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I do appreciate all the responses to my last question. I even appreciate those that said "it was none of my business". Those response do not bother me. Staying away from the issue of rape and mollestation because that is touchy and I am not sure if I am totally against abortion in those cases. Let's look at all the other cases where a woman chooses abortion. I was taught by my parents if you want to have sex, expect to be a daddy. I teach my students in the youth class at church the same thing. If you want to have sex expect to get pregnant. Where is the woman's choice when it comes to having sex? Oops I got drunk and slept with a man and didn't know what I was doing. Was it not the woman's choice to get drunk and be irresponsible? OOps the birth control failed. Ooops I am pregnant and I don't want my husband to find out. Ooops I am pregnant and I am only 15 and I don't want to have a baby. Woman's choice for sex?

2007-06-15 07:00:41 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Except in cases of rape, you are correct. All these ppl out having babies today use abortion like it is birth control. We can never say it is okay to kill an unborn baby, as it life. It is growing , so its alive. It has human DnA, so its human life.
Even in cases of rape, you cant murder the baby becasue of what someone else did wrong. Still murder, and that baby has as much right to life as the birth mom and birth dad. Who are we to say our life matters more or we cant be inconveniced. If you have sex, expect to have a baby, ifyou dont want one, keep your legs together. Dont keep killing babies, innocent babies, becaue of your lack of morals and love of yourself. When we know who we are in Jesus, we love ourselves too much to be put in that position, and we love ourunborn babies too much too. All kids need a mommy and daddy. If a child is from rape, its still a child. WE should love those babies even more. Dont blame a innocent baby for what someone else does. And if that mom is so unloving, then give that baby to someone who would love it. Ever see how long the adotpion lists are??? When a a nation condones homosexuality and abortion, they have walked away and abandoned God, and the nation will be brought down. Look around you, read the newspaper.. ITs happening today. Open your eyes ppl before its too late. Jesus is coming soon to take us home and out of this sin filled world. Like you, I am tired of all the execuses all these ppl make, destryong their life and everyone else around them. PPL that church and even divorce, destroy themselves, their mate, their kids , and that passes on from generation to genertation, a s they arent taught morals or have to love or trust. We are paying for all this as a nation. If you dont believe me, hear just one night of the news. They will seven say things like IT just happened. bullonie. Nothing just happens. When you deceide to go have sex, that was a choice Own up to it, and stop making innocent babies pay with their lives> BUt God can forgive it, if you stop it and repent and turn from sin. Just ask. Can we still turn this around ppl ?? Only way is to begin to obey God as well as love Him, and stop the nonsense. Anything not of GOd is of the devil, and the choices you make not of God come with horrendous consequences. IF you want that, its a choice, but please dont ruin any other lives but your own in the process. None of this is love, its all lust , which destroyed. We arent dogs that arent in control. We can say No to sex or anything else. We are human beings and we are to be in control. Today its a anything goes society, and look how it is. You cant hardly walk outside as a femlae today without fear or rape.
Lets get back to God and remember we have a right to make healthy choices, and not just choices that will lead to destruction for us and everyone else around us. I personally am tired of seeing families destroyed over all this stuff. For a few minutes of sex, they are willing to loose everything they had and destroy themslves and even thier kids. God help us if we dont turn back to Him SOOON. Great question.

2007-06-15 07:16:44 · answer #1 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 3

I don't think that ignorance and foolishness are good excuses for behavior, and neither does the government. If you hurt someone while drunk driving, it's YOUR fault because YOU chose to drink and drive. The sentence is for less time, unfortunately, but still.

If people know what could happen if they have sex, they should face the consequences.

And by the way, MONICA, it is not because of souls. Presumably, if a fetus had a soul and it was killed, the soul wouldn't be condemned, so that's not even a problem. This is about physical life and whether it is okay to kill something that will become fully human (is there even a definite point at which this happens?).

I agree that the life of a child might not be pleasant if it is brought into this world and not wanted, but that is the fault of the PARENTS. Furthermore, if you're going to talk like that, then you should NOT have your own child. Go adopt one if you really want it. This world's population is already absurd and there are already kids out there who will suffer or are already suffering.

Edit: People are bringing up the responsibility of the man. I'm not quite sure HOW this applies when only something can be done to the WOMAN to destroy the fetus. Men and women are not created equal physically, and this is just one example: we don't carry the baby. Yes, it is important for everyone to act responsibly, but this IS far more of a problem for the woman because the child is within HER. Stop throwing around the word equality like it applies to everything in life. Anyway, if you're going to talk about responsibility, then do what I said above: adopt or don't have a child.

2007-06-15 07:23:50 · answer #2 · answered by Skye 5 · 3 2

What kind of answers do you want? It's cool to be against a woman's right to abortion if you are morally against it, but it should not be made into law. Let's face it, there are millions of things out there that are not good for us or the environment, but are legal. I mean, how many people are killed by drunk driving, but you can still buy a beer, right? It's called "free will". If you're a Christian, you should respect that.

And I'm so sick of men thinking they have the right to tell women what to do. Apparently men have a choice to be a father, why can't women? Maybe they should put as much effort in a men's birth control pill as they put into making Viagra so we won't have all these unwanted kids. And there are a LOT of them.

