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How can Christains talk about Hindus and other religions that worship Idols and compare others to God when they compare a man (JESUS) to God and the holy spirit as well? They hold these 2 things right next to God. That is the same as idol worshiping! They even say "In Jesus christ we pray" They do everything through this man yet they bash us Muslims for having prophet Mohummad (saw) who we do not even worship, pray to, or anything else that would match him to God. I find Christainty to be very cult like. Even when I hear the things they say I am like are they serious? They think it is ok to drink, and have pre-marital sex, do drugs, smoke, lie, steal, cheat. Bc even though its against their religion and wait its in the BIBLE as well that this is sins but thats ok they really dont care that much right? They preach but dont practice. But yet the other religions who do practice their religion as they should are extremist or weird. I

2007-06-14 20:01:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I personally find it odd that you all say your part of this religion but yet do not do anything that it says but you can bash other people all day long..

2007-06-14 20:01:45 · update #1

You all judge so much maybe you think you are GOD since I was aware that only God could judge?

2007-06-14 20:02:17 · update #2

OK and lets not forget how the baptist bash the catholics bc they pray to a priest. Whats the diff you pray through Jesus?

2007-06-14 20:08:49 · update #3

OK not all Christains are that way. That was not what I meant so sorry for the ones who do not do that. But I sure have never saw a Christain who is against drinking bc the bible says so...

2007-06-14 20:15:19 · update #4


2007-06-14 20:16:04 · update #5

also I meant pray through a priest for catholics and in Islam we do believe in Jesus as well but we believe all prophets were gave differant things that being said jesus being miricales.

2007-06-14 21:06:22 · update #6

14 answers

God has manifested Himself to mankind in the three ways Christians call the trinity. They are all one with and part of the one true God. It is not "idol" worshiping.

Most Christians do NOT think it is ok to get drunk, have pre-marital sex, do drugs, smoke, lie, steal, cheat, etc.

From the comments on YA, you would think Christians do practice their religion as they should because they are considered extremist or weird. (your definition - look at these answers)

Want to get real? Christianity IS the only way to the living God, and the proof of the trinity is God's Holy Spirit living within the true Christian believer. Those who live by the Spirit have no desire to sin, and live to share God's glory, grace and love. Judge and bash us... we will still try to love you, and because of Jesus Christ, we can!

2007-06-14 20:18:10 · answer #1 · answered by Bill Mac 7 · 1 1

Hmmm...the Koran itself states two things about Jesus that are very interesting. It says that He was born of a virgin, which only Divinity can cause to happen, therefore making Jesus the offspring of Divinity, which makes Him of the same nature as God. It also states that Jesus raised people from the dead, and act of God (Mohammad never did). Also, read the New Testament gospels and note the many references that Christ made concerning His divine nature (Luke 22:67-71; 23:3; John 8:42; 14:6-11). The greatest event that validated His claims is the resurrection, which is a historical fact that has never been disproved. Many have tried and ended up coming to faith in Christ. No other religious leader has or ever will do that. If you would search the facts and use your ability to reason, I believe that you would find the truth. I do not respond in hostility, but in sincerity and truthfulness.

2007-06-14 20:25:44 · answer #2 · answered by passmanjames 3 · 1 0

Not all Christians are Christians. There are hypocrites out there, but there are also those who genuinely commit their whole life in serving Christ. When Jesus came to earth, He was 100% man, but was also 100% God. Jesus is God. He came to earth to die for the sins of man 2000 years ago which is the perfect appointed time. He was beaten, hated, reviled, whipped, and nailed to the cross so that our sins, the sins of all mankind would be forgiven. Jesus was holy since He is God so He had the power to take all mankinds sins and finally deal with it. So if a sinner repents and asks Jesus into his heart and believe that Jesus took away his sins then he will have eternal life and his sins will be forgiven. Jesus had to die on the cross because it is very impossible for man to pay the debts of sin. Sin has a penalty because God is a just God. There is a hell, it is a very real place, as we can see today there are such things as demon possession, hunted houses, and evil. Jesus knew that even though man would try to do righteous things, it is not enough to cover sins because God is Holy. But God is also love so He made this wonderful plan of salvation for mankind. But remember that Satan still exists, he is as real as real can be, and he still hates God and will do everything within his power to crample God's work. Satan is no dumb guy, he is very deceptive and cunning. So Satan causes divisions and does his work of twisting God's word, that's why there are so many cults and false religion. Plainly, Satan doesn't want anyone to know the plain simple truth of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. You'll notice that other religions have to work their way to God. It sort of like a do this and do that thing, but it won't save them because sin is sin. It is man's choice however to live a life pleasing to God. The Bible is God's manual to the Christians, we are to read it and do what it says.God knows man's heart and He knows who really belong to Him. I understand what you mean when you said that most christians don't practice what they preach, it is true that there are a lot of Christian hypocrites out there and God knows that. But there are lot of true followers of Jesus also.

