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14 answers

the best argument creationists have is circular logic.

2007-06-15 17:31:53 · answer #1 · answered by Pisces 6 · 1 0

Evolution has certain problems with it. It is a theory, not a law or principle.

- Statistical probability of evolution is practically nil. How could DNA be formed on the planet earth, and how could it have evolved to the simplest bacteria are questions that science cannot answer adequately. BTW, the bacteria is very complicated. How much more for humans - our body is wonderfully complex, which the brightest minds of doctors and specialist doctors still cannot fully comprehend.

- Our universe is finely tuned, and how the earth can exist is sort of a miracle and how life can exist on this planet is nothing short of a miracle. The gravitational constant, quantum constants, the tilt of the earth, the distance of earth from the sun, points to a designed universe, which is not randomly evolved.

- Archaeology does not really support evolution. There are no intermediate forms of life. Rather, there is support for a big Flood, which is recorded in almost every ancient civilisation. This Flood is recorded in Genesis, a book of the Bible.

- How could things be so beautiful if evolution is true? The DNA, the brain and the eye are so complex. It speaks of a grand Designer.

- How about the conscience? Is it evolved as what Richard Dawkins claimed or is it placed there by a God? Every civilisation has sought for a deity to worship.

- Intelligent Design is plausible.

2007-06-15 17:50:59 · answer #2 · answered by Simple 7 · 0 3

Here is one of the many arguments for the existence of God, the cosmological argument.

The argument is simply this: The cosmos is here and must be explained as to how it got here. This argument is using the law of cause and effect, which states: Every effect must have a preceding and adequate cause (the cause must come first and be adequate). What does it mean by adequate? Well, the building didn’t collapse because a mosquito landed on it. The tsunami didn’t hit because someone threw a pebble into the ocean.

Now, when it comes to explaining the existence of the universe, you only get three possibilities: (1) the universe is eternal (it has always been here), (2) the universe created itself, or (3) something created the universe. There is no other possibility except to claim that the universe is simply an illusion and does not exist—but I don’t think you would buy that. So let’s examine these three possibilities to see which is the most reasonable.

First, is the universe eternal? Absolutely not. We know this is true because of the universally recognized second law of Thermodynamics (the law of energy decay or entropy). This law states that everything goes downhill from order to disorder, more usable energy to less. This law is the reason why heat flows from hot to cold and why this building will fall apart if it is not kept up with. If someone doesn’t believe in the second law of thermodynamics, just challenge them to live forever; even with this awesome machinery we have in our bodies, you will eventually wear out and die.

We can see that the universe is running down and wearing out; the stars are burning up, the radioactive atoms are decaying, etc. As Psalm 102:26 says, the heavens “will wear out like a garment.” Given enough time, the universe will experience what some call a “heat death” where there is maximum entropy; every part of the universe will be the same temperature, and no further work will be possible (speaking of energy transfer); all energy will be evenly distributed.

Eternal things obviously do not wear out because they would have had an infinite amount of time to come to their end. Since you cannot have an end without a beginning, the universe must have had a beginning. Evolutionary astronomer Dr. Robert Jastrow said, “Now three lines of evidence—the motions of the galaxies, the laws of thermodynamics, the life story of the stars—pointed to one conclusion; all indicated that the Universe had a beginning.” And everything that has a beginning has a cause. This building had a beginning, you had a beginning, therefore there must have been a preceding and adequate cause.

The evolutionists know this and so they came up with the “big bang” theory from that “cosmic egg” (the universe exploded into existence). But there is still a major problem—you have to explain where that “cosmic egg” came from. As it has been said, “There must be a cosmic chicken.”

Some scientists like Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov proposed the oscillating universe theory to avoid a beginning. This theory states that the universe acts like a yo-yo; it explodes and then gravity pulls it back in, and then the process repeats itself over and over. But the second law of Thermodynamics still refutes that idea, since each cycle would exhaust more and more usable energy. The universe is not eternal!

Ok, that brings us to the second possibility: Did the universe create itself? I think Hebrews 3:4 answers that pretty well, “...every house is built by someone...”

Let’s say I walk into my livingroom and see a crayon drawing of our family on the wall. When I ask my daughter where it came from, will I accept her answer of, “It just appeared there; it came from nothing”?

