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I think most people are going to say through joseph because thats what it says in the bible.

however i'll point out the faillicy in that if they do. and some of you are going to say mary, but there isnt anything to support that.

and then the crazier ones are going to think it doesnt matter because he was a holy conception. thus somehow making him related to david in some crazy deranged way they planned in there head.

sooo perharps jesus wasnt was not the person to fulfil OT prophecy.

even though technically the bible isnt really the word of god any way

2007-06-14 14:29:11 · 12 answers · asked by Sheriff of R&S 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

hmmm i said wasnt and then was not. "wasnt was not"...sorry...it wont let me edit it. that sure is annoying

2007-06-14 14:30:33 · update #1

12 answers

Jesus fufilled the prophesy by being born in the house of David...he was realted to David through Mary...All of the bases are covered even the Jews know Christ fufilled being the Son of David.

Edit: The prophesy of Isaiah says a virgin shall conceive a child and from the house of David any way you cut it.
The virgin was Mary. Jesus was born in the house of David.
There needs to be no more fufillment of that prophesy... Though if you truly had read the Bible you would find Jesus is a son of David through both Joseph and Mary.

2007-06-14 14:35:50 · answer #1 · answered by djmantx 7 · 7 0

The lineage of Jesus through Mary, His mother, is found in Luke 3:23-38. The lineage found in Matthew 1:1-17 is not Jesus blood lineage. It is the lineage of Joseph, Mary's husband. The lineage found in Matthew is for the Jewish census.

Please notice that the two lineages are different and divide at David's two sons, Nathan and Solomon. Luke tells us that David's son Nathan is Jesus ancestor. Matthew tells us that David's son Solomon is Joseph's (Mary's husband) ancestor.

There is a Joseph mentioned in the lineage in Luke however, this is a different Joseph (affiliated with Mary's lineage). Yes, the Bible is the word of God and Jesus is the Messiah that God promised to Abraham to save the people who will accept Him..

2007-06-14 14:51:17 · answer #2 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 0 0

I don't know why I'm answering this you just stated a whole bunch of stuff that I don't believe in but-- Matthew 1 gives the ancestry of Joseph, all the way back to David. Luke 3 gives the ancestry of Mary- all the way back to Mary.

If you don't believe the Bible- check out the Jewish historian Josephus- there are others but their names escape me. He may give you some answers.

2007-06-14 14:43:00 · answer #3 · answered by Lizzi 3 · 1 0

Genghis Khan birthed Jesus through David.

2013-12-16 08:20:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you will study the OT you will find that they both come down from David, but one of his sons was cut off, and that is why Jesus had to come down a different line. The Bible is God's love letter to us all. If we choose to read and obey it. The Bible is so amazing in what the true stories are in there, and teaches us how to be obedient, what to do and not to do to save us from the pain of disobedience.

2007-06-14 14:36:21 · answer #5 · answered by salvation 5 · 1 0

According to the two geneologies in the New Testament that tell of His lineage, Jesus comes from David's line whether you look at the lineage to Joseph... which is the legal line ...or Mary who provides the true physical lineage. However it is the Father's line that really counts... and of course His Father was God via the Holy Spirit. In truth, God is the Father of all mankind.... as he created us. So you could look at three sources of lineage of Jesus. ...One legal, one physical, and one supernatural. Jesus fulfilled every OT prophecy to perfection. He was His Father's son... raised by his earthly surrogate father Joseph, making Him of the lineage of David, as prophesied and when he talked about being aobut His Father's business as a 12 yr old in the temple, he was not referring to Joseph, but to his heavenly Father.

2007-06-14 14:46:48 · answer #6 · answered by rejoiceinthelord 5 · 1 0

There's really no way in knowing, since people didn't keep these things documented back then. They knew lineage mostly by word alone. Although, there have been some translations that link mary to david...probably the catholic ones. Anyways, the point here is that christians should have faith in the bible and believe in what it says.

2007-06-14 14:34:36 · answer #7 · answered by Forget My Name. 3 · 0 2

"He will be called David's son"
"a branch shall rise out of Jesse"
"David's son shall sit on the throne FOREVER"

in Jewish law, if your mother married a man then you are his child. since Joseph was from David's line, Jesus is the son of David.

in Jewish law, if your mother was a daughter of Abraham then you were under the jewish Law

2007-06-14 14:39:03 · answer #8 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 1 0

Matthew 1
1A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham:
2Abraham was the father of Isaac,
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,
3Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar,
Perez the father of Hezron,
Hezron the father of Ram,
4Ram the father of Amminadab,
Amminadab the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,
5Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab,
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth,
Obed the father of Jesse,
6and Jesse the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah's wife,
7Solomon the father of Rehoboam,
Rehoboam the father of Abijah,
Abijah the father of Asa,
8Asa the father of Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat the father of Jehoram,
Jehoram the father of Uzziah,
9Uzziah the father of Jotham,
Jotham the father of Ahaz,
Ahaz the father of Hezekiah,
10Hezekiah the father of Manasseh,
Manasseh the father of Amon,
Amon the father of Josiah,
11and Josiah the father of Jeconiah[a] and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon.
12After the exile to Babylon:
Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel,
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
13Zerubbabel the father of Abiud,
Abiud the father of Eliakim,
Eliakim the father of Azor,
14Azor the father of Zadok,
Zadok the father of Akim,
Akim the father of Eliud,
15Eliud the father of Eleazar,
Eleazar the father of Matthan,
Matthan the father of Jacob,
16and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Joseph was married to Mary and so therefore that's the connection. Just like today - if a woman has a child, the husband (in most states) is unquestioningly the father, legally.

2007-06-17 02:23:17 · answer #9 · answered by Kim B 4 · 0 0


if Jesus wasn't was not......Does that mean He Was.

Funny How Life Corrects Silly Misunderstandings

Calling Dr. Freud Dr. Freud Pick Up Line One

2007-06-14 14:40:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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