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33 answers

Alcohol is a depressant. If you are not being treated by anti-depressants, alcohol abuse could be a symptom of depression. It was for me at least. If you drink while on anti-depressants, it basically cancels them out and can be dangerous. I found that out the hard way too. The moral of the story is, don't drink to get happy, it never works...at least for me.

2007-06-14 15:38:25 · answer #1 · answered by fmxkrazyone 6 · 1 0

If alcohol had been invented today it would not get approval for sale. It is now apart of many cultures world
wide and is intrinsic to them

Depression has also been around for much the same time albeit called the malaise. When you drink alcohol it is fine, however it was happens to it in the body. The alcohol turns into cellulose, (which is like paint thinners) Once there it becomes corrosive and destroys the brain cells. We have enough of them to take this damage but however to serious drinkers the damage becomes worse. In it corrosive state, it also damages all the major organs creating a fat in the liver which destroys it. As a corrosive it also destroys many major organs.

Alcohol is also a suppressant and a Central depressant to the body and effects the central nervous system by depressing it and suppressing the brain.

Depression is caused for many reason . It can be genetic, Chemical, behavioural or a mixture of the above.. The two components do not mix together as one triggers the other..

Alcohl can cause depression or make it worse as expalined above and there is plenty of evidence for it on the net. Depression can also cause alcoholism as mixt with medication it creates a addictive personality and is used as a qucik release for symptons of dpression as tables take a few weeks to works and alcohol works immediately and the body becomes hooked. The depressive if they have an addictive personality then they a caught in a merry go round of LA LA LA LA Land and it kills people very slowly. in a very relaxed way.

Once caught in this scenario it is extremely difficult to break the habbit. It has been suggested that organs have a sperate brain which remembers levels of ingestion. Once a certain level has benn met and is reached and or attained the organs are ready for it. Once at this point there is no way back as the control has been set in the body.

Depressives know or quickly learn that alcohol calms anxiety which is the by product of alcohol. However the anxiety gets worse and then ca not be managed with alcohol you are then dependent on alco hol and mendication.

Some people learn this very quickly and some people learn it when they have lost everything and I mean everything , which adds to depression and anxienty as how do you start your life again.

It is easy writing about it and telling some one but people do not believe the above for all kinds of reasons. You can take this with a pich or salt, or suck and see, or just do as the muslims do leave it well alone as your body is your temble as the muslims believe and should be protected.


2007-06-15 02:21:09 · answer #2 · answered by JIZZO 2 · 0 0

You feel depressed and look for a way out using alcohol, to forget or lighten your troubles for a while.

Alcohol is a depressant and later makes you feel more depressed.

Personally, I would say the depression comes first (and that could be due to a genetic vulnerability or something going on in your life or things that have happened) and initially you use the alcohol as a means to 'get through it'. Unfortunately though, alcohol is addictive and a depressant and ultimately makes things much worse. Then you try to come off the alcohol, but you still have the underlying depression to deal with too, so it's a double whammy. And in a nutshell that is why it is so hard to overcome alcohol abuse.

2007-06-15 07:51:37 · answer #3 · answered by cobweb 4 · 0 0

They can go hand in hand.
Each person is different, if alcohol abuse is the main issue this will lead to a deeper depression.
But some people binge drink to deal with depression but are not alcoholics, so as depression eases can pull back on drink.
Unless unlucky enough in the mean time to become an alcoholic!!
These paths are complex which is why some people can spend most of their lives trying to gain control again

2007-06-15 23:38:24 · answer #4 · answered by raven 2 · 0 0

I'd say it works both ways.
Depression (and even though people don 't realize it- anxiety) can cause alcohol abuse because you feel so miserable that you'd do anything to numb your feelings (booze, drugs, on a certain extent even food - anything will do basically). On the other hand drinking an excessive amount of alcohol for very long periods of time (an hangover every now and then doesn't count) can cause among other illness - also depression and paranoia. Hope this helps.

p.s. take a little advice. If you are asking this question for yourself or some friends, do yourself a favour and go and seek professional help. Life is too short to be unhappy! Believe me.

2007-06-14 16:30:37 · answer #5 · answered by Maggie 5 · 0 1

It depends entirely on the situation whether or not depression causes alcoholism, however, alcohol in excessive amounts does cause depression, at least for a couple days after the binge. If you'd like I can explain to you what the actual physiological effects of alcohol are, so you would better understand the answer to this question.

2007-06-14 15:41:01 · answer #6 · answered by ahh_sweet_boredom 2 · 0 0

Alcohol abuse is a sympton of depression. If you took the alcohol away the depression would still be there. Once you get the symptons under control you need to deal with the causes :)

2007-06-16 21:26:18 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

It can be both, and for some people it is something they never find out. Alcohol will intensify any depression symptoms and for some without underlying depression it will cause depression. It would be a good idea to get treatment for both, as anti-depressants and alcohol abuse don't mix.

2007-06-14 15:42:34 · answer #8 · answered by Whitney F 3 · 1 0

I've developed depression without ever touching a drop of alcohol so I would say that depression could lead to alcohol abuse. Although alcohol abuse can be something to feel pretty depressed about, that doesn't necessarily lead to 'clinical depression' as such.

2007-06-15 11:23:39 · answer #9 · answered by tattyhead65 4 · 0 0

Over use of alcohol can cause depression. I don't think depression can cause you to be an alcoholic though. Allowing yourself to be consumed by your depression can cause many problems if you let it. Get help from a doctor and don't think that alcohol will help you in any way.It just causes more problems.I think some people want to use it for an excuse for their addictions though.I have suffered from depression for many years.I have to have my meds switched around at times.Have many reasons for my depression but have never let them turn me into an alcoholic or a druggie.I know deep inside these don't help so I've never turned to them.

2007-06-14 15:49:13 · answer #10 · answered by Ava 5 · 0 0

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