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16 answers

Here's a testimony:

"Praise the Lord! My name is Dolo Sono. I grew up in an area where nobody had ever heard of Jesus Christ, not even once in our lives. My fathers worshipped the spirits for countless centuries, and they encouraged me to follow them and become a priest of the Donyi-Polo (Sun-moon) religion. We didn’t know who the Creator was, so my tribe had no option but to worship His creation. We considered the sun and the moon our father and mother, giving sustenance and light to us.

My son developed a blood disease. He suffered terrible pain as his condition worsened over time. My wife and I could hardly stand to see the pain he was in. I called on the spirits to help, but he only grew worse. I visited other priests and asked them to pray for my son, but the more they prayed, the worse he became. Then, like a dagger through my heart, my precious son died. I was grief-stricken, and wept uncontrollably as I stared at my little boy’s lifeless body. I didn’t realize it at the time, but a Christian lived in a nearby village. When news spread that the Donyi-Polo priest’s son had died, the Christian came to my house and asked if he could pray for my son, who had been dead for four hours already. I didn’t see any harm in letting the follower of Jesus pray for him. He started to pray, and a short time later my boy suddenly came back to life! He sat up and was fine.

We later found that he was also completely healed from the blood disease that had caused him so much suffering! As you might imagine, when news of this great miracle circulated, everyone was amazed and rushed to our home to see my son for themselves. I didn’t know anything about Jesus, but from that moment I knew that He alone was the true God, and I decided I would serve Him for the rest of my life. The first thing I did was search for other Christians. I thought they must be really special and powerful people, because they followed the true and all-powerful God who has the power to bring the dead back to life and change people’s hearts on the inside. After searching far and wide, I was shocked to discover that there was just one church in my entire region, with only eleven people in it.

The eleven Christians were weak and persecuted. They met in a small, run-down building. I found this really sad. My own temple where I had served as a priest was beautifully decorated by comparison. I could scarcely believe that the followers of Jesus were so crushed and timid even though they possessed the Truth. My forefathers had followed Satan for centuries without any light from God. Those who followed lies were much larger in number than those who followed the Truth. This was wrong, and I decided to do something about it. From that day onwards I determined to help God’s Church grow.

From the day God raised my son from the dead, I started telling people about Jesus. This was the least I could do. I thought everyone would be excited to hear about Jesus, but I soon found that it made people angry. My own parents and family threatened to disown me if I continued to follow Jesus. I told them I must follow Him, because He is real and he raised my son from the dead! I started preaching everywhere I could, walking from village to village and encouraging people to abandon the false worship of our forefathers and to stop bowing down to the sun and moon. I didn’t know anything about the Bible, but I boldly testified to what had happened, and that Jesus alone was true and powerful. A short time later someone told me there were many Christians in Nagaland, a state south of Arunachal Pradesh. This news excited me, so I caught a bus there and met with many true believers in the Lord. Almost the whole of Nagaland was Christian, and I was greatly encouraged. I returned home with more Bible knowledge, and could better explain the gospel to people.

The tribes of Arunachal Pradesh have worshipped spirits and demons since the beginning of time. The only other religion that people respect is Buddhism, which came from Tibet many centuries ago. As I continued to preach about Jesus, I experienced many attacks and problems. People thought my conversion to Christianity had brought great disgrace on my ancestors, especially because I had been a priest. I was beaten on many occasions, and attacked with swords and spears, but God preserved my life, and there were always a few people interested in listening to my message. Jesus helped me so much in those early years. Once I visited some villages for the first time and found that God had prepared the people by giving them dreams in advance of my arrival. Because of this, the people were kind to me and listened to the Good News I had come to share. I believed everything the Bible said. I read that Jesus told his disciples to only take one coat with them when they went out to preach, so I only wore one shirt until it was filthy and covered with lice. The years went by and I was so glad that many more people in my tribe and other tribes started to follow Jesus too. In many places I saw people healed by the Lord and delivered from demons. Hundreds of people believed in God. In each place where people decided to follow Jesus, we organized small house groups for them to meet together in.

