New Testament writers quote extensively from the Old Testament. Every book in the New Testament refers to specific scriptures from the Old Testament. For example, the Gospel of Matthew has 96 specific Old Testament quotations. Revelation has the most with 249 specific quotations. Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, often quotes from the Old Testament. In Romans, Paul uses 74 old Testament quotes. The New Testament borrows from the old a total of 855 times. We will see that the Old Testament writers anticipate, predict, and picture Christ through prophecy. They provide the historical setting and roots of our faith. Biographical studies, such as the life of Abraham, or perhaps Ruth, provide insight into the character God values. Proverbs provides wisdom in how to live a wise and good life. Psalms teach us how to praise God
2007-06-15 03:21:58
answer #1
answered by Paul V 4
I can't believe the answers you've gotten.
At least for this Christian the Old Testament is still valid. It all points to Yahshua and will make us wise unto salvation in Yahshua Messiah per 2 Tim. 3-15-17. A reminder to all of you "New Testament only" Christians, the scriptures Timothy had FROM HIS YOUTH as only the Torah (first five books of the bible) and most likely and Isaiah scroll. The letters would not have even been written when he was a child.
As far as the "New Testament" being more accurate? Do you sleep in church? Do you guys do doobies behind the building before services start? I can't believe you actually believe or said this. If as we see again in 2 Tim. 3:16 All scripture (remember at the time there was only the old) but lets for the sake of argument include all of the bible both Old and New Testaments are God breathed. So you saying that God was an all wet mistaken fairy tale teller. That confirms it you belong to the church of cannabis for sure. Hang loose Dude. Cowabunga!
Wake up and smell the coffee Christians, The Old Testament is valid today. Well unless you believe that Yahshua was a nut case and unsaved because he kept the law?
Can you see why non-believers laugh at you and deride you yet? Unlikely, you are just like they say, you are willingly blind and refuse to learn.
2007-06-15 03:30:55
answer #2
answered by Tzadiq 6
I suppose it's custom and practice. You are right - the Old Testament is Hebrew history, and if read as a patched together history of the Jews, it's interesting. Deuteronomy, I think, is instructive on how to build an altar and how to run a religion. (That is, see to it the best of everything is given to the priests). Particularly, it advises the use of the right hand for blessings and annointings. Also, any swearing involves a hand on a thigh. ('Thigh' is a synonym for guess what? It was an all-bloke club then - instructions from the Hittites who were misogynist.).
The New Testament is a slender volume recording the early years of Christ, but it bulks out men's struggles out of the matriarchal embrace. Not ever having had a men's religion before, they had to base their own on Paganism that was usually women-run. Male priests have worn women's gowns ever since then - they have these altars with sacrificial 'blood' because they had no menses. The women's groves of trees that were their cathedrals to the spirit of the Goddesses, have been reproduced in the naves of all the massive temples to patriarchy in Europe. The women's Three Graces, and every Triple Goddess throughout the known world everywhere, was shrunk into the all-male Trinity. The whole of Christianity is a blacker mirror image of a religion that went before it.
2007-06-15 03:44:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Christ fulfilled the ceremonial law of the Old Testament. However, the moral law of the Old Testament still applies today.
There is debate among believers about the applicability of the civil law of the Old Testament to today.
2007-06-15 03:19:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because there is different law, not just old testament law. There is mosaic law, which is what Moses brought forth through God, and there's another form of law that is in there that I can't quite remember, but it wasn't all the law that was told to Christians my Christ in the new testament to not worry about.
2007-06-15 03:19:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Paul says the scriptures are for our learning and knowledge.He of course was talking of the Old Testament ,the New wasn't finished yet.But now we interpret them in the light of the resurrection.We live by Grace through Faith ,not by the Law.But the Law was a good schoolmaster.
2007-06-15 03:19:15
answer #6
answered by AngelsFan 6
Well it seems you answered your own question. God is not a one dimensional God. How can you move forward without knowing where you come from. Jesus even said I did not come to abolish the Law but come to fullfill the Law. You have to understand many people interpret the bible differently depending on what type of relationship with Christ they have and Spiritual level they are on. If you notice in the New Testement even Jesus said that he was about the Father's business. For instance; take the Crucifixtion. Back in the Old Testement the only way people were able to be forgiven for their sins was to have the priest sacrifice animals and offer up offerings on their behalf for that atonement. So in order to have complete atonement for our sins God wrapped himself in flesh to give us an example of how we are suppose to live but not only that he took upon on the sin for the past, present and future at the crucifixtion so we not only had total atonement but everlasting life for those who chose to believe in him. Now I to the second part of your question I believe that God points us back to the Old Testement for answers to give us a point of idenity. If you look back through the bible they all had problems and situations to overcome. Looking back not only helps you see that if they could make it through what they went through back then you know you can do the same. It sorta gives you what I call a Faith File. If you notice that sometimes we go through the same thing over and over again whether it be tangible or intangible. Like the people in the Old Testement we go through spiritual and physical droughts just like they did. Although our problems of today may not even compell to the problems of the Old Testement the message is still the same you have to turn to God in everything you do and realize that God is working in the mist even if you can't see him. Hope this helps.
Be Blessed
2007-06-15 03:46:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
For me the old testament serves a great purpose in that it points out faults. I mean who could possibly live like that. It reminds me that I must seek God's love and will for my life in all things. But yeah it is funny. Like someone near and dear to me always talking about how tattoos are wrong but eats plenty of pork. It is really an enigma. Like by constantly proving themselves right they are too busy to give love, time, money ect to worthier causes than being right. We are suppose to give, not argue.
2007-06-15 03:22:26
answer #8
answered by bess 4
Because that's what people have been told all their lives, so that's where they think they should find answers. Personally, I only like to get my answers from the New Testament because it's much more accurate, as far as being written shortly after Christ's death. I think the old testament is full of myths and folklore...stories people told each other to learn lessons.
2007-06-15 03:16:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Jesus said, "I haven't come to destroy the law but to fullfill it." The old testament isn't done away with where we never refer to anything in it. The old COVENANT is done away with. The law still stands and is good but we arent' put right with God by obeying the law any more, nor by being good people, nor by trying to earn our way to heaven. We believe we are put right with God thru faith in Christ. But that doesn't mean we can now steal and kill and covet. Plus the old testament has many great inspiring stories of faith not to mention much historical information to glean.
2007-06-15 03:21:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous