I am not a Mormon and I read the Bible. The summary of what I read in there is:
-there is a God
-you will never be God
As far as I can see, I have enough stress now. Adding God to the mix would be simply too much.
2007-06-21 02:50:05
answer #1
answered by Buzz s 6
Any mormon who is honest will say yes the church teaches that if you live a worthy life you will become a God and have your own worlds and your own spirit children. Too many however will play that down so as not to seem so strange. If you believe something to be fact, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Mormons are annointed in the temples to become gods and kings if they live worthily. (some mormons probably think I am now going to hell for revealing part of the temple ceremony, but I am not actually even going into the wording or what is done. This is actually well-known even among those who haven't gone to the temple yet.) Why aren't I just coming out and saying exactly what happened? Because whether it is all true or not, I made a promise not to reveal what happens. Also it is because even though I don't so much believe it, I don't think it is so weird that it needs to be exposed.
2007-06-18 15:43:46
answer #2
answered by friendlyexmo 3
Sure, I want to be like God. We believe that as man is God once was and as God is man may become. However, the technicalities of this doctrine are unknown. There is not a lot known about it. The Lord reveals what he desires when he desires. There has been no doctrine change, to address the previous answer.
I believe that wanting to become like a God is a great thing and can help us live a better, more rightous life.
I personally believe that this doctrine means having worlds of my own some day and becoming a God. I want to progress eternally and have the joy and peace God experiences.
There are plenty of scriptures supporting the fact that man can become like God. A previous answer mentioned many of those.
2007-06-17 19:52:19
answer #3
answered by Guv_Garfunkel 2
Even Protestants and so-called born again Christians will become Godlike. The true church is one made up uf believers in Christ. The eventual destiny of the true church (No specific Denomination) is to become the "Bride of Christ" . This is spoken of time and again in the NT. Wether this means we will retain any individuality or not , I dont know. We know we will be refined in the fire and the chaff will be burned away. For many of us (Myself included) there will not be much left over after that. So in one sense , yes , we (The Church) actually will become a God if United with Christ.
2007-06-16 16:52:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do I personally want to be a god? No. The thought scares me a great deal. I'd like to sit on the sidelines and serve God like a good angel. Nothing challenging for me! None of that hard decision making and taking the blame for me. I'm not good enough to be God, and I never thought I was good enough, nor do I have enough faith in myself to believe I ever will be good enough.
On the other hand I don't want to disappoint my Heavenly Father. He seems to have great plans for me and great expectations of me. He seems to think I can do it. He has a lot more faith in me than I have in myself.
So, whatever God wills. I'll try to be a good person and do what I know is right. God will decide my fate.
2007-06-20 16:30:06
answer #5
answered by Doctor 7
Not only them: everybody who looks forward to a heaven has some expectation of becoming more godlike in some way when they get there. (But what will people say? They'll say "angelic" instead of "godlike", for fear of insulting their Father, God. Well, whatever you want -- compared to humans, an angel is a god.)
Uh... why not? What's the alternative? Becoming a devil? Staying the same as we are, in these failing bodies, with these imperfect minds?
Everybody wants to be a god -- and children have the inexplicable habit of growing up. Even children of God.
2007-06-15 21:33:12
answer #6
answered by Bravo-Alpha 3
It was taught as doctrine by early church leaders that God was once a man like we are, and that after living a worthy life and dying, became a Capital G God, Joseph Smith even went so far as to say that this belief is the first principle of the gospel.
However, that doctrine has since changed! now Mormons are taught that we can become gods (little g) and joint airs with Christ, and that's all God has revealed so far.
In an interview, President Hinkly was asked if God was once a man, and he publicly denied it.
So the church has recently been experiencing a doctrine change!
2007-06-15 21:45:55
answer #7
answered by . 3
People condemn mormons for this doctrine because they don't understand it. They think mormons are after power and glory, wanting to set themselves up at equals to god. This is not the case. Let me try to illustrate it in another way.
When I became a father, I did not become my father's father. He will always be my father and I will always love him and respect him and look up to him. At the same time however, when I think of my son, I want him to have the best of everything. I want him to be as smart and strong and skilled and righteous as possible. I believe our relationship with God is similar. If I grow up to be like God I will not be his God. He will always be my God and I will always love him, respect him and worship him. At the same time however, I believe he wants me to be as great as possible. I would like to grow up to be like my father. After all if Gods children grow up to be Gods also, does that make him anything less? If anything I believe it makes him greater.
2007-06-19 02:57:35
answer #8
answered by atomzer0 6
The following... straight from the KJV of the Holy Bible.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and children of the most High?
1.To become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, being glorified together (Romans 8:14-18)
2. As sons (and daughters) of God, to inherit all things that the Father has (Revelation 21:7)
3.To become one with Christ, as Christ is one with the Father (John 17:20-23)
4.To sit with Christ on His throne (Rev. 3:21)
5.To receive a glorified, immortal body like the body that Christ has (Philip. 3:21)
6.To partake of the divine nature and be given all things pertaining to life and godliness, receiving glory (2 Peter 1:3-4)
7.To be made - in some way - like Christ when He returns (1 John 3:2)
8.To be made kings and priests unto God and his Father (Rev. 1:6)
9. As spirit children of God, to become partakers of his holiness (Heb. 12:9-10)
10.To be exalted by God (1 Peter 5:6)
11.To become perfect, even as our Father in Heaven is perfect (Matt. 5:48)
this is what "becomeing a god" means...To become perfect, even as our Father in Heaven is perfect (Matt. 5:48)
2007-06-15 21:08:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a man, but, as I don't know what is involved in being a god, I'm gonna withhold opinion till I get there.
2007-06-20 05:00:17
answer #10
answered by mormon_4_jesus 7