No, it was written by man. Maybe the person writting it believed he was speaking to God. The lessons are basically good. Some are just plain odd.
2007-06-15 07:05:32
answer #1
answered by chacha_waha 2
It is interesting that some have answered the question that the Bible is the word of God because it says so in the Bible; this is not a good reason to believe it is. The Quran also states that it is the infallible word of God and note, it claims to contain the literal words of God Himself, not to be inspired like the Bible does. The Quran further states that it is the most perfect and beautiful book ever written or that will be written.
Surah 39:23
Allah has sent down the most beautiful of speech, a Book, resembling (others) oft-repeated. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it. Then their skins and their hearts soften to the remembrance of Allah.
Just something to consider when making the claim that because the book says it is so, then it must be true.
Another point to consider is that God did not choose to reveal himself in the same way to all nations in the same manner. If it were that important that the Bible is the word of God and that we believe it, then God should have sent the same message to all nations in the same manner.
Here is a test of truth & consistency. A prophet arises and teaches/preaches the same consistent message in a foreign nation without having travelled or having any other form of contact with the desert nations of the God of the Bible. The fact that there was no record of Jesus, the Hebrew prophets etc. in China, the Americas, India or any other nation until missionaries travelled there from that region, raises serious questions about the Bible being the word of God. Did these people not need or deserve to know God and have his word? And there were indeed people in all these lands for several genarations before Christian missionaries got to them with the Bible. Which means that some of them died without having been exposed to the Bible or the word of God.
Actually even today, it is possible depending on geography to live and die in many places without having been exposed to the Bible. Do any of you seriously believe that if you were in a predominantly say Muslim, Buddist, Hindu etc. nation that you would have had much exposure to the Bible?
Before you answer that question; think about how much of those other religions and their holy texts that you were exposed to in the predominantly Christian nation that you live in.
To get any serious exposure you would probably need to actively seek it. And for most of us, why would we do that especially when we are already convinced that we have the truth because is says so in our holy book.
2007-06-15 09:04:05
answer #2
answered by RobbieX 1
I don't believe that it is. It was actually written by humans and has been translated, re-written, etc. many times over and in many languages. In all this time and in all these rewritings it is bound to have some changes; some accidentally, some purposely, by the author(s).
The bible is a good reference book, but you can't take it as the absolute word of God, because it's not. To get the best out of the bible, you must read it carefully and at the same time analyze and consider what you are reading. You should ask why and how frequently and not just blindly follow it because you think it is the word of God.
God gave us a brain and he expects us to use it. You hear a lot of people (including preachers) say things like "because the bible said it's so -- enough said", "God works in mysterious ways", etc. But don't automatically believe all of this. Take the time to check it out yourself and you will be much better off for having done so.
2007-06-16 14:56:16
answer #3
answered by randy_plrm 4
I can understand why many would feel it illogical or blind faith. But there is a solid basis for confidence that the Bible is the inspired word of God as it claims. I have read the bible and studied it.
There are some 13,000 extant copies of the Bible manuscripts; 6,000 of all or portions of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament); 5,000 of the Christian Scriptures in Greek and about 2,000 of the Christian scriptures (New Testament) in other languages. The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947 exemplify just how accurate that copying was.
Ancient artifacts discovered supports the historical and geographic accuracy of scriptures. The honesty and candor of the writers points to the reliability of scripture.
The Bible is not a scientific book but when it touches on scientific themes, it is accurate. Long before science uncovered such, the Bible plainly told of the earth hanging upon nothing; the water cycle; the spherical shape of the earth (actually it is an oblate spheroid but you get the point).
From a medical standpoint, the Bible is profoundly accurate and reliable. The health standards and preventive measures outlined in the Mosaic Law covenant are strikingly superior to - say the Egyptian medical procedures of the time.
In court trials or depositions, the credibility of a witness's testimony can often be determined on the basis of minor facts. If there is agreement on minor details, this can mark the witness' testimony as accurate. Serious discrepancies in the testimony can expose it as a fabrication. On the other hand, if the testimony is overly neat and tidy, this too can mark it is false and contrived. The Bible is refreshingly harmonious when it comes to details. Over and over, the accounts dovetail remarkably.
As a guide for every day living, the Bible is full of wisdom. The fact that it is thousands of years old does not rob it of its remarkable wisdom. Its practical guidance has withstood the test of time.
Prophecy: perhaps in no other area does the Bible inspire so much confidence in the reliability of its written word. Countless prophecies have been fulfilled; some prophecies were given literally hundreds of years before the fulfillment. One example is the prophecy concerning Cyrus the Great who released the Jews from Babylonian captivity. This man was named as the one who would do this 200 years before he was even born. Still another prophecy – given some 2,000 years ago – identifies like a finger print the very things we see before our eyes today. There is no way to prognosticate such by simply 'reading' current events. There were no current events to read at the time of this prophecy. Still, it unfolds daily – every facet is fulfilled and no quarter given.
There are so many reasons for believing that the Bible is the word of God. These are only a few and I have very generally described them.
Hannah J Paul
2007-06-15 07:21:06
answer #4
answered by Hannah J Paul 7
I can tell you why I don't...people wrote the Bible. Most of what we think about God and Jesus was written by people based on stories told down from generations. The stories changed as cultures and values changed. To think that it's the direct word of God is narrow-minded and to take it all literally is even worse.