A strange thing happened right at the time when God was moving so powerfully and saving many people. Other Christian leaders started to attack me and tried to stop me preaching. They said I was not qualified to preach, because I had never been to a seminary. I told them it was a shame I didn’t fit into their mould, but that there was no way I could stop preaching because Jesus was in my heart and He must come out! This only seemed to make these religious people angrier and they even traveled around different villages, telling lies about me and warning people not to listen to me. People in many places turned against me and refused to welcome me. God encouraged me from the Bible, as I read how many of His children in other times had experienced similar opposition from those who claim to be His followers. Jesus was always attacked by the Pharisees, and I realized that there were many people like Pharisees operating in Arunachal Pradesh. I wept many times because of the lies being spread and the great opposition. I became depressed. Then one night I had a dream where I heard a voice saying, "Dolo Sono, I have called you to preach. Get up and preach!" I replied, "But no churches want me any more. The religious people have told the unbelievers not to listen to me. What is the point?" I then heard the Lord say, "God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble."

After this dream I knew that I could no longer bow to the threats and intimidation. I read in the Bible that if God is with me, who can be against me? I obeyed the Lord and started preaching again, and God helped me and opened many doors and opportunities. In many villages, people who had worshipped the sun and moon were saved and Jesus entered their hearts. For years now I have been travelling all over Arunachal Pradesh. People know me as the former Donyi-Polo priest who found the true Way. By the power and grace of the Living God we now have more than 60 fellowships, and more people are meeting Jesus all the time. Please pray for our state, and the 60 tribes who live in it. Please pray that everyone in Arunachal Pradesh would soon love Jesus. Thank you and God bless you!"

2007-06-14 13:28:03 · answer #1 · answered by wefmeister 7 · 1 0

Well, I am not a pentecostal...but however I had a huge mass in my chest that was wrapped around my major blood vessels, and they said that it would grow more and close off all the blood to my lung (a bad thing) and also if they tried to cut it out, I would not make it out of the operating room. Things were bad, I got second, third, and fourth opinions at the best medical centers in the country. Nobody could help. I prayed about it, and people prayed for me. Yes, you can see on the cat scan how it went away completely. I still have the cat scans. It is extremely impressive. The "falling out" is NOT being pushed. I have seen it, and yes, I know people who do it. HOWEVER>>>>Healing is NOT something that a certain person like a TV preacher or healer can "DO" in a healing show. That is fake. However, the power of prayer is very real. God does not always answer with healing. I mean, God did not heal the apostle Paul after he prayed three times for healing! So there is more to it. God heals. Prayer is real. However, a "healing session" is not how God works, He works in mysterious ways, not in show business ways. Anyway, that is my personal experience and belief.

2016-05-20 22:42:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

This question wasn't directed at me, but I'll answer it anyway.

I believe in miracles and healing only in World of Warcraft. This is because my friend who plays is a priest and says his healing powers come in very handy.

In the real world, of course not... that would be retarded. Ever notice how god only "cures" things that have a chance to go away naturally on their own anyway? How about that god has never once regrown a limb, helped a cripple, repaired someone's irreperable spinal chord, and so on. If god actually existed (which he most probably doesn't), he must really hate amputees.

2007-06-14 13:26:48 · answer #3 · answered by Mike K 5 · 0 0

There are many similarities between the laying on of hands healing Jesus did and the practice of Reiki. One important similarity is the fact that Jesus could pass the power to heal on to others which is similar to the Reiki attunement process. We read in Luke 9:1-2 that Jesus gave his twelve disciples power to drive out all demons and to cure diseases. We do not know by what process Jesus gave healing power to his disciples, but the fact that he was able to pass it on to them indicates an important similarity with Reiki. It is not known whether Jesus was born with the ability to heal through touch or if this was something he acquired. His activities between age twelve and thirty are not mentioned in the Bible. It has been suggested by several researchers that during this time Jesus traveled to the East and was schooled in many of the mystical teachings of India, Tibet and China. If this is so, it is possible that Jesus was initiated into a healing technique, during this time. John 14-12: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me, can do the same miracles I have done, and even greater things than these will you do."

And with that anyone can learn Reiki and anyone can heal with their hands and therefore create a miricle : )

Love & Blessings

2007-06-14 13:30:15 · answer #4 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

Do you mean healing by God, or humans? God heals. He also heals through humans such as doctors. Maybe, still studying about both. Some say, when the apostolic age disappeared, apostolic miracles and healing did also. There is too much emphasis on miracles and healing instead of worshipping God, tithing, reading and studying the Bible, and helping your neighbors.

2007-06-14 13:28:30 · answer #5 · answered by Bruce7 4 · 0 0

Jesus did and still does it now. It just depends on how God wants these things to occur. He doesn't appear to everyone, or give everyone the gift of healing. If there is someone in your life that needs a miracle, pray for them with trust and love to God. Accept whatever God sends out to you. Faith is required for a miracle.

