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I always wanted to know about people/neighbors and their loud car stereos, I live next door to some who insist on blasting their cumbias and cebrraritas circus music crap, its one thing to play it loud enough to hear in a car port or over doing yard work, but there's this kid , at least Jr High or High School, that will play this music so loud, its like he wants the rest of the block to hear. Even the father does it, he must be proud of his son. Well its like, wtf, I'm going to go out there and blast my metal and see how they like it. My question is. why do people do that? Is it for attention? To look socially popular? To attract a mate? The thing I can think of is they are from Mex (where that's welcomed) and they think the rest of the town needs to hear them. I dont mind once in a while, not all the tim, but the kid will blast the stereo then just sit in the car. Its annoying and at times I cant even hear my TV or myself think. Hopefully their speakers will blow or get ripped off.

2007-06-15 14:06:24 · 13 answers · asked by Beefcake 2 in Society & Culture Etiquette

Yeah rissa, I have told the father to turn it down, he had his stereo cranked from 7 pm to almost 12, I had to finally confront him, politely as possible , but he glared at me, but turned it off, but after that he was acting like some spoiled kid, slamming his doors shut, honking his horn, he was cleaning his truck but for 4 hours straight? Then I went back out and I can hear him talking under his breath to someone else in spanish talking **** about me, I didnt pay him no mind, but still, wtf, but he acted all stupid about it, I mean he looks 40 and he's acting this way?

Well rebelady, once you have kids and want a place to live in tranquil once in a while you'll appreciate why. I used to be like that, but I have kids now, I've seen those people pull up, speakers blazing and they've got an infant in the car....retarded. I play drums too but I have muffle pads for them. If I jam with anyone at least its to jam and not attract atention.

2007-06-15 21:12:12 · update #1

13 answers

Sounds like you have inconsiderate neighbors. In most towns, there is a time of day past which the noise constitutes an offense with the local authorities. If you cannot reason with them, I would calling the local police and see what time of day is the sort of curfew for that level of noise. If necessary, send the local PD over a few times until they get the hint. Competing with them by turning up your music makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution. You and your neighbors are dealing with enough noise now and adding to the problem would not make the situation any better.........

2007-06-22 08:41:10 · answer #1 · answered by Missouri Mick 2 · 0 0

Some people just love their music so much that they want the entire world to hear it, and I've blasted my share of music down the block. BUT, if someone politely asks them to turn it down and they have a problem, that's a different case. If your neighbor isn't cooperating, then you should call the police. It's called Disturbing the Peace.

People may change their minds when real consequences are presented.

2007-06-20 20:53:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh you must live on my block lol

Seriously that was going on here and I feel your pain b/c we have 2 small kids. This is what I did - I found out if they were renters and my neighbors were and called the landlord and told him that I would file a complaint with him if he didnt do something about the disruptive behavior. The landlord talked to them and then at the end of the lease if did not renew them and my new neighbors a quiet.

2007-06-21 09:06:20 · answer #3 · answered by hotmama77 1 · 0 0

I'm in a similar situation. My neighbor drives an eclipse. He makes it loud on purpose and he knows it distracts me. Some people are so rude and the law doesn't protect us. I guess you have to live 30 miles from anybody to get some real quiet. He's in high school and since it's summer I considered mowing the lawn at dawn and even several times a day to let them know how annoying they are.

2007-06-22 11:02:03 · answer #4 · answered by shhhhhhhhhh 3 · 0 0

Call the police.

I did. Didn't hear a squeek out of my neighbour for 2 years. He shunned me. What a loss.

Then he moved. (Thank you lord)

I think that the fact that when the police arrived and he was getting high on drugs may have had a certain persuasive effect.

Your neighbours live in a world unto themselves - no though or care for anyone else.

2007-06-15 21:34:57 · answer #5 · answered by Pacifica 6 · 0 0

you wouldn't get along with my neighbors at all then he was messing with his van earlier today and i always keep my door shut,but all of a sudden my computer stand and my floor was thumping.he had his music on and it wasn't really all that loud he just has some damn good speakers in his van.i enjoy it myself,i'll even go out there and tell him to crank it up some more.

2007-06-15 21:20:42 · answer #6 · answered by rebelady28379 7 · 0 0

Almost every locale has noise abatement laws/regulations. Talk to your local law enforcement about this problem. If you complain to the noise maker, you are not going to get anything done. Since you have already confronted these
people without results, take it to the next level. --------------
Good Luck !

2007-06-21 07:36:03 · answer #7 · answered by canfield205 5 · 1 0

some think thats cool and popular and some r attention seekers but they don`t realise that theyr making fools of themselves

2007-06-15 21:10:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Put your tax dollars to work and call the police.

2007-06-15 22:50:02 · answer #9 · answered by Jlk 4 · 0 1

some ppl just like to listen to their music really loud..
couldnt you just ask them to turn it down?

2007-06-15 21:59:38 · answer #10 · answered by rissa 2 · 1 0

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