But believe what you'd like about it, as I don't think we have any idea what really happened 2000 years ago, so it's not worth arguing over. Some people will have faith and some won't.
2007-06-15 07:10:35
answer #5
answered by linzlou83 2
I believe the Bible is the Inspired Word of God because everything in it is true, FROM MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ! If you don't mind me saying so, I really think you believe it is too, but from some of your other questions, you are searching for someone who can give you the ultimate excuse you need NOT to believe. You, my young lady, are under conviction by the Holy Spirit. That is a position that is good to be in, because ig God wasn't trying to reach you through His convicting Holy Spirit, you would be in a much sadder position. But, if I was you, I would not put off too long making your decision to give your heart & soul to Him, becausethe Bible says that He will not always strive with man, that there comes a time when your opportunity has gone by, after MUCH long-sufferingon His part, " --- not wishing that any man(woman) should perish, but that ALL should come to a saving knowledge of Him. "
2007-06-15 13:26:53
answer #6
answered by The Count 7
Lots of reasons. I actually wrote a ten-page research paper on it but my answer won't be that long :-).
It was written by over forty different authors but has no contradictions (when carefully read and properly interpreted). If the "no contradictions" thing was obvious, right on the surface, then skeptics would say the lack of contradictions was evidence of forgery or collaboration. This is why there are apparent contradictions in the Scriptures. In fact, upon closer study, which I have done many times, there are no contradictions. Some Christians have written books on this subject, so if you'd like you can read them.
The science in the Bible is far ahead of its time, especially in the book of Job. Chapter 38 tells about the water cycle, the wind, springs in the sea (which scientists didn't discover until the 1960's), and there's other stuff too in the other books, like that the universe tends toward chaos and destruction. That wasn't discovered until the 20th century either.
Moses made the claim that he was writing the Word of God. Then David referred to Moses writing the Word of God. Jeremiah also referred to Moses writing the Word of God. Jesus referred to Moses writing God's Law and also to Jeremiah's writing as inspired, Isaiah's writing as inspired, etc. The writers didn't just claim inspiration themselves. They confirmed divine inspiration in others before them and at their same time too.
I was also born and raised in a Christian home. I've seen the blessings of obeying God's Word and I've also seen lots of people, especially my cousins, throw their lives away because they did not obey God's Word. To model your life after Jesus Christ is the best way to go in my opinion. As long as you build a relationship with Him too, and don't just try to follow the rules, you are safe no matter what. He will sustain you in the times of trouble and will bless you in ways that worldly people don't get to be blessed because they rejected Him. Yes, I believe that includes heaven, but there's a lot of things here that they don't get either. I've found, there's more freedom, happiness, contentment, and meaning in doing things God's way than in living for myself. That's the best evidence for me.
2007-06-15 07:26:43
answer #7
answered by fuzz 4
Well this is a discussion my husband and I've had several times. I think originally it's the word of God but because it has been written, translated and re written by people from the beginning it's been changed.
Initally I believe the basics are still there. I feel it's just that it has been convaluded with others opinons or pieces have been omitted for the sake of others hiding, ignoring etc.things THEY want. does that make sense? sorry i hope so.
In the end I feel if you follow the Ten Commandments and what is in your heart that you know to be faith
2007-06-15 07:10:01
answer #8
answered by starlight 5
I believe in the Bible and also I do admit that it is the word of God. My convictions makes me certain that it is because, whenever am stranded in decision making, it acts as the base guider from which other good idea will come from.
Also, I believe it is since it is an impossible thing that various contributors to a book who are all from various ages ar agreeing and not contradicting.
In Genesis there is a prophesy of the coming of Christ as the seed of woman who will bruise the the serpant and concrrently other writers agree to it as they give the same message of prophesy including Micah, Nahum, Isaiah, Hababakuk and Zechariah.
It is the word of God because it convicts men of their sins and shows them hope through the person of Christ.
God has given us a book that we are to seek wisdom from and understand so that we can leave victoriously on earth and do His will.And that is the Bible.
Be blessed. Your questions are verry meaningful, how I wish I can learn from you.
2007-06-16 05:57:45
answer #9
answered by enc e 2
First - Prophecy, the prophets spoke the Word of God and their predictions have come true.
Second - Jews, thousands of years ago God said He would bring them back to their land in the latter days and they would not be removed from their land. He said the Jews would become a nation in one day - that happened. He said they'd come back on wings of eagles - closest 500 B.C. interpretation of an airplane that they could get. God said they'd speak their language and they are saying Hebrew is their official language.
Isaiah 30:25 "And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters IN THE DAY OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER, WHEN THE TOWERS FALL. (3000 people lost their lives when the Twin Towers came down)
Isaiah 30:26 "Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord binds up the breach of His people, and heals the stroke of their wound." (God is in charge of the sun, not carbon dioxide and man's theory of global warming)
2007-06-15 07:30:49
answer #10
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
If you read and study the bible. It's full of truth knoledge and prophesies. It was written so long ago yet it still makes since to those of us who seek diligently to understand.I have faith because I believe. I believe because the truth is in the book, and the truth sets you free.
2007-06-15 07:18:15
answer #11
answered by nª†hªn 2