Just ask me and I'll tell you if it's a sin.
They are against me in Denmark, and the banana's are driving me crazy! They lead me to take men away to do things that are on Pay per view.
2007-06-15 07:18:44
answer #1
answered by Creepy 3
Sin is, to me a fault of not acting or achieving as I know I can. Missing the mark, so to speak. Religions that I'm aware of are not universal in precisely what is good/bad, rather there are general guidelines which you follow - as best you are able.
Your question about Jesus - well, the 'world' at the time (the foundation of our western culture) was based in europe and the middle east. So, to them, that WAS the world. Why didn't he go anywhere else? How could he? The fastest travel was boat and he never ventured out onto the Mediterranian sea. No idea why.
I think that all religions are based on how they affect the single person. That's what makes them real - because they are viewed through the lens of a single person. My faith isn't yours... nor should it be. Can I prove my religion is real? No, not to you. It's real to me because it helps guide me to be a little bit better than the faulty human that I am.
Just a last point.. the stories of what Jesus did, said, places he went, the miracles, etc etc were written decades AFTER he died. Literacy was UNCOMMON back then...
2007-06-15 07:22:39
answer #2
answered by words_smith_4u 6
We don't use the word Sin; we use the term "overt act". When you knowingly or unknowingly do harm the transgression not only against that that you have hurt but is also a transgression against self. Your self respect, integrity and ability is diminished because you will not trust your self. You will withdraw from those things you have hurt. For example if you hurt a friend you will withdraw from him even if he doesn’t know. The same way you will withdraw from your family and community because of the “overt acts” you have committed.
Your well being and integrity is dependent unto your honesty. In order for you to live a happy and prosper life you need to be able to reach. If you can’t reach your ability will be diminished. The solution is to be honest, admit that you have done harm and do something about it. Confessing your sins is a first step but is not enough. You need to repair the harm done to get relief.
No, no one can prove that religion is real because religion is something personal is something that you know or feel and it can’t be proven but it can be known.
Jesus was not a writer, Jesus was a teacher and he did what he did because of love, because he cared.
Do you feel so bad about your sins that you have to try to justify them by diminishing the importance of the hurt you have done? Or the good other have done?
I think you need to confront what you have done wrong and stop trying to find an excuse.
2007-06-18 19:14:18
answer #3
answered by bravehartbears 2
What is sin? Sin is anything that goes contrary to the word of God. IF we obey God, we arent sinning. If we disobey God, we are sinning and there is a big book called the BIBLE, which is His love letter to us that des ribes all of that. How do we know its true> fist off, because God said it and that settles it for us. And second off, there is continually new evidence coming all the time to prove the things of the Bible. Yes there are other religious books, absolutely. But if you study them out and ask questions, you will find you end up with more questions than answers. When you study the Bible, it all fits together liek a giant jigsaw puzzle, fitting together one little piece at a time, forming a full glorious picture of Gods paln for His children. Beaufitul.. You are wrong that Jesus wrote the Bible, but you have to know the Bible to know that. So many dismiss God and His word without ever taking time to know either one. Consequences are pretty awful, so I encourage everyone to get the good book begin to study an dpray and ask GOd to reveal truth to you.
Those are my views. I am a strong full gospel Chrsitian, a serious B ible student, and God has clearly shown me so many things. No doubt about it< Jesus is real, and so is the Bible. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus delivers, and He is coming soon to take us home. I pray you are with us on that day. Find our for yourself. and let noone or nothing keep you from finding out the truths of God. By the way I dont have to proove this to you, just like you cant prove your views. There is much proof but ppl like you dismiss it. And fact is noone can proove all they believe. SOme things are to do with faith, being in the fullness of the spirit of God and hearing from Him directly> FAITH
2007-06-15 07:23:08
answer #4
answered by full gospel shirley 6
Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so... And so has the evolution of human thinking evolved that what is not acceptable to masses or society is a sin and any thing that benefits it in any way is not a sin.This whole universe is governed by one common force and that mighty force is called God. Though none has seen Him yet, he lives in all..including the inanimate objects.All of us are governed by this force and any thing contrary to this this mighty force can be a sin.
All the books revolve around the concept of this Mighty Force and that is why they expressing the same common thing.This is the proof in it self.