2007-06-14 20:30:24 · answer #3 · answered by Dgirl112 3 · 1 1

Christ said 'I and the Father are one'...He also said 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. no one comes to the Father except thru Me'...HIS words, not mine-

of course, muslims don't pray to mohammed...he's not divine, whereas Christ is the Messiah, the only begotten Son of the living God

going down the road of 'not practicing what they preach' and generalizing about an entire body of believers based on what some people do is something you might want to think twice about in the wake of 9/11...you're standing in the middle of a glass house with a handful of stones...

2007-06-14 20:26:40 · answer #4 · answered by spike missing debra m 7 · 1 1

Sounds like you do not understand Christianity and Christians as much as they do not understand Islam and Muslims.
Isa al masi is God as is the Holy Spirit and the Father. I know it sounds absurd that one God exists in a God-head of three distinct Persons. No analogy can do this concept justice as nothing in the temporal world is like it. (I know, like am I serious?).
You are also correct that some who claim to be Christians don't care much about what their sacred text says about how to live life. You will find this true of many regardless of the faith tradition they claim to be part of.

2007-06-14 20:16:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

(Family Guy put it eloquently when they said:)

Brian the Dog: "How very Christian of you. Do what I say or I will hurt you."

Grandpa Griffin: "Now you're getting it!"

I agree with the poster who said any religion that who says it is the only way to God is a lie.

Religion is funny. It is a love / hate relationship.
Love: "Oh, you are one of us? We LOVE you."
Hate: "Huh, you are not one of us? Guess you're going to hell, then."

Since people will always have different opinions on things, religions will always be split up into subgroups. We normal people call them liberals, moderates, and fundamentalists.

Any religion or ethnic group who would rather embrace than shun its members when they perform acts of violence or cruelty to others physically, or verbally, is nothing but a group of barbarians. Either something is wrong or it is not. Even taking context and circumstances into account, does not undo the action done.

If a member of your congregation does something abhorrent, and you do not speak out against it, then by your silence you have expressed passive support for it.

The Catholic Church "took care of its own" for a long time. They relocated pedophilic priests to other churches without informing their followers. The Church was afraid of looking bad. Now they rank just under the poo-flinging monkeys at the zoo.

2007-06-14 20:37:57 · answer #6 · answered by Patrick P 2 · 0 1

The Christian belief is that God is Three Persons in One - the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. That's it in a nutshell. If people don't practice what they preach they are just plain liars about their faith. The Christian way is no better than any other way of faith. I choose to be a Christian, my neighbor chooses to be a Buddhist. What's important is that we live our respective faiths and recognize the value in each.

By the way, Christians do not pray to priests.

2007-06-14 20:18:17 · answer #7 · answered by Richard B 7 · 0 1

hear hear... Christians (not all) have to get a reality check and worry about themselves and use actual brains instead of bashing other religions just because they are different...

very good quote

"a true believer prays with his door closed"

meaning, you believe what you want and dont need to worry about other people. just yourself.

but one thing about Christianity, is they say that Jesus is god in human form, so technically Jesus IS god

2007-06-14 20:13:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have always found christianity to be the most ludicrous of the three 'book" religions. As an American I find it hard to see beyond the pro-christian bias in this country, and I am an atheist. Even though I do not agree with your religion, I find your point of view refreshing. Thank you.

2007-06-14 20:19:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Jesus is God (John 1:1). Secondly, it is so inaccurate and off the mark to claim that Christians condone drunkeness, pre-marital sex, illegal drug use, smoking, lying, stealing, cheating, etc. For you to make that accusation demonstrates your ignorance of the Christian religion.

2007-06-14 20:12:37 · answer #10 · answered by helper725 3 · 1 1

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