well, since I was a 'non-christian'.... i can pretty much say... yeah.... i found the truth... and that is because i sought the truth... and found it in the Word of God, the bible.
But I gave God the chance to change my mind.... i said, ok, God, you have your chance.. show me who you are if you are there.... i'm open to what you want to show me
and I opened a bible and started reading it for myself... and yanno what? God showed me more in that one sitting than any church or person had in years of 'talkin' at me.
I know where they 'are' and i know that things can change in a heartbeat.... and that the answer was in that book... and that may be why i would say that comment...
tho, most of the time... i don't shove it at anyone. i just share my thoughts which they can take or leave
2007-06-15 17:39:47
answer #1
answered by livinintheword † 6
I don't think you will EVER change a Christian's mind about reading the bible. For some reason, "we" all need to be "saved." I have never received an adequate answer as to why. Supposedly, Jesus (as the story goes) died for "our" sins. So why do we still need to be saved? "Because of your sins," is the answer I usually get. Well, "sin" only became an issue when Judeo-Christians decided that their god was the only god. Failure to make sacrifices to god or suffer for god results in going to a fictional Christian place called h3ll.
People who believe that there is ONLY one way to find truth will never be swayed.
Personally, I like this:
"A seeker of truth must shun no science, scorn no book, nor cling fanatically to a single creed."
The "cling fanatically" is an important point. If a person only sees one point of view, is constantly in the company of those with the same view, AND thinks they have a monopoly on the truth about god, creation, infinity, etc, they will be unwilling to even REMOTELY consider another opinion.
I also don't like wearing blinders. I view "truth" as an on-going pursuit which must be taken with an open mind and unconditional consideration of many different traditions as well as scientific study. Failure to do that is like going down into a deep cave worried about the matches lasting long enough for a rescue, andt then walking right past the way out.
ONE way is NOT the only way.
Addendum: After I posted this I read some other responses and some were less than "Christianly." (understatement)
2007-06-15 17:57:28
answer #2
answered by ThisIsIt! 7
Jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.
Reading the Bible does no good if your heart isn't in it. Even the demons believe and tremble. Where is your heart? What do you want?
God is nearby and loving and waiting for you to seek him.
Revelation 3 : 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
As far as I'm personally concerned,and I believe the Bible backs me up, the stars in the clear night sky point to the existence of God more than anything else in creation. Psalms 19 : 1-3 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
If there is not Wisdom in the clear night sky, how did the Vikings navigate? Which way is North? If anyone thinks this evolved, try putting 4 pieces of an ink pen in a shoebox (cap, threaded bottom, spring, and refill) and shake the box until an assembled ink pen appears by chance. You can even use a clear tupperware container, just don't touch parts of the pen.
I'm sorry that a lot of christians seem to think that the Bible is a club to beat people over the head with. I'VE NEVER ARGUED someone into a faith in the Bible or Christ. I pray that God reveals himself to you as you seek him. I can tell you that when someone is willing to give God a chance by reading his word, the New Testament book of John is an excellent place to start.
Romans 10 : 17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
2007-06-16 05:01:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you need to believe in just the christen god and the bible to be a good person, it takes a good moral and happy person to continue in life. the bible is a very harsh and controversial book. I don't really think christens believes every thing in the bible as a whole, in other words no one believes or lives by everything written in the bible.
I think if you read the bible as a book as something to learn more about the christen religion, like any book you might read, you will find it interesting, instead of reading it as something someone is demanding that you read and live by and something you must believe or your going to hell, if you don't. have you ever wondered why there are so many different religions on earth and why one is the right one & others not? you might take a course in world theology, it's very interestine.
2007-06-15 18:15:29
answer #4
answered by jeanniep 5
The difference is that Jesus calls some people. They don't just pick up the Bible and believe. They are being chosen if you will. The spirit is always at work so is God and his Holy Angels they are there you just don't see them. They are like radio waves you know they exist and some people even know how they work but you don't see them. God works in mysterious ways though. And some times those ways can be difficult. Try listening a little harder it maybe the best thing you ever did.
2007-06-15 17:36:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't tell an atheist to go read the Bible. We'd have a little sit-down where I'd lay out an argument for the existence of God. While he was thinking about that I'd smack him upside the head and when he objected to my idea of right and wrong (i.e. it's "right" to smack him upside the head) I'd ask him where his morality came from and what makes it better than mine.
You're right that it's pointless to hand an atheist a Bible.
2007-06-15 17:40:04
answer #6
answered by Craig R 6
I totally agree with you, you have to be honestly seeking God to get anything out of the Bible, without the Holy Spirt in you, it's hard to understand. I think the bible was given to believer's not unbeliever's. When I was saved I hadn't even opened the bible. After I was saved I couldn't get enough of it. It depends on the person, it's not up to me how God can work. Some have been saved by hearing the word, it just depends on if your heart is hardened or not.
2007-06-15 17:33:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Faithful ones believe that once we say something to an unbeliever, in this case, an atheist, that we are likely not the FIRST mention of God they have heard or seen.
Many of them KNOW the bible, have experienced God or religion (very different) and have inklings of spirituality. So, instead of putting our personalities, judgements or limited knowledge into their hearts, we offer the unadulterated Word of God.
We believe that His Word is alive. He will allow eyes to be opened. He that has ears to hear, will hear, or she, you know what I mean. Faith comes by hearing and hearing, by the Word of God.
Peace n love.
2007-06-15 17:38:27
answer #8
answered by Sleek 7
Maybe it is the same concept as insisting on referring to CHRISTIANS, as an X instead of giving the courtesy of using the proper term. But, I know a great many people who, even if they didn't agree with Christianity, still suggested that people read the Bible for the literary qualities.
Even if you don't believe in GOD, there is no reason to despise the Bible.
2007-06-15 17:37:30
answer #9
answered by guppy137 4
Well, uh gee - you stumped me. Why do we do that??? Gosh.
Many of us jello headed xtians were once great enlightened atheists who read the Bible and had encounters with God!!!!!
Seriously. Not trying to be too much of a jerk here. When I did what the Bible said "call out to me and I will be found by you"
"grope in the darkness (of your mind) and you will find me"
"when you seek me you will find me, as you seek me with all your heart".
In my case, I didn't have to make too big an effort. I just started to ask him "God, if you are real, you will need to lead me somehow... show me you are real."
When I began to consider the Bible, and ask questions of why, how, etc, I began to see that there is a God, who governs in the affairs of this world. There is also a spiritual war going on, and I'm in the battle field - like it or not.
Read Simon Greenleaf, Read General Lew Wallace, Read C.S. Lewis, Read Charles Colson, there are tens of thousands of "smart intellectual" atheists who read that funky old book and concluded it was true. (I don't categorize myself with smart guys like them).
In my case: God manifest himself in hundreds of ways and hundreds of situations over many years once I decided to give him the tiniest bit of trust and faith. Whamo! I discovered he watches me, listens to me, even knows the ponderings in my heart!! Yep, and still loves me anyway.
He loves you too.
2007-06-15 17:40:29
answer #10
answered by TEK 4
If you don't intend offense, then why would you call us "Xtians"?
Otherwise, your point is absolutely correct. You will not believe the Bible by reading it - in fact, that is likely to confirm your resolve against it. No one can understand the Bible simply by reading it - we have too many ingrained presuppositions that cloud our ability to comprehend the text. In order to understand or truly appreciate the Bible, you have to analyze its historical context, as well as its genres, influences, idioms, etc. And like you say, the motivation to actually study the Bible requires a certain confidence in its contents.
2007-06-15 17:34:49
answer #11
answered by NONAME 7