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its even driven me literally to alcoholism help me i feel l ike nothing is worth it and i cant be positive about anything cos nothing matters this is serious please help

2007-06-14 14:06:12 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

but the thing is until about 2 weeks ago i was eveyones favourite party girl and i loved jsut 'avin it' in life, so to speak. so i drink loads and jsut have fun but then sudenly one day i woke up and felt numb to the world and detatched from existence...so i started drinking to make myself care and it worked...i was back on the party vibe and kept drinking and dirnking.......until i passed out without realising......woke up, went bk to sleep before work then wehn i got up for work i was stuck in a major panic attack and had to be put on sedatives to stop me from reaching for antoehr drink to cope (after a 2 hour horrific conversation with my mum bout how i felt) now i just feel depressed and panicky at the thought of me being like bacteria on earth and nothing actually mattering ahhhhhh fuk

2007-06-14 14:53:24 · update #1

thing is im usually the most optimistic person in the world, the joker who cheers everyone up
now i feel completely the opposite, negative about every single thing i just dunno wat to do im so scared

2007-06-14 15:03:07 · update #2

40 answers

I note in your previous question you are trying to overcome alcoholism. Presently you probably feel like a failure and are queationing things like life and your self worth. Ask yourself what are you feeling and why are you feeling like this. Try to find a core reason for your drinking and questioning life.

When you have your reason think am i being unrealistic, neurotic and magnifying this problem? The answer is likely to be yes. Think about your reason compared to life in general.

You then need to find a new reason, a positive one. For example if the reason you came to is "because im terrified of failing/because im a looser/ because i feel worthless and dont love myself" change it to "i'm intelligent, have achieved...., am a good mum/daughter/etc...., people love me because" You get the picture.

Then start a diary. Each day can be sectioned into good and bad. Write down what makes you feel bad and try to wonder why. If you dont know why write down how it is making you feel. Then write down what you have achieved that day, what made you feel good and happy. When you need a boost look at the good things. Hopefully before long the bad feelings and thoughts will decrease and good ones will be confident and stronger. In time you will figure where ur negative energy originates from and why and you wont feel the need to question life because nobody has those answers really. Instead you will learn to love life and live. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

2007-06-14 14:35:10 · answer #1 · answered by vanessa 3 · 1 0

I will help. The meaning of life is helping other people. So put down your alcohol and go out and help someone have a better life. Help someone who is having a time of it. Offer your help to someone who needs laundry done or groceries gotten - actually, anything at all will qualify, if it helps someone else. Then, when you have done that, be by yourself for a little bit and reflect if that did not make you feel pretty good about who you are. The alcohol thing costs money and will harm you rather badly if you keep it up. I know of what I speak, and I gave up drinking as a coping mechanism over twenty years ago. Smartest thing I ever did was to stop drinking. I was able to get my life back on track again. So - help someone else and reconsider the drinking as a way to deal with anything. The minute you start helping others, your life will take on meaning, and your self-esteem will return and you will look at the alcohol and feel awful and pour it down the sink, I hope, like I did.

2007-06-14 14:16:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You sound as if you are suffering from depression. Unfortunately,serious issues such as the meaning of life and our very existence only compound the problem. I must point out that alcohol will compound the matter even further, especially when the hangovers take over the next day.You begin to feel sad all over again. It's a vicious cycle I'm afraid.You need to set small goals for yourself over a period of time. Think about things you 'd like to do and have a go and see what happens. Walking, reading something interesting or just trying to make new friends or catching up with old ones. My last piece of advice to you - and it's the most important - Go and have a chat with a kind and trusting counsellor where you can explore these issues fully. Take care of yourself. God bless.

2007-06-14 15:05:22 · answer #3 · answered by Emerald Book Reviews 6 · 0 0

If it's that serious I suggest seeing a doctor. Try not to think about stuff like that if it gets you down. It is what it is, worrying about it isn't going to help you.

What you've added is a little worrying, you're describing not only a change in the way you think but also a change in your personality. The same thing happened to me about five years ago. For me it was brought on by regular drug use and heavy drinking. If you smoke hash or weed, take ecstacy, cocaine or acid stop. You're going to feel like s hit untill you sort your head out and you won't be able to do that until all that stuff is out of your system. Also stop drinking, it doesn't help, it makes it worse. You have to get completely sober otherwise these problems won't go away. Go to a doctor if you think you need to. Tell your close friends what you are doing and why and hopefully they will help you.

Once you are sober you need to re-evalute the things you're doing and the way you are thinking. It took me about three years to get my head completely straight, I now know that if someone were to offer me any of the drugs I've mentioned that I wouldn't take them now, I'm just too scared I might go completely mad. I hardly ever drink anymore, just the occasional pint and in all honesty I feel much better about myself than I did when I was getting high or drunk. I was by no means an addict or alchoholic but the nights I was taking this stuff, I would take allot.

Depression is a natural part of being alive but it shouldn't be ruining your life. I hope you find a way to be happy.

