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Hi I am a 23/F, before I list my symptoms please do not tell me to go see a doctor because I know. I have finaly made an appointment & will be doing so shortly...

I have been having lower pelvic pain for months. 1st on my right side only and now it has spread to my left. It is a dull achey pain. I am also having a dull aching pain in both of my thighs & back. I have started burping & pooping (sorry!) more as well. It seems to be the worst the week or so after I have my period. I have already diagnosed myself with ovarian cancer & am going through extreme anxiety over the fact I may have it. I have finaly gave in and am going to a doctor even though I am extremely scared of anything gynocological. The symptoms seem to be getting worse. Is it likely that at age 23 I have ovarian cancer? There is no known diagnosis of it in my family. I am just so worried I am driving myself crazy. Thanks guys.

2007-06-15 13:31:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

5 answers

First you need to calm down. Good thing you already made an appointment with your doctor. yes you do have some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer but you should also know that just because you have those symptoms doesn't mean you have ovarian cancer. those symptoms can mean other more benign things. They released the symptoms to tell people when they happen they should see a docotr about ovarian cancer, it's not there to diagnose it. No one but a medically trained professional should diagnose you.
When i was in high school I had constant headaches and blurred vision. A classmate swore that I must have a brain tumor. I thought that too. I went to go see a doctor. There was no tumor. I was just overstressed and needed a new pair of glasses.

2007-06-15 13:36:56 · answer #1 · answered by christigmc 5 · 0 0

The symptoms you listed could be several different things. Cervical/ovarian cancer isn't the one I'd bet on. Endometriosis, however, is a very common type of infection that causes the lower abdominal pain you described. It usually get's worse during menstruation and ovulation. It's caused by small growths in the uteris that develop from leftover blood that wasn't cleaned out during your cycle. Here's the good news, it's VERY common. Many women go their entire lives never knowing they have it. The bad news: It CAN block the philopian tubes making conception difficult; the pain can be very intense, and there are no sure-fire cures. It can get better during pregnancy and using hormone therapy (don't do the hormones though unless you want a mustache! Yuck!). A hystorectomy was my grandma's solution, but that's not a guarantee either, plus it's incredibly drastic for someone your age. A new treatment involves using a lazer to remove the growths surgically, but they can come back. But if this is what you have, don't worry, it's not that bad. It's incredibly common, and I've actually been dealing with it for a while and doing fine! Also it could be a number of other things. Maybe even a cyst on an ovary, (very common, no biggie, just very painful if you don't catch it before it bursts. But the ovaries are a cystic organ so cysts are normal). It could even just be an imbalance throwing you system off that a change in diet could fix. Your symptoms don't fit cervical cancer, you didn't mention an abnormal pap smear, or even an abnormal period. See your OB-GYN, get regular pap-smears, and practice safe sex. You'll be fine. You're too young to be obsessing over cancer, that's incredibly rare and extremely improbable. I'm intrested to know what your doc tells you so feel free to email. I hope this helps, best of luck!

2007-06-15 21:02:30 · answer #2 · answered by Cait 3 · 0 0

Listen to the first two answers. And let me add my two cents worth. FYI - It could also be a benign cyst. Your symptoms sound exactly like my sister's symptoms several years ago. She had all of the above, plus vomitting. And it was an ovarian cyst. They did laser surgery on it the next day and she was home the day after that. She has not had one since.

23 is not the normal age for ovarian cancer. Not saying it could never happen. But... Usually, not until retirement age. So my guess is, some of that burping and pooping may have to do with nerves....you have worked yourself into a frenzy with an uneducated diagnosis. Glad you are going to see the doctor. Think of how relieved you will feel when it turns out to be nothing major.

2007-06-15 20:56:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The majority of ovarian cancer is in women over 60, but this is what I found on the internet:

Signs and Symptoms

Bloating, a feeling of fullness, gas
Frequent or urgent urination
Nausea, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea
Menstrual disorders, pain during intercourse
Fatigue, backaches.

These symtoms could fit other problems, which sounds like it could be related to your period. I can honestly say that I have had these systoms and I never had ovarian cancer, I did have endometriosis. Only doctors and tests are able to diagnose your problems. I hope you are wrong. I am thankful you have made an appointment because it is important to get diagnosed as soon as possible.

2007-06-15 20:38:52 · answer #4 · answered by LAL 5 · 0 0

My mom had ovarian cancer at age 57 over 18 years ago. Shes still with us after surgery and chemo. While Its possible at your age to have this,I would bet against It.

2007-06-15 21:12:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay I won't tell you to go to a doctor ! , but what then !? . your history make diagnosis of OvCa plausible but not certify it ! . You must undergo a thorough physical exam and work up ; such as vaginal/abdominal sonography , Pelvic CT-Scan . . . and if there any suspected lesion , perhaps open surgical approach for confirmation of any pathologies , so you must go to a Gynecologist as soon as you can .

2007-06-18 05:53:16 · answer #6 · answered by Shahin 3 · 0 0

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