It is pretty clear that something cannot bring itself into existence. As R.C. Sproul has said, “It is impossible for something to create itself. The concept of self-creation is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense statement . . . It would have to have the causal power of being before it was. It would have to have the power of being before it had any being with which to exercise that power.” As it has been said, “Nothing scratched its head one day and decided to become something.” I’m sorry to have to drop this bombshell on you, but from nothing, comes nothing.

Besides, the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of energy conservation) argues against it. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that in a closed system (without a God, this Universe would have to be a closed system) the amount of energy present in that system is constant (it cannot be created or destroyed), it can only be converted from one form to another. So, if the Universe initially contained no energy, and then it spontaneously generated all of the energy in the Universe now, the First Law would be violated. Without intervention from an outside force, the amount of energy in the Universe would have remained constant and unchanged at zero.

And now the third possibility: Did something create the universe? If the universe is not eternal and could not have created itself, then the only remaining alternative is that the universe was created by something or Someone. This would have to be a transcendent, eternal, self-existing being. I can find only one satisfactory explanation to our conundrum, and that is found in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Someone may argue, “If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause; who created God?” The answer is, everything that has a beginning has a cause; God, unlike the universe, did not have a beginning. Time is linked to matter and space (as we can see from Einstein’s general relativity). If God created the universe, then He created time along with matter and space. If God created time, then He is outside of time and doesn’t need a beginning.

What is more absurd, to believe that God Created everything out of nothing or that nothing turned itself into everything? The fact is, we live in a Universe that is an effect. There must be a preceding and adequate cause for it. The only thing that makes sense is a Creator who is more powerful than anything we can imagine.

2007-06-18 09:50:30 · answer #3 · answered by Questioner 7 · 0 0

good thinking. whether it's evolution or creationism, the fact is that it's by faith in that system of thought. way to go. you should get a gold star!

creationism will usually follow the argument of creation = creator and also inspired revelation

evolution states that life started sometime billions of years ago from non-life, however science has a hard time with evidence of non-life producing life

2007-06-15 17:33:18 · answer #4 · answered by more than a hat rack 4 · 1 0

The special part in bible for me is the first chapter which tells Gods creation- Genesis 1.. it'l be wonderful..
if u see on the first 2 days, God made light, seperated land and water, so that he prepared everything ready for his next creation of vegetation/plants so that they can do the photosynthesis to grow.
Then he made sun,moon,stars so that before He made living creatures, they will know the time to sleep and work in the morning, to be periodic.
Then he made the birds, animals, so that they can feed on plants (which was his previous creation).
Then he made man, so that man can get food, water, shelter - the needs of his life. So well He planned and made .
Thats why scientists try so many theories on evolution and yet cannot find the truth behind it.
I also like to read the incidents of Jesus, where he showed much love to people around Him and taught them what God expects from us and how heaven will be, what is the most important of all.. these foloowing words i like a lot and always try to keep them close to my heart..

36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Mathew 22

who will tell us to love God and others? who else can give us these commandments except the one who loves us :)

2007-06-15 17:36:15 · answer #5 · answered by Brinda 3 · 0 1

Let's use logic here. Evolution's principle says that man had originated from Apes (Monkeys) then evolved into a higher form which is us now. But my question is, why is it that there are still Apes (Monkeys) in our time? I'm just asking.

I believed that the best logic and scientific response to your question is that there is a Creator who made everything. Perfect & exact to it's measure which man themeselves cannot measure. I don't know with the so-called "wise to themeselves" could gave logical reason on how everything was created. Oh! Maybe, they would ask, "If there is God, have you seen him?"

Funny huh? But let me ask you, "Do you have your rational thoughts? Have you ever seen it?" I guess if you are rational you would say no, unless otherwise!



2007-06-15 17:46:53 · answer #6 · answered by Drewster 2 · 0 1

The argument that evolution is a theory, not a fact, has often been made against the exclusive teaching of evolution. The argument is related to a common misconception about the technical meaning of "theory" that is used by scientists. In common usage, "theory" often refers to conjectures, hypotheses, and unproven assumptions. However, in science, "theory" usually means "a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena."

2007-06-15 17:35:14 · answer #7 · answered by James 5 · 1 0

Evolution does NOT speculate as to the origins of all life. If you want to compare and contrast "origin" ideas, you'd have to go with Creationism and Abiogenesis.