2007-06-14 14:12:24 · answer #4 · answered by mkultra 4 · 1 0

Feeling the same way as you don't give up just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Just when my life gets going their is something that always comes up. For a long time my thinking was my life really was just a joke but after looking for and finding out most peoples lifes are the same as mind then my thinking changed to always find something good in my day,month and then a year it works and yes you are going to have a really bad days but their are more good than bad days so keep trying never give up and smile and then laugh at yourself it does wonders. Drinking was my out for a long time yes it works for a while but then it just seems to make my thinking worse and made me feel depressed about everthing. If you can stop or slow down it will help clear your thoughts . I hope this helps and remember life is worth it and you are important hope this helps just some thoughs from someone that has been their and been in your shoes.
Take care of yourself and the rest will fall in to place....

2007-06-15 00:02:29 · answer #5 · answered by yellowdog61_us 1 · 0 0

I really need to get to bed, so will make yours the last one...I'm putting off Friday. :)
I've contemplated the meaning of life a lot myself, and there are times when nothing adds up, but I've come to several conclusions. It also helped exploring spirituality, not because I don't think there isn't something in it somewhere, but I can't help feeling how commercial it all is. I think when I realised that I wanted to stop exploring at cost and I think everything you need is already within you.

I don't follow a religion as such, I have my initial programming from younger days, which is imbedded, you cannot do anything because that is so deep, but I don't go to the point religions do. I think this world should be about helping people if you can, at cost (on occasions) and if you can without damage to yourself. Maybe there is something more, but I will find out for myself, not have people tell me what it is.

I think you can spend too much energy in contemplating and it isn't good. At the end of the day if there is a God that is loving etc then if you do the best you can when you can, how can he fault you. If he isn't then there isn't much you can do, you have no power to fight. Worrying won't change anything.
Nor will quoting riddles and numbers from a certain book.

Doing is what is important.

I wouldn't go to alchoholism for the meaning of life, surely you're better than that? Life is about experience and learning and passing that on. You have the choice whether to experience a fun life or an alchohol driven one. It's up to you.

If you think about the negative then that is what you will get in your life. Focus your energy on where you want to be.

I work in telesales and in order to succeed I have had to reframe and not allow people to change my mood. I've also made an album of 20 songs tonight that reflect it. I have to change how I look at things and laugh at them for being so sad, not allow them to upset, by laughing at me. They don't know me and I don't care what they think of me!

2007-06-14 15:29:49 · answer #6 · answered by The Mole 4 · 0 0

Relax and take some time off at the park or somwhere else. Just remember that your life is bad, there are millions of people who live in worse conditions than you. Life have countless meanings and it is up to us to set a goal in life. I personally belief that my goal in life is to benefit the universe with everthing I can offer while I'm still alive. You can help others, and that makes us feel happy and worth living. Alcohol is good for you, just take it once in a while doesn't matter but taking it too much might harm you. Everything in this world serves a purpose and so do we. Although we cannot understand why humans exists we should understand that helping others, human, animals, plants or anything else is essential. Objects might look inanimate, but they have feelings too. If we helped other beings, we will live a better life in our next lives. Read this http://redox.5gbfree.com/

2007-06-14 14:27:39 · answer #7 · answered by Albert 4 · 0 0

You sound like a philosophy major in university. Most sit around drink and talk about bull. Yes, it is bull. What does it matter that it doesn't matter? You're here now or are you? Well, at least you think you are. Go on that. If you can't, perhaps you are suffering from some sort of depression and no I don't neccesarily mean clinical depression. Feeling like nothing matters is different than knowing nothing matters. See a therapist.

2007-06-14 14:11:08 · answer #8 · answered by qwertatious 4 · 0 0

'Meaning' isn't something out there which you can look for and find out. If you're looking for some cookie-cutter instant meaning, you're out of luck. What you find won't satisfy you. The thing is, there isn't any meaning except that you make for yourself in your relationship to the world around you. That's a hard job, and only you can do it.

Get off your a** and give a f**k. You must care about something, right? For lack of anything else, dedicate yourself to that. If being the best suicidal drunk Existentialist in town is your calling, then do that.

Dedicate yourself to it like your life depended on it. Why? Because it surely does.

Not to jump the gun on you, but after enough of caring for something you'll start to see how you're connected to everything else around you. Life's going to open up. Just a word of caution, friend: Be ready for it.

2007-06-14 14:41:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can you describe a rainbow without colors? So you cannot describe life without meaning either. Life is replete with meaning. Everything you do counts. Every word you speak has is effect. Every thought that enters your mind lives eternally.

Your soul is the sum product of everything you do, every word you speak, and every thought that enters your mind. There is no such thing as a wasted prayer, or a fruitless love. Therefore take heed about how you nurture your soul. Seek truth, practice love and relish everything in this world that is beautiful.

2007-06-15 04:03:22 · answer #10 · answered by Dr. D 7 · 0 0

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