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I sit here night after night reading some of these stupid questions about Law Enforcement and how we are violating all of your rights and privileges.

Why can’t some people understand that the police are well trained and not a one of us is out to beat you up or kill you unless you force us too? You sell drugs, beat your wives, drive with bad licenses, steal, cheat and lie and sell drugs and it is our fault when you get caught?

Do you not understand that when we tell you to do something or tell you to stop resisting that if you do not comply you are going to go to the hospital instead of jail?

Why can’t some people in society get this?

2007-06-14 16:23:59 · 29 answers · asked by Dog Lover 7 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

29 answers

I've had 44 'run ins' with police officers(local and state) in Georgia from Athens all the way to the Fla/Ga line(teen years included). I'm 37 years old. I live in Georgia.I'm white and I'm a woman.
Most of my encounters were traffic related.I've been asked to take 'sobriety tests'(say NOT SING my abc's, walk a straight line,follow the pencil with my eyes without moving my head,breathe in the tube).Other times were domestic fights(they busted down the door), parties that were too loud, inv. a hit and run, and on and on.
All this to say the ONLY time I went to jail, I assed up at an officer(I was YOUNG) and have NEVER been 'smacked down' so fast in my life. In a nano second I was face down with my hands behind my back.
I deserved it. Every other run in I was respectful, kept my hands in plain view, made eye contact.
My daddy taught me that if you aren't doing anything wrong, then you shouldn't LOOK like you are doing anything wrong.
He was a Vietnam Vet. "Girl, if you are right and feel like they are wrong, you just shut your mouth, say YES SIR and take it up with judge.Don't piss the one with the badge off. They aren't there to hear your case. It's not their job.If you get cuffed, they believe you broke the law. If you get cuffed, girl, don't call me!"
Isn't it interesting how so many folks are so quick to judge cops, but when they are being robbed or violated, cops become their 'Daddy'?.
Respect the badge people. If you got a problem how one of your civil servants behaves, take it to the judge.

2007-06-15 17:44:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Here's my take on it, and I'm a law-abiding citizen. I've never even had so much as a parking ticket, so I'm not one of those people you're describing. However, the problem you illustrate is an age-old one -- there's something in human nature that compels certain individuals to try and get away with crime and then cry, "poor me" when they get caught. Perhaps it gives them a "high" when they do get away with it. It's not so much the fact that they don't understand. They just hate getting their hand caught in the cookie jar. It's sort of a case of arrested development (no pun intended) that they should have outgrown by the time they reached the age of accountability. But look at it this way -- if there were no offenders, you'd probably be out of a job. So just grin and bear it. You're getting paid for the stupidity of others. It would be a utopian world if everyone kept out of trouble, but it's never going to happen. I've managed to be an exception to criminal behavior, as have many other fine citizens, and I believe we are in the majority. So take heart. There is a balance there. Besides, I think I'd look horrible in an orange jumpsuit. Take care and keep protecting our good citizens.

2007-06-14 16:37:31 · answer #2 · answered by gldjns 7 · 3 1

I love Police & I think they do a very good & dangerous job & I respect them very much. A lot of people get upset because they are innocent & still get treated as if they are criminals but I can understand why you have to treat them the same way because your lives are in danger & you can't take the risk!! So just don't take any notice of the whingers on here most people respect the police & its only the bad ones who wouldn't . I think you should have more rights with the public too many powers have been taken away from the police!! :) :)

2007-06-14 17:52:07 · answer #3 · answered by ausblue 7 · 5 1

My father served with the Texas State Police back in the 30's. One of my brothers retired after 25 years with the Pima County Sheriffs Department...I have had nothing but respect for you guys and gals who put it on the line every minute.

It cracks me up when someone lists their felonies, misdemeanors, burglary, possession and firearms problems on here and whine because the police are "stalking" them, or follow them a lot in their cars. Too funny.

What amazes me is that, once caught doing something that the police get involved, they will go out and continue to do stupid.

I had a run-in with the law when I was 21 years old and it scared the bejesus out of me..I learned my lesson. I have not had a problem since then and I am almost 67 years old!!!

Oh, the first and only was a traffic stop telling me I was exceeding the speed limit and one of my tail lights was burned out. I was cured---forever.

2007-06-14 17:30:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

That is because the moon-bats and ACLU are all for protecting the criminal and too hell with the victim. Sorry, but if you're resisting and/or running from law enforcement--you deserve what you get--and I say this when years ago my own brother was "smacked down" during a DWI arrest--his 4th. He was a beligerent little drunk back then (sober 15 years now)--but I did not feel one bit sorry for him (although I love him dearly)--he admitted to resisting and taking a swing at the officer (dumb $hit!) ! Yeah, he had some bruises--maybe the cop helped knock some sense into him. He could've killed himself--several times and or someone else. He deserved it--and God Bless our Law Enforcement Officers for saving my brother from himself!

2007-06-15 03:15:28 · answer #5 · answered by Cherie 6 · 2 2

I would blame it on how society is telling our kids that doing wrong is okay. Look at the grand theft auto video game stealing cars buying prostitutes and selling and buying drugs.

I have a dughter that was and may still be doing drugs she is not living at home and we parents did everything in our power to help her with the issue. Even got a 2nd mortgage to pay for a psych hosp stay after she tried to kill herself thinking it would back us off.

They have this how dare you attitude, they know everything and to hell with you.

I could say it is the parents fault in some cases but not always.

Society is teaching this in the media by glamorizing the stupid things that celebrities are doing instead of telling of the good things they do. So hey if Paris can go to jail and get out or only stay a few months why cant I.

I agree with you. My uncle was a cop for many years and told a man to halt or he will shoot. the dummy turned to him and began to throw a knife and my uncle shot him in the knee cap, he fell to the ground and my uncle went to him and said I told you so now get up and try to run,. HAHAHA

2007-06-14 16:32:46 · answer #6 · answered by sewcrafty007 3 · 9 2

Too much work catching the criminal only to have him walk free the same day. Frustrating for the police. Frustrating for the prosecution. A little smack now and then to get rid of continued pent up frustration is bound to happen.

The way the judges render decisions now makes a mockery of the capture and sentences.dolled out.to the villains. Victims are rarely given the help they need to help them through their anxieties.and trauma and mental shock

2007-06-14 16:47:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Because talk is cheap. You have to prove it. After all we have seen the hard proof of corrupt cops for decades. I will admit I have met a few cool and professional cops. But the key word there is few. I have also met many very bad ones, and then some plain idiots. Like the one 2 days ago. he's lucky I know how to drive. But you expect citizens with bad experiences to believe what you say, because you say it? That would be like you believing everyone you arrest, starting now. Who's putting their finger in that light socket twice? Not me. I'll give you a chance but I am not giving you blind faith, I save that for God not cops.

2007-06-14 21:18:40 · answer #8 · answered by tmilestc 4 · 2 2

Stories about law enforcement just doing their job doesn't make the news....so of course on Y!A you only hear about the cases where something went wrong. There's no reason to write about it when things go right.

2007-06-14 16:27:22 · answer #9 · answered by Brand X 6 · 7 1

I believe the majority of society does get this, it's just that vocal minority that's irritating as all get-out.

I believe the same about the criticism concerning my profession--teaching. Most people really appreciate teachers, but there are some that talk so loudly about such nonsense that it just makes you want to throw in the towel.

2007-06-14 17:26:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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