and one a slave girl. This is the same in your Koran I believe.
**Yes, there is an Old Testament of the Bible and the New Testament, containing the Gospels
**Many people wrote the chapters of the Bible. They usually wrote on Papyrus Paper. I am not sure on this.
**There are versions of the Bible. There's the King James Version and all King James Versions have the same words. However, there are other versions of the Bible. The words are basically the same, but sometimes translated a little differently. Different translations of the Bible. There's also a modern version of the Bible and common, everyday language is used for better understanding by the reader.
**The Holy Spirit is what The Christ Jesus is referred to after his resurrection. It is not a "who." It is Spirit.
**You might consider taking a college course of study of the Christian Religion for starters. You could probably just audit a class which means you don't pay the normal tuition or take the class for any trype of college credit. You would be there to attend the class and learn independently.
As I say, I am not a Bible scholar. But at the time of my answer, there were no other answers posted. There are many more folks who are more knowlegable on the subject.

2007-06-17 13:04:10 · answer #7 · answered by Kim 2 · 0 1

1. depends which bible you're talking about. 46 old sections and 27 new in the catholic bible, but 39 old and 27 new sections in the protestant bible.
2. many people wrote the bible. thats why there are so many sections. it was written form their point of view so not every book is the same. (the secitons are called books)
3. if a bible's text is translated into another language, some parts might get left out for some reason. but every christian bible is basically the same.
4. i cant exactly help u with this one, sorry! =(

look up christianity on the web. im sure there are some really good websites that will be able to explain these answers better than i! also, if u know someone that is christian, then perhaps they will let u borrow their bible. look through it and read a bit. its quite interesting. =)))

2007-06-17 12:55:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Go to this link: www.carm.org Check the Muslim section and have a cruise around the site to help you answer your questions in better detail.

The difference between Christ and Messiah - None, Jesus is 'The Christ' which means 'The Messiah'.

1 + 2) Yes, there are 66 books in the Bible, written by various people through time and inspired by the Holy Spirit (this means that the Holy spirit basically 'took control' of a person for a time and wrote the Scripture. This 'taking control' was not forced control but an acceptance of the invitation sent by prayer).

Most talk of a specific subject (I say most because although each does speak specifically they also have a broader picture aspect as well (think of a jigsaw puzzle or mosaic making up a greater picture from smaller parts.) God wrote the Bible through man not written by man for God.

3) I'm guessing that question 3 'word' is supposed to read 'world' so I will answer it as such.
Yes there are different Bibles in the world. All language Bibles (English, German, Spanish, ect) are ALL translated from the original Greek and Hebrew documents and there are 6000 copies of the original Bible written less than 100 years after the death of Jesus. All these copies mirror, word for word, what the others say 99.5% of the time (in the case of the .5% it is a small wording change such as changing Jesus to Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ to Christ Jesus, so there has been no disagreement between them) This is how we know the Bible is accurate and can keep its consistency through time.

Of the various English Bibles there are many translations some add words (such as the Jehovah Witnesses Bible) some add books (Such as The Mormons) but of all the 'Christian' Bibles that are mainstream all except 1 are meaning for meaning translations, this means that small translation errors or wording errors can occur such as the translation of 'thou shall not kill' from the true translation of 'thou shall commit no murder'. It is strongly recommended that a meaning for meaning translation Bible be used in conjunction with the 1 word for word translation Bible (the King James or KJV).

4) Humans are made up of a mind, body and spirit, they are three aspects of us but create a whole person, if one piece is taken away then the whole can't exist - it's just the way we are.
In a similar way God has three specific aspects (persons, entities, characters, ect) of Himself. These are called God The Father, God The Son (Jesus) and God The Holy Spirit (usually just called The Holy Spirit). This is the Trinity and it is not a representation of three separate gods but one God with three 'persons' (aspects, characters, entities, ect). Christians have always been Monotheistic but some people claim that we are not so as to undermine what Christianity teaches.

Hope that answers all your questions. God Bless

2007-06-17 13:39:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible:
The inspired word of God. Serious Christians believe it to be infallible.
The Old Testament: The history of Christianity before Christ came. Lots of prophets wrote specific books testifying to what was to come. Wise kings (like David and Solomon) wrote beautiful poetry and advice.
The New Testament: the 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) record the life of Jesus (33 years on earth.) Each of the 4 gospels is an eyewitness account, and there are variations in the stories. To some, this is proof that "nothing in the Bible is true. " To others, who are familiar with human beings' shortcomings and the different ways they process information, this is absolute proof that it is true: all of the salient facts are in complete agreement, and the variations are such as those that would be found in 4 different people recounting a time in history that they personally witnessed.

Many different people actually "wrote down" the Bible over a period of many years.

There are many different translations or versions of the Bible, with the King James being closest to the original Greek, yet sort of "Old English" in tone, and takes longer (for me!) to figure out. My favorite is the NIV---I find it exactly the same content, but in more colloquial forms. For some "The Message" Bible (completely in contemporary English, including slang) is easy to understand, but loses a lot of its beauty, in my opinion.
There are at least 50 other versions, but all with the same Books and the same message.

The Holy Spirit is best understood in terms of the Trinity. God (the Father, Jesus (His Son) and the Holy Spirit (His presence within us) are One. You could spend a lifetime figuring this out. The easiest is just to start chewing on it when you are young ;< )

A great way to learn about Christianity: Find a Christian at a Bible-centered church (possibly even a minister) who will mentor you, read the Bible, and pray.

2007-06-17 12:56:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1>>Yes, the Old Testament has 39 books, New Testament has 27.
With-in each book/text/section tells of different people, all about God and history.
2>>The Bible was written by 40 different men, guided by the Holy Spirit.
3>>There are several translations and editions. Most Religions use basically the same. Some different Religions...Mormons,,Jehovah's Wittiness,,Hare Krishna......have completely different Bibles/Spiritual Books
4>>The Holy Spirit is God, the Father in Spirit form

Check out these web.sites, someone told me of them.......

2007-06-17 12:59:39 · answer #11 · answered by creeklops 5 · 0 1

fedest.com, questions and answers