It's only permissible if the girl is hot.
2007-06-16 11:30:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Jesus had said that if you even think about it than you have already done it in your heart. I think even a fantasy is a guilt trip.At least it's a safer one. Also, it is not good for a man (or woman) to be alone might... mean something else like this too. Otherwise, I don't know what else to say besides repent or stop cheating. I once knew of a guy who had worked at a liquor store. He apparently had cheated on his lover and had literally went (cut) to pieces over it. Be careful uno.
2007-06-16 11:42:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think you are pretty much covered. The bible only really supports male to female relationships, so you were already out of it (at least per all Christian dogma) while in a lesbian relationship.
However -seriously-, if you are looking for an excuse for "cheating" there is none. Own up and save your relationship; stop looking for excuses. With love in a relationship and real repentance you should be able to work this one out with your partner.
2007-06-16 11:36:19
answer #3
answered by ayante01 3
If you claim to be lesbian, why do you care what the Bible says? You've already violated the Commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery," by choosing to live a lesbian lifestyle. Sex outside of marriage is a sin--doesn't matter whether you are in a lesbian lifestyle, or living with a boyfriend. This sin of 'cheating' is synonymous with the lifestyle--that is the same Law is violated, so what does it matter that you've poured lighter fluid on your fire?
Some good news is that you are not a lesbian, you are a human being, created in the image of God. The bad news, you are a sinner condemned to eternal death & suffering. The best news is that Christ died to forgive you of *all* your sin & grant you eternal life. Consequently when you focus on that eternal life, you gain perspective on this temporal one.
Advice: leave your life of sin, repent & be forgiven in Christ alone. Could it be that the reason you 'cheated' was that the lifestyle is not acheiving for you the satisfaction you desire? Maybe it wasn't so much the person you're with or not with, it's that you make that other person regardless of who they are into a god for yourself. Do yourself & these other women a favor by returning the Creator to the rightful place in your life. Instead of worshiping the created (other women or yourself as the case may be), worship the Creator (Read Romans 1-5). I promise you that this would help you tremendously!
Do you find that you are increasingly unable to feel things? It is a side effect of the lifestyle you choose to stay in. Could this be why you 'cheated'? If you stop clinging to it & rather cling to your Savior, you will begin to heal & be able to feel things again.
If by the power of the Holy Spirit you are moved by the promise of eternal life here, I would suggest visiting an LCMS pastor who can help you get out of the lifestyle. ( He will be compassionate, but won't enable you in your sin.
If you're only looking for temporal answers, that will enable you in your sin & only delay suffering, sorry, no anesthesia here. Prayers that God the Father, the Creator will lead you, one way or another unto real comfort, peace, love & truth by His Holy Spirit through our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
2007-06-16 12:20:22
answer #4
answered by Sakurachan 3
We're not resonsible for the hand life deals us. We're responsible for how we play it. God does not hold gay people to a higher standard than straight people.
("Sex outside of marriage is a sin" but oops, we can't let gay people get married, can we?)
Don't worry about the Bible-thumpers with their self-righteousness. Jesus had no time for people like that in his own time.
We're all working out our experience here the best we can. The Golden Rule is the key to it.
"Do unto others as you would that they would do unto you." If you wouldn't like her to cheat on you, don't cheat on her. If you did, then don't do it again, as long as you're her "significant other" and she is yours.
Most, if not all, morality is based on minimizing the hurt we do to others.
Hope this helps.
2007-06-16 11:38:01
answer #5
answered by 2kool4u 5
First of all, to all the ignorant posters who said that you'd be stoned to death for being a Lesbian - no you wouldn't, not if you were just going by the Jewish bible and not the New Testament.
In the Jewish bible, it is homosexual acts that are forbidden, not being homosexual itself. And this came about because there came male prostitutes into the Temple who offered their services to the Jewish men and told them that their sins would be forgiven by having sex with them.
In other words, they replaced the method God had given the Jews for forgiveness of sin, and said their method would do it just as well. Of course, this was total Idolatry.
It wasn't the homosexuality itself that was the reason this law came into being - homosexuality was NOT forbidden until that point, and it is written in the Jewish Oral Torah that upon the passing of this decree the "men of Israel sobbed all that night."
It was replacing God with sex for forgiveness of sin that caused the law to come about, not homosexuality itself. IDOLATRY, not having homosexual sex.
Furthermore, this law NEVER applied to non-Jews, and it also DIDN'T apply to women. For women, it was thought to be immodest for women to have sex with other women but not against any law whatsoever. Even today it is not against Jewish law for women to have sex with each other. It's definitely frowned upon in Orthodox circles, but no woman will be thrown out as a heretic, and no woman ever would have been stoned for such actions.
Education is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
2007-06-16 11:36:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Im pretty sure, there is no direct reference to cheating on your lesbian lover, however, there is certainly a reference to monogomy. The only advice i can give is stop cheating.
I hope it works out, take care
2007-06-16 11:32:31
answer #7
answered by Jinx 2
Hopefully, the RIGHT thing to do is in all of us and doesn't need to come from a book. Is it right to hurt someone else? Or to do something to someone else that we don't want done to us? It happens all the time of course. But on a personal level - say in a relationship, what feels good at the moment may not be right...........and hurt.
2007-06-16 11:36:56
answer #8
answered by Derail 7
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
2007-06-16 11:34:35
answer #9
answered by His eyes are like flames 6
Yes the Bible says that woman shall not lay with woman. It is a sin.
2007-06-16 11:31:50
answer #10
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
No, considering the Bible doesn't recognize homosexuality, let alone have an answer for such a question. Even though I'm not a Christian, I know that a Bible isn't used for direct questions, such as yours'...
2007-06-16 11:31:19
answer #11
answered by Integri 2