If you want to know about abiogenesis, you can read about it here:

2007-06-15 17:33:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Evolution just makes sense if you study chemistry, organic compounds, and the Big Bang. It's logical. We have overwhelmng evidence for it. It's the most logical theory we have with all our scientific knowledge. It makes no sense not to believe it really.

2007-06-15 17:33:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

DNA Double Helix: A Recent Discovery of Enormous Complexity
The DNA Double Helix is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. First described by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, DNA is the famous molecule of genetics that establishes each organism's physical characteristics. It wasn't until mid-2001, that the Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics jointly presented the true nature and complexity of the digital code inherent in DNA. We now understand that each human DNA molecule is comprised of chemical bases arranged in approximately 3 billion precise sequences. Even the DNA molecule for the single-celled bacterium, E. coli, contains enough information to fill all the books in any of the world's largest libraries.

DNA Double Helix: The "Basics"
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double-stranded molecule that is twisted into a helix like a spiral staircase. Each strand is comprised of a sugar-phosphate backbone and numerous base chemicals attached in pairs. The four bases that make up the stairs in the spiraling staircase are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). These stairs act as the "letters" in the genetic alphabet, combining into complex sequences to form the words, sentences and paragraphs that act as instructions to guide the formation and functioning of the host cell. Maybe even more appropriately, the A, T, C and G in the genetic code of the DNA molecule can be compared to the "0" and "1" in the binary code of computer software. Like software to a computer, the DNA code is a genetic language that communicates information to the organic cell.

The DNA code, like a floppy disk of binary code, is quite simple in its basic paired structure. However, it's the sequencing and functioning of that code that's enormously complex. Through recent technologies like x-ray crystallography, we now know that the cell is not a "blob of protoplasm", but rather a microscopic marvel that is more complex than the space shuttle. The cell is very complicated, using vast numbers of phenomenally precise DNA instructions to control its every function.

Although DNA code is remarkably complex, it's the information translation system connected to that code that really baffles science. Like any language, letters and words mean nothing outside the language convention used to give those letters and words meaning. This is modern information theory at its core. A simple binary example of information theory is the "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." In that famous story, Mr. Revere asks a friend to put one light in the window of the North Church if the British came by land, and two lights if they came by sea. Without a shared language convention between Paul Revere and his friend, that simple communication effort would mean nothing. Well, take that simple example and multiply by a factor containing many zeros.

We now know that the DNA molecule is an intricate message system. To claim that DNA arose by random material forces is to say that information can arise by random material forces. Many scientists argue that the chemical building blocks of the DNA molecule can be explained by natural evolutionary processes. However, they must realize that the material base of a message is completely independent of the information transmitted. Thus, the chemical building blocks have nothing to do with the origin of the complex message. As a simple illustration, the information content of the clause "nature was designed" has nothing to do with the writing material used, whether ink, paint, chalk or crayon. In fact, the clause can be written in binary code, Morse code or smoke signals, but the message remains the same, independent of the medium. There is obviously no relationship between the information and the material base used to transmit it. Some current theories argue that self-organizing properties within the base chemicals themselves created the information in the first DNA molecule. Others argue that external self-organizing forces created the first DNA molecule. However, all of these theories must hold to the illogical conclusion that the material used to transmit the information also produced the information itself. Contrary to the current theories of evolutionary scientists, the information contained within the genetic code must be entirely independent of the chemical makeup of the DNA molecule.

DNA Double Helix: Its Existence Alone Defeats any Theory of Evolution
The scientific reality of the DNA double helix can single-handedly defeat any theory that assumes life arose from non-life through materialistic forces. Evolution theory has convinced many people that the design in our world is merely "apparent" -- just the result of random, natural processes. However, with the discovery, mapping and sequencing of the DNA molecule, we now understand that organic life is based on vastly complex information code, and such information cannot be created or interpreted without a Master Designer at the cosmic keyboard.

Learn More Now! http://www.allaboutthejourney.org/theory-of-evolution.htm

2007-06-15 17:35:18 · answer #10 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 2

the only arguement creationists have is "it was written in a really old book so it must be true!"

2007-06-15 17:32:08 · answer #11 · answered by Unbekümmert 4 · 2 0

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