P. S. If you want to find out about a series of miraculous visions and an amazing message related to this have a look here.

2007-06-14 13:41:22 · answer #6 · answered by Elisha 3 · 0 0

Oh yeah. I was healed when I was real young. I was given a slim chance of survival from a disease and God worked a miracle. Here I am today.

2007-06-14 13:30:10 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes, my wife survived a number of critical situations
1) Septic Shock/DIC/ARDS/Full system failure - she is one of 2 people to survive.
She made a complete recovery
2) She had a situation where she quit breathing, her heart quit beating, and later her her heart started again. I have a scan of the hear monitor tape if you don't believe me.

She eventually died later of something unrelated.

I have experienced miracles of healing myself.

I have plenty of witnesses and medical proof also.

2007-06-14 13:27:25 · answer #8 · answered by on_the_move4ever 3 · 0 0

yes. go to a small church and attend some Bible study classes or group classes and a lot of the time people will open up about the miracles that God has done for them or to them.

2007-06-14 13:23:13 · answer #9 · answered by clhes 1 · 0 0

Yes God has healed my body before and it was a super natural experience to it was something to behold to and feel.

2007-06-14 13:25:33 · answer #10 · answered by Fisherofmen 4 · 0 0

Absolutely, My wife had a hysterectomy about 10 years ago. Some time ater she was experiencing much abdominal pain and bloating. An ultrasound revealed that she had 7 tumors growing inside and surgery was indicated. The Sunday before her surgery was to be performed we annointed her , layed hands on her and prayed for healing from God in our church. This was done in accordance to James 5:14-15

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

On the day of surgery, we went into the hospital and asked for another ultrasound before the operation. Although they were reluctant to do so another uiltrasound was done. the new ultrasound revealed that all 7 tumors were completely gone. The Doctors were scratchinmg ttheir heads, they put the old ultrasound pictures up right next to the new ones
and declared that no surgery was now, needed because somehow the 7 tumors had disappeared. it was a miracle of healing by the LORD. Halleluia. Do we believe in healing? Indeed we do.

Now here is another miracle that happened to me.I was out building a hot wire fence for a temporary day pen for our horses and I needed to get the juice from the east end of my 72 foot long barn to the west end. I decided to run a wire thru the eave rafters by drilling holes in them and threading the wire thru the holes . I had purchased 2 spools of insulated alum. wire that said on each package ( 64.5 feet ) . I had already used one spool to go under some gates and from the power source to the east end of the barn. Now I actually needed exactly 82 feet of wire because I needed about 5 feet on each end of the barn to reach from the barn eave rafters down to the hot wire that was about waist high. So as I was stretching that spoll that said there was only 64.5 feet on it and knowing it was gonna be 17.5 feet short. I started to pray out loud . I said. Lord, you know that I've been to town 3 times already for this job. I said, Lord, I know you have the power to do anything, because the good book says that nothing shall be impossible with God. Lord could you just stretch this here wire for me so I wont have to go to town again ? Well thats exactly what I said. I was just talking out loud in a conversational voice and to tell you the truth I did not expect God to answer that prayer because I had never prayed for material things like that before. When I got about 3/4 of the way across the barn I noticed that I should have been getting close to being out of wire, but i wasnt. I just kept on threading it thru the holes and my hands started shaking when I got towards the end because I knew something had happened . By the time I got to the end of the barn I had exactly 5 feet left to go down to the hot wire. I was so excited that I started shouting out to the Lord my thank yous. That wire was exactly 82 feet long. All I had to do was strip off the insulation and splice it to the hot wire . God answered my prayer by stretching that wire 17.5 feet while it was in my hands . Halleluia! It was a miracle. I got down on my knees in the barn dirt and praised my God for all I was worth. I want you to know that God answers prayers. Not all of them, but the ones he wants to. He has very good reasons for which ones he does and which ones he doesnt. I dont know why he answerwed mine , but I think it was something on this wise. There He was , God and creator of all the universe sitting up there in heaven on his throne surrounded by some of his angels and they were looking down at me stretching that wire. And God says to the angels , "You hear what this guy is asking for ? This guy believes I can stretch that wire. Lets give it to him and knock his socks off!!" And He did. Do we believe in
miracles? indeed we do! God Bless Cap'n Arlo

2007-06-14 13:43:55 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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