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Seriously, I get really frightened when I talk about The Bible at night. No matter how much I pray to God for comfort or even if I go in the presence of family members and loved ones, I still feel really scared after talking about the bible at night. Why is that? For some reason, I feel that when God comes, it will be night time. I don't know. Does anyone else feel like this? What can I do to calm down? Because the only time I really get to read my Bible and talk with others is during the evening hours.

2007-06-16 18:09:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I call myself sad woman because I do suffer with depression, but I can handle alot of the horrible answers on this site. LOL. I just feel like I am a dumb person for feeling like this. I have always felt like this even as a very young child. When my parents talked about The Bible during the night time, I would hide under the covers and constantly look at the stars in fear during the night. I have just always thought that God would come for me during the night. I guess during the night is when I feel the presence of God and I fear him the most. I don't know. Thanks for the serious answers.

2007-06-16 18:24:47 · update #1

8 answers

First off, things always seem a little scarier at night time for me as well. Once the sun rises, I feel much more secure. So, I could see how talking about the Bible at night could frighten you. The Word of God is so full of illustrations that sound so unlike our time, and sometimes difficult to understand. God is so great and powerful and if one doesn't really know Him and how merciful, patient, and kind He is, then I can see being frightened. There is always the fear of the unknown . But truly, truly, truly--- God does not want you to be frightened. I am sure that He is just so pleased that you are trying to get close to Him.
Isaiah 41:10 -- "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Don't worry-- keep praying, and He will take the fear away.
I promise!

2007-06-16 18:58:14 · answer #1 · answered by Observer 3 · 0 0

I don't understand why you would feel that way. I suggest you examine your thoughts and figure out why you fear talking about the Bible at night. I've never heard of anyone with that problem but maybe I don't get what you're saying. If you can figure out why you do, then you can face your fear head on and tackle it. God help you to figure it out and free you from unnecessary discomfort.

2007-06-17 01:16:45 · answer #2 · answered by Joyful Noise 5 · 1 0

I have the same feeling at times.I found the best time to leave this forum is a little while before you go to bed.Get a snack or watch a little TV.

Tonight has been a rough nigh in here so I am leaving.I am beginning to feel dirty.

God Bells and have a restful sleep.

2007-06-17 01:15:22 · answer #3 · answered by ♥ Mel 7 · 0 1

I have no idea, I just wonder why you call yourself SadWoman? I'm not being rude, but if you're battling depression or anything, perhaps this isn't the best place to look for answers. Maybe try a "happier" site?

2007-06-17 01:13:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

bible or not fear is the beginning of wisdom so don't be afraid to fear.

2007-06-17 01:13:32 · answer #5 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 2 0

yes very very much so ,but i mostly feel bad for questioning my religion somtimes

2007-06-17 01:19:13 · answer #6 · answered by delana 4 · 0 0

Bible is horror fiction for sure.

2007-06-17 01:14:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

HE who fear
GOD is LOVE, he who abide/rest in LOVE
has GOD in them.
GOD is a Spirit..not an intellect opinion.
NOW..satan..is the author of fear.
FOr GOD..did not give us the spirit of fear
but of power/authority..of love..and soundmind(rightly dividing truth).
THE MIND is the battleground of GOOD and evil.
battle ground of GOD..vs satan.
GOD speak to the haeert.if the MIND listen.
satan speak to emotion which the mind is, part of that.
SO..be strong on the LORD in and ine POWEr of His MIGHT..eph 6
do you recall when satan/demon/defeated bully come to test us..our faith..or love..or peace..or whatever.
they only attack..in areas of our weaknesses.
JOY in the LORD is our spiritual offensive weapons against satan/demons sometime flesh/oeople..or self in rebelliousness..or stupidity.

what we mediate on..give room for spirit of fear.or love
spriit of wisdom..or pride..or stupidity..or lust..whatever.

this is what great about being baptized in the Holy Spirit..and recieve this by FAITH of getting it.
as well the gift which all get..a gift of tongues..for tongues..does a Perfect prayer all the time..for it is NOT I..we..doing of it...it is HIM..in us..doing it..through our voice box.
acts of apostles is very real..and readily available..seek them who shows SIGNS and WONDERS on tv..churches..bible study..ect..penecostal..faith church..usually has these gifts...ask them ..HOW to recieve.holy spirit..usually they pray in tongues..laying hands..on you..BUT!..geet to know them ..FIRST..pride is stinky..you'll see the ego..yet..don't confuse pride with abundance of love expression.
anyway..fear is from satan..he is trying you..keeping yo0u small..and defeat sort..but..all power..is stripped from him.
HE seek of us..to agree with him .
so when we agree..to anger..wrongly..or fear..to lust..or whateve..evil spirit..seek to build a stronghold.onto us..and someday.use our mouth..to curse..destroy..self or others.or a ministry..or?? whatever.
demons can't do nothing..without a willing abiding person.
SAME with GOD..he can't save the world..if NOBODY agree to go FWD and pray..or prreach..teach..prophesying..ect.
SO..turn to worship..prasing..thanking..turn on JOY in the LORD's LOVE for YOU..your sins..are forgiven..and your name is written in the book of LIFE. 1st? or 2nd Chronicle 20..is a great witness of HOW to conquer satan..and the world.

2007-06-17 01:24:40 · answer #8 · answered by blessedrobert 5 · 0 1

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