Good for you and your upbringing, and if you're so against abortion, thank you for adopting all these unwanted kids, which I know you're doing because you care so much, but don't assume people will have these same views.

I was taught to respect others and have tolerance for people and their choices. What happens in the privacy of someone's home isn't your business...that's just how it is.

I personally would never get an abortion, but I do fight for a women's right to privacy and that's what this abortion issue is really about. So with your fantastic upbringing, maybe you should mentor young men in having the same kind of values you grew up with because apparently men believe that having a child is a choice.

2007-06-15 07:20:06 · answer #3 · answered by Peace 5 · 2 1

Pregnancy can change a woman's body permanently (I'm not just talking about vain stuff like hips widening, I'm also talking about chronic back pain, which one of my friends now has after a PLANNED pregnancy) and you are several times more likely to die in childbirth than from an abortion. Never mind that you may be puking half the time which may affect your ability to work. You haven't thought through what a big deal it is for a woman to carry a child.

Since we seem to be focusing on women who become pregnant by being irresponsible (was there a man involved? hello?), then I would say the punishment doesn't fit the crime. I don't think anyone should be forced to do it, ESPECIALLY if it was all a "mistake." Hey, kid! Welcome to the world, you will now be raised by the stupid and irresponsible! SOOO lucky!

2007-06-15 07:13:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anise 3 · 2 1

I see what you are saying....

I do not think abortion should be used as a form of birth control...

I do wish women and men would make "the choice" to be more responsible in their behavior before anyone becomes pregnant.

However, I do not believe that we can legislate abortion...

In the case of the life or health of the Mother, rape, incest...I do believe it should be unequivocably allowed....

However, when one uses the argument that abortion is murder...it has to be murder all of the time...the baby inside does not know if it's father is a boyfriend or a rapist to the woman....if once murder, it always has to be murder.

this is a very gray area...and I do not want to play God in this matter...

I believe abortion should be a personal choice, between the Mother and God...the Mother will be the one standing before God one day...not you or I....we have never walked in her shoes...

So, yes we all choose to have sex...and many should make better choices about contraceptives...

2007-06-15 07:11:32 · answer #5 · answered by G.C. 5 · 3 0

All that matters in the situations that you described is what is best for the unborn child. The woman and the man are equally guilty. They should put aside their own agendas to determine what is best for the child. If they do not feel like taking responsibility, the best thing for the unborn child is to be aborted. It may be harsh, but if the two individuals are already questioning whether or not they want the child, it is likely that the child will have a bad life if he or she is born. If the woman wants to keep the baby, but the man is a loser and leaves town or something, everyone (family/friends) should come to the aid of the woman and help raise the child. Unfortunately, we are all to selfish to do this, but that would be the right thing for us to do.

2007-06-15 07:15:35 · answer #6 · answered by Biggus Dickus 3 · 1 1

Looking at this without the religion factor what do we have? An embryo is just a mass of cells, incapable of survival on its own. It is not a separate entity but in fact part of the mother. I am not saying we should have drive through abortions or any of that non-sense. Abortion is still something that should not be done on a whim but people make mistakes. Why force the woman to pay for them? Lets face it, condoms break, pills fail, and accidents happen. Forcing a woman to carry a child because you are religiously uncomfortable with it is inherently wrong.

2007-06-15 07:13:25 · answer #7 · answered by deusexmichael 3 · 2 1

The last time I looked it was a mutual choice and responsibility to have sex. Not to mention a woman does not get pregnant by herself. So simply putting the blame for unwanted pregnancies solely on the woman is utterly ridiculous and totally a cop out on the part of the man.

So your saying woman are the ones responsible for saying no and men just go for it if at all possible and bear no part in the decision?

Grow up and get a life and take responsibility for your own choices.

Not to mention that every time a woman chooses to take a pregnancy to term she is risking her very life and the possibility of permanent health problems for the rest of her life. You bet it is a woman's choice to carry a child to term or not.

When men start having the babies and risking their health, well being and at times life it self then you can make the decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

2007-06-15 07:13:18 · answer #8 · answered by Fluffy Wisdom 5 · 4 1

You're right there are cases where the woman says oops and probably doesn't deserve an abortion but if the woman doesn't want the child anyways then it probably won't have a good life. A child shouldn't be punishment and even if abortion was illegal, people would still have them just in much more dangerous ways. Like the baseball bat abortion.

2007-06-15 07:06:10 · answer #9 · answered by Kate 3 · 8 1

The fact is that the woman has options after sex. You want her choice to stop at a certain point but it doesn't.

There really wouldn't be a problem if men did not have sex with women until they are both 100% positive they are ready to procreate. Any man who protests abortion needs to refrain from sex.

Remember, no man became diabetic, threw up all day, and came close to dying as a direct result of impregnating a woman.

2007-06-15 07:05:52 · answer #10 · answered by ♨UFO♨ 4 · 5 2

If participating in sex is a woman's choice, then any resultant pregnancy is just the logical and biological result of her choice.

Should that same woman opt for an abortion, then there remains the question of whom controls our destiny? The One Who designed the procreation process, or a short-sighted and inconvenienced woman?

Like the Church Lady said, "How conveeeeeeenient."

2007-06-15 07:11:29 · answer #11 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 2 2

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