To label these scriptures as works of fiction is thus preposterous, for there is one common central concept in all and that is the conception of love for The Truth.
2007-06-15 07:30:48
answer #5
answered by bakhan 4
Well that last part's easy: I bet Jesus never went "anywhere else" because, well he was poor and you can only walk around so far.
As to the first part, Sin is an affront to God. Pure and simple. Who's to say? Well, God, by definition. Religion is real, it exists in books and ceremony. I think you mean to ask "how can you prove God(s) is/are real?"
And the answer to that, especially in Islam, Judaism and Christianity, is you can't. You must believe, you must have faith. People claim to have faith with no proof whatsoever, and some people have faith with events they have perceived as proof.
Try to keep "religion" and "faith" separate in your discussion, and you'll make your points more clearly.
2007-06-15 07:22:18
answer #6
answered by Matthew P 4
Let me give you my personal opinion:
To define sin, it requires your heart to tell and judge. I believe, from your heart, you should be able to tell anything/act which does not sound right to you.
We all have conscience, and it reminds us whether our act/speech/thought is sinful. Only those whose conscience is blind cannot recognize what a sin is. Otherwise, I believe everyone normal being should know within themselves.
Books written by people are mostly their own interpretation. Most of them did not even go through proper experience, or did not even have any proven figures or facts that tell what a sin is.
Religion is setup by human being. The essense is their faith and the God they worship. Books written for each religion were written according to situation and historic background. Sometimes, those ideas are no longer valid. Some ideas can ONLY be used as a reference for ourselves.
May be we need to come back to the fundamental question asking ourselves "WHY we study?"
We study those religious books in order to get some idea and to get help.
Instead of putting definition of sin to be so deep, I should say those religious people who go around and condemn other religions, are "sinful".
To conclude, "God is in your heart. To know if any act/speech/writing is sinful, refer to your heart."
You may even refer to the bible verses too:
1) "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom"
2) "... that Christ may make His home in your heart ..."
3) etc ...
There are many bible verses prooving that OUR HEART is the standard that tells us what is sin.
2007-06-15 16:21:10
answer #7
answered by tanap 2
1. Jesus never wrote down one word in a book that we have today to read. His followers wrote about him.
2. You go from sin to a rambling diatribe about books and stories, etc.
What is it you really want to know?
Do you want to know what the bottom line is in regards to sin? Here it is:
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
The greatest sin is faithlessness; not believing on and in Jesus the Christ who saves those who do express faith in him.
That choice is up to you, and it is an easy choice. And for some, it is the hardest choice. For then you would have to acknowledge that another being out there is greater than you and that your fate is in his hands, and not your own.
2007-06-15 07:21:11
answer #8
answered by Hogie 7
A sin is an act against the ideals of a religion i believe.
Religion is real in that it exists. No religion is proved or has had any evidence for it's correctness yet, however.
Saying one's religion is correct because it's holy book says it is could possibly be one of the most absurd statements i have heard since God created light before a light source.
2007-06-15 07:27:02
answer #9
answered by thomasgilboy 3
A sin is simply falling short of some kind of a standard, goal or ideal.
A religion is simply stating what those ideals are. Although, government tends to do the same thing.
In religion though the rewards and punishments for following or falling short of these ideas is more spiritual in nature.
Although all religions are "real". They do exist.
Its just a matter as to if you believe their stories and tales.
2007-06-15 07:19:38
answer #10
answered by nfreebairn 2
We can look at sin as being anything we do that hurts another, either unintentionally or deliberately. Repentance is the sorrow and desire to restore the trust and heal the relationship. Our love for the other person, and their love for us is what determines if they will hold us accountable, or to be forgiven for what we have done. It also is what should keep us from doing anything to hurt them (sin) again.
If you look at the ten commandments as things that hurt our relationships, either with God our with other people, you can see that following them is really just an expression of love. They are not things we "have to do" like an obligation, but instead should be things we want to do because of our love.
The Bible is a spiritual book, not a work of fiction. That is why it is the greatest top seller of all time. Christianity differs from Judaism and Islam; because God, through Jesus Christ, has established a new covenant with mankind. There is nothing we can do to earn or deserve the gift of grace He has given us, to be forgiven. We love God, because He first loved us, and has made a way for us to restore our relationship with Him.
2007-06-15 07:18:17
answer #11
answered by Bill Mac 7