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I have two kittens that are 5 weeks old and they are still drinking milk from the mother althought they already have teeth and can walk very easily. When will they start eating solid food? arent they supposed to be at least drinking water by now? what can i do to make them start eating solid food and drinking water. i do have a different food special for kittens but they dont eat it

2007-06-15 12:01:18 · 6 answers · asked by ĈяєΔтυяε σƒ íηsтιηcт 2 in Pets Cats

6 answers

At 5 weeks, they aren't quite ready for actual food even though they do have teeth. They really don't drink much water at this age either, their milk contains the water they need. The mother cat will begin to push them off in a few weeks and they will start to be more interested in kitten food. Also, if you are trying to get them to eat crunchy cat food, moisten it with a little milk or juice from a can of tuna at first, it will attract them to the food.

2007-06-15 12:07:57 · answer #1 · answered by alee522 2 · 0 0

at this time it need to be moistened so they can lap it up.
Take mom away tonight and first thing in the morning give them the food. then let mom nurse them. give them a very shallow dish with water.
They only need to nurse about every 4 hours during the day in between separate mom. before letting her in with them offer the food. keep the water down at all times. Again mom doesn't need to be with them at all at night.
next week make it just slightly moist and leave a bowl of dry down.only let mom with them in the morning and at night before bed.
At 7 weeks don't let mom with them at all let her dry up and at this time call the vets and make an appointment in about a week for a spay.
Don't let mom outside until she is spayed or you will possibly going through this again.
Good Luck, don't get to attached I'm sure you can't keep that many cats --- it's very hard and expensive.

2007-06-15 19:22:11 · answer #2 · answered by Kit_kat 7 · 0 0

I had a cat that had five kittens. I used to feed the mother cat and she used to feed her babies milk. Later on when she thought they were ready she used to bring them over to eat. At first they used to eat a bit of food and still have milk though.

2007-06-15 19:29:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let nature take it's course. The mother will at some time teach them. Once she feels they are taught well she will push them away from her. After a cat is finished nursing she will go in heat again. If you want her to stop get her spayed.

2007-06-15 19:12:49 · answer #4 · answered by Cat 4 · 0 0

Make both food and water available to them everyday.
Their mother will tell them when to stop nursing.
Eventually they'll eat it!

2007-06-15 19:07:22 · answer #5 · answered by mrpeachycat 4 · 0 0

Don't rush them; mama will wean them when they're ready. Have plenty of soft food available to them, but don't try to force the issue.

2007-06-15 